The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

What do you mean? That is a variation. It would be like me being able to select my forest troll skin.

It is, you think it’s ok to have multiple playable variations of Trolls, but it’s not fine to have multiple playable variations of High Elves, you are applying different judgments to the same situation.


One of the appeals of the High Elves is the fact that they are in the Alliance


Sure it is:

Elf with yellow eyes
Elf with green eyes
Elf with blue eyes

Troll with green skin
Troll with white skin
Troll with brown skin

You see? What are you misunderstanding?

OH if you want to play Alliance and be a High Elf, then play a Void Elf.

I’m not a High Elf

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I know, you’re a human being.

Then can we have our Elf with Blue eyes and fair skin?

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I do not understand the question.

“If you want to play Horde and be a Night Elf, then play a Nightborne.”

That’s you. That’s what you sound like.


Night Elves are not on the Horde, so that’s weird. If you want to play a Nightborne, then play Horde is how I sound right now.

As you said, Elf with blue eyes, can we have it? But without the pale blue skin, hair tentacles and Blood Elf past history?

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You are asking if you can have Blood Elves on the Alliance? lol

No, i’m asking to play one of those High Elves that are already part of the Alliance


The unfortunate part of trolling is that at a high enough level it seems like sincerity.

They’re just trolls.

It doesn’t take any higher level of thinking to differentiate a High Elf from a Blood Elf… and the Suramar cutscene should wipe that out in a minute.

They’re not roleplaying either because you can track their other posts. it isn’t like they’re in character.

Ion gaffed really hard with his explanation. So Trolls can essentially use that to try and justify a trollish opinion. Ion pretty explicitly says Blood Elves are a type of High Elf… and like I said. It doesn’t take any higher level of cognitive processing to parse that.

Unless the troll in question is 6 or 7 years old in the Pre-operational stage of cognitive development then telling a High Elf and a Blood Elf apart is elementary.

At 6 or 7 until 12 or 13 the Concrete Operational Stage kicks in. At that point your brain is sufficiently developed to tell a Blood Elf and a High Elf apart.

Abstract reasoning kicks in at 12 or 13 and they’d be more than logically capable of understanding the differences.

My recommendation is if they’re trolling, then just meet them at that 6 or 7 year old level and offer to teach them. They aren’t being sincere so they can at least be embarrassed.

We’ll make some pictures for them. Maybe some sound files.

The Blood Elf Goes: For the Horde!
The High Elf Goes: For the Alliance!


I already know that you are writing “Void Elves”, i’m talking about those that were in the Alliance before the Void Elves.


Yeah, you can, in fact you appear to be- they are the Void Elves. I am not sure if my autism is making this tough to understand. Is this an emotional thing, because logically, I already showed the reality. High Elves are Blood Elves and Void Elves.

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Sure they are. Didn’t you do the Darkshore warfront?

Your arguments are predictable.


Well, they should be. If you keep hearing the same answers, then it would be the definition of insanity to continue trying to get different ones simply because you do not like what reality is.