The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The one time I asked a group of Georgians if they were Russian because of their accent, and I’m good with Baltic accents.

They were real upset.

You are leaving out Undead Night Elves.

Here is said clip.


Well I’m leaving the thread, good luck to you all, I know that one day High Elves will be playable on the Alliance. However I want to leave while I still fully support the inclusion of High Elves, being accused of being an anti is starting to sway me. So I will cheer on the day Blizzard makes the announcement you all have been waiting for.


Sad. I didn’t notice them thinking you were an anti.

If you want to do the friend thing I can log onto draka. You’re a good person.


What happened?
Anyway i hope the best for you, thanks for everything!


I didn’t see it. =\

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I’m sorry to see you go. I’ve always appreciated your input and your perspective. Best of luck to you. :anguished:


I think I’m the one to be blamed for it, I was having a hot discussion with another player about how High Elves and Blood Elves handle their magic needs, and how it affect each group, then I’ve replied to some of her posts as well, but I never meant to be rude or even said she is like those who’re against High Elves.

Here’s the whole discussion:

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Just seems like miscommunication to me. Just a disagreement. But Izzy can be a bit sensitive.

Sorry you had to deal with that obtuse troll. Astrius, They’re having a lot of cognitive issues with the whole Blood Elves are High Elves bit. It’s obviously a troll strategy. But it can be grating.

I think a lot of ego is involved in the arguments of people like Astrius and other Blood Elf posters, how they think only the Blood Elves deserve to be the playable Thalassians, Blood Elves are the only legit High Elves, Blood Elves should be the only successors of the original High Elves, arguments in this line. The thing is, you can feel and realize how this kind of argumentation come mostly from personal interpretations of lore, and those interpretations are filled with egoistical feelings and self validation, maybe they are roleplaying too much in being Blood Elvish.

I don’t think they are just trolls at this point, they have their own concerns and opinions, i don’t see phrases like “Protecting the sanctity of the Blood Elves” or “We Blood Elves are the true High Elves” as trolling but more as problem of excess of ego.


Look here, I made a graphic to show how it works:


Spread the word! Share with your friends! High Elves are playable!

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Oh my, how stupid i am, all this time i could play a Wildhammer Dwarf and a Forest Troll, i’m going to play one right now!

Except the Stormwind Guards keep killing me and I can’t transmog my Silver Covenant Tabard.

In fact, I can’t use any of my Alliance transmog! What gives?


I wish we could play all the troll tribes! That would be awesome! And, it would be easy to implement:


Just like for people on this thread, all Blizzard needs to do is make a blue eyes option on the blood elves.

Oh if you don’t want the Alliance guards to kill you, play the Alliance High Elves- they are Void Elves.

“It would be awesome to have all tribes playable! They are all the same race but it would be cool anyway!”
“High Elves cannot be playable because they are the same race than Blood Elves and Void Elves!”

Double Standards


Oh wait. You’re another person who thinks blood elves = high elves.

I hate to tell you this but you’re…


It’s not a double standard, I said they can make a blue eyes option for Blood Elves.

“I support the implementation of playable variations of the same race as long as i agree with them!”