The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Leper gnomes are forsaken assistants. They work for the forsaken ergo the horde. Not that I want them to be playable since they don’t have a good color variety.

Allright, still this is not a valid comparison.

You know, I’ve been to Orgrimmar since Undercity got… plagued, and I don’t think they took any of their leper gnomes with them. :thinking:

I mean the Forsaken of Lordaeron were part of that alliance. They are the ones that brought the High elves into the Horde. SLyvanas being the high elf forsaken leader. She is now our Warchief as well. Our warchief is a high elf why wouldn’t they be horde xD

The blood elves (or sin’dorei , “children of the blood” in Thalassian) — are high elves who changed their name after the Scourge invasion of Quel’Thalas. Their new name is a dirge, referencing both the blood of their many brethren who fell during the Third War, and their royal lineage. --From Wowwiki

TLDR Blood elves no longer consider themselves High Elves.


Which is just a name change. They were still born high elves. As are the rendorei.

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It is more than “just a name change.” It is a major stepping stone of their people. It honors their fallen accepts their mistake and vows how they’re going to change as a people.

They are High elves no longer- they are Blood Elves. Sin’dorei.

That is what caused the schism between the two races- along with the draining of magic from creatures and demons, and forcibly “taking the light” creating the Blood Knights among other things.


The Draenei were born Eredar, but they are not Eredar.

South Sudanese were born Sudanese, but they are not Sudanese.

Our founding fathers were born British Citizens, they fought and lived and died as Americans.


Dang… that’s a fatality right there! How do you respond to that… it kinda makes sense! :dizzy_face:

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What are you talking about Leper Gnomes work in the Sin’dorei textile industry. We keep them in the basement with a Succubi that whips them into shape when they start slacking off…

Besides Alliance has a large group of High Elves that chose to remain with them. When Quel’thalas left after the end of the second war. These High Elves have never been a part of the Horde and never will be. These are the High Elves we are asking for.


Hard to believe after Legion’s Suramar cinematic and the addition of Void Elves that people are still arguing that Blood Elves are already the High Elves people want to play


Was gonna let my sub run out but I’m debating on staying for one more month just to get Zandalari unlocked. Horde just have it so much better with allied races whereas I just have no enthusiasm about playing my KT Druid anymore.

I think part of it has to do with Ion’s controversial statment about if you want to play a fair skinned elf the horde is waiting for you. I forget the exact quote. I’m pretty tired from being so social for so long.

Yeah, I’m gonna break for a while.

But it’s ok for Horde to poach our purple elves. :thinking:

I’ve actually been doing a lot of Horde max level content and found it amazing how they get so many Kul Tiras-themed assets in the war campaign, namely pirate allies, a risen tidesage. I think the only thing missing is something Drustvar-related but Alliance don’t get much in the way of that either.

It’s like if Alliance were getting dinosaur allies, which doesn’t exactly happen unless those void corrupted ones in that one assault count. Would have been cool if we parleyed with the exiles in Vol’dun for a base.


I think this is a deliberate change, thought. There was no shortage of people pointing it out in the PTR.

I could’ve sworn i heard a Dev say something along the lines that the may be adding pale skin and blue eyes to the Void Elf customization options to quasi give the Alliance High Elves. That a thing right, I’m not just making that up?

Leper gnomes have been featured ocasionally as assistants for forsaken apothecaries.

In the Drustvar invasion, there’s a rare mob quest to kill an apothecary that has a leper gnome companion.

It’s not clear if they are true leper gnomes or just undead gnomes using the “leper” skin.

They are rare. I think there’s like 3 or four of them in the entire game. But there’s also the leper gnome slaves in Silvermoon.

I don’t think there’s any demand for leper gnomes in the Horde, thought…


Kinda. When asked if void elves could get high elf customization, the answer was “It’s possible” and “do not give up hope”. No promises were made.


Do you consider the Taiwanese to be Chinese?

Some might agree with you, others would get very angry? They’re mostly Chinese in ethnolinguistic terms (they speak Mandarin), but they are more politically aligned with the United States in terms of policy than with Mainland China.

Try saying “Taiwanese are basically Chinese” in a group of Taiwanese people and I’ll visit you in hospital later on


That was Alex’s talk and it actually wasn’t a positive answer. He basically deflected and talked about Wildhammer Dwarves. I’ll grab the clip when I get home.