The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Oh. That’s kinda lame. :neutral_face:

OK, what I don’t understand is why High Elves, Ogres etc…Races who have been in most WC RTS series have not been added as playable race…this is a question I never seen being answer at any point…with the exception of that Q&A where Ion said that Blood Elves are High Elves, but I could not tell if he was joking or saying it as a Fact.

Does anyone know what makes a race eligible or not to Blizz developers/story team? :thinking:


I remember the Vindicaar’s reveal, I don’t remember them saying Exodar was still not flight capable. Maybe I was too dazzled by the cinematic at the time. I’ll have to go watch it again.

I think it’s a case of them being Magpies about their dev process. They go “Oooh shiny” and forget preexisting lore and races.


Rule of cool prevailed so far, if they are taking in feedback from the players for the future Allied Races we might, just might, get traditional races like High Elves, Wildhammer, Ogres and to some extent San’layn (they are in the game for more than 10 years already!)

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To be honest, they’re kinda inconsistent with their own rules. At first they were going with races with well established backstories and reasons for joining their factions. (Nightborne, Highmountain, Lightforged, Kul Tirans, Zandalari) Then they started going for “rule of cool” (Void Elves, Dark Iron, Mag’har)

Thats what I’ve been able to take out of it at least.

It’s before the cinematic. In Velen’s voice lines that unveil the Vindicaar, after you arrive in the Exodar.

In other words, the developers used the Allied Race system to implement the races they wanted instead of the races the community wants


They are already in the horde. 90% of high elves just got a name change to blood elves. The rest should join the 90%

Flag the troll and move on, people. No point in wasting your time.


But the 10% that split absolutely HATE the 90%. Ever been to Dalaran? Ever met the Silver Covenant? They’re staunchly loyal to the Alliance and strongly oppose the Horde and nearly everything they stand for.

Look up the story “In the Shadow of the Sun” and find out what happens when the blood elves ask for the High Elves to “come back.”


Don’t move away from the topic, we are not talking about Blood Elves. The High Elves refused to join the “90%” in the past and don’t pretend to do so in the future. They chose to remain loyal to the Alliance and protect the little they have instead of being lackeys for Sylvanas.

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I think this is another case of them forgetting what they established before accidentally retconning stuff. They really should have a game historian to proofread their the scripts.

I kind of suspect during the team meeting discussing Allied Races they handed High Elves to the intern to create the in game art. When he turned in his work, the art director was like what the heck is this, I said High Elves. The intern says these are Void Elves, they are High Elves except dark and edgy. The art director then looked at the due date, sighed, and hit the submit button to the PTR.

I mean by that logic horde should get humans and leper gnomes. Cause we have some of them on horde.

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Interesting, funny I was so sure San’layn/High Elves was going to come live I dug out my Blood Elf lv 100 Warlock from my Deleted Graveyard to race change him. To me it feel like the Blizz Devs Team where brainstorming about this and thought or said: Hmmm, Vampire Elves and High Elves… Here is an Idea lets mix the 2 and what is more vampiric than undead? The Void! OH that be a great idea now that the Blood Elves have a Light Touch Sun Well! Yeah lets go with that, we will think of a story along the way! :sweat_smile:

Another things does anyone know why we don’t see barely any Blood Elves on this Faction War active… and whats the deal with all these Elven/(Nathanos too) red eye new undead Sylvanaa has been racing because one was a Warden and the other was I think a Hunter…in that Dark Shore Senario of the Nigh Warrior. Can’t seem to figure out whats going on I even started playing a Void Elf to find out more of the story to see if I can piece it together, but no such luck…sigh* :man_shrugging:t2:

I thought the read eye undead where the Dark Rangers theme, like how it is with DK ice blue ghostly eyes? :thinking:

I don’t ever remember seeing leper gnomes on The Horde. I have seen human pirates sign up though. If either were executed well enough I would be cool with it. But it would need some darn good writing to establish it to come close to the decades of history that High Elves have with The Alliance.


The Fogsail Humans, why not. But then don’t compare a bunch of enslaved Gnomes in Silvermoon to a race that was the official representative of the Alliance in Dalaran and in the Argent Tournament during Wrath of the Lich King, the main Alliance force in the Isle of Thunder during Mists of Pandaria, and a important part of the Hunter Class Hall Campaign and the Suramar events during Legion.
In the RTS games they were part of the Alliance faction, way before the Blood Elves joined the Horde, and by the way Blood Elves are not High Elves, otherwise they would be at least named that way wouldn’t they?
I’m fine with Fogsail Humans as a Allied Race with piratey customization, even though their contributuin to the Horde and their time within it cannot even be compared with the High Elves in the Alliance.

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I recall some Leper Gnomes in Undercity helping out with experiments… but I never stayed there for long since being there made me ill.

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WoW Gaming Confession: When I rolled my first Horde character it was a Blood Elf Rogue. But when I created her I really wished she was a High Elf instead. She had been long gone by the time Void Elves were released, but Void Elves gave me a chance to recreate her as a member of The Alliance with a little bit of personal RP of her leaving The Horde to follow Umbric. But if given the chance I think I would have preferred recreating her as a High Elf.