The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Hello, so i understand some people get stuffed out of Elves, but there are two things i want to address:

First is that Elves although common and diverse in World of Warcraft aren’t over-represented in the story the same way Orcs and Humans are, Humans probably got more screentime than all Elf races combined. In terms of number of playable Elf variations, there are lots of playable Elves because there are a ton of types of Elves in the Universe, in the contrary other races didn’t have that much variations, with the exception of Trolls and Dwarves.

Second point is more dedicated to tranquilize people, out of all the unplayable Elf types, High Elves and San’layn are the only ones requested to be playable, so if they, in a hypothetical future, became a pair of Allied Races, they are going to be the last ones, after that, no more elves! (i suppose)


I’m for all of these.

but then again I’m all for most of the seeded races being playable. Ogres, Forest Trolls, Undead Elves (Banshees? I’m game tbh). San’layn. Wildhammer Dwarves. Vulpera. Hozen. Jinyu. Sethrak. Vrykul.

Hell if they can make Arrakoa look respectable and fit how gear works, then add them to the list too. Gimme all the minor races tbh.


Even so, i think that could be shocking for the anti-elven people (and maybe also we could earn the hate of some neutral people… just guessing).
I propose this for the next expansion:
At the launch have playables High Elves in the Alliance, and a playable “some non-elven race”.
Then, at 9.2, add the second wave of races, as Blizz did in BFA with Zandalaris and Kul Tirans. Let’s say “some non-elven race” in the Alliance, and San Layns at the Horde.
In this ways, will be adding those elven races in a more gradually way, and people who dislike elven races will not feel that Blizz it’s inunding the game with elvens.




I just want it to be like 'today we’re announcing the next major content patch for World of Warcraft: ELVES! ELVES! ELVES!



Wasn’t that last years April Fools prank?

It was glorious.

I mean, it was pretty funny… but I think a lot of people hated it as they really DID feel like Blizzard was taking the game in that direction.

I can kinda sympathize. We WERE fresh off the heels of an ORC ORC ORC expansion.

And purchasing your first 3 elven races you’ll get a free elven children as pet, so the people will know that elvens are breeding like rabbits and soon will be there more elvens than murlocs!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Eh, each to their own. I mean, I’ve found a lot of the people that complain about too many Elves are also the types that feel like Orcs are underrepresented.

So I think you can really boil most of it down to ‘players want to see more of the stuff they themselves like’.

Except for gnomes, that is. When they complain about lack of representation it’s actually pretty valid.


Like I said, fresh off the heels of the biggest fanservice Horde fanboys could want with an expansion with almost NOTHING but Orcs and their heroes.

Oof. Yeah. Poor, Gnomes. I really do feel sorry for them. I really like Gnomes a lot. They’re so much fun to be around, and SO underused.

The thought of giving them a “junker” allied race when their core race is so… mistreated is just wrong in my opinion.

and it is honestly pretty funny when all we gnome fans are asking for is to have gnomeregan.

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You want Gnomeregan? Wouldn’t you rather have a pet battle dungeon instead?


I mean, WoW in general is kind of lacking in the cities department anyway. It’s a bit weird how theres…what, four, five major cities on all of Azeroth now?

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Well for the Alliance we have Stormwind, Ironforge, and The Exodar.

And on the Horde we have Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, and Silvermoon. Technically Suramar but its still hostile for questing purposes.

Neutral cities are Dalaran and Shattrath. (If you want to count Outland) I don’t think the Shrines in Pandaria count.

Canonically Darnassus and Undercity are gone.

Uh… any that I missed? I was mostly going for the big ones.

Oh right, I forgot about the Exodar. I don’t really count that since it’s a crashed spaceship that just happens to have some city services. >.>

I didn’t count Shattrath since i mentioned Azeroth specifically. (side note: I do miss Outland sorely, and I’d love for an expansion to go back there someday)

I think most people would like to forget the Exodar. It is an extremely confusing place- they should have thought it out better.

I figured, but I just wanted to double check just in case. I wonder how things have changed there in the years we’ve been adventuring?

So, thats seven major cities. Eight if you count Suramar. Ten if you want to count a burnt tree stump and a plagued wasteland.

I’m in favor of the mag’har invading the Myst Isles, expelling the draenei and making a little Draenor there. They colapse the Exodar, seal off its entrances and make the crystal mountain a monument to celebrate their victory and remembrance of Oshu’gun. Amem Vale is turned into the mag’har capital, Gromashar.

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Who knows what will happen. But if the Silvermoon idea truly has been shelved, it seems unlikely that they’ll do anything with the Exodar.

It’s really hard to know where things are going to go at this point.

Leave those poor Draenei alone. They’ve been through enough.