The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Where is your confusion?

Watch the feature I linked and it shows Alliance consuming ALL of Eastern Kingdoms. Same with Horde and Kalimdor.

The last bastions are supposed to function like Ashran does. One safe hub, in an otherwise hostile environment and that IS what BfA will be shaped into.

Do you think that blizzard made WM function the way it does (Needing a capital city to turn it on), because you might have to travel 20 miles in both ways- to even get to a capital city? No. It was created with end game in mind. Where I step out of “my only remaining capital city” (Silvermoon) and into a hostile, pvp/war environment. Pve is not going to be the focus on end game and you are delusional if you think it is. There will be pve (mostly to finish up the remaining story line) but the main focus is going to be Pvp from there on out. There isn’t going to be “Kill old gods and everything goes back to normal”.

As if ALL of the MOBA features aren’t proof enough of that already.

But- I have already told you what blizzard said about the last bastions, showed you the BfA features and you still refuse to believe it. Because you have it in your mind that Wow is not going into a war/battle/pvp direction and that’s on you. I would just hate to be you when the reality hits.

Fun with analogies time!

Saying High Elves are Blood Elves is like saying the Sudanese are South Sudanese. They may be ethnically identical and from the same nation at one point, but they are now 2 very different political entities that have very real implications to the relationships they have with other nations.


The Maghar don’t have a capital. They’re just hanging out in the streets of Orgrimmar.


Try a better example. Mag’har do not have the ability to return to their time line, so they have no choice but to shack up with the Horde in their own capital cities. The same would apply if we lost all but one capital city. Most races (if they do not have their own, which they won’t) will have to shack up in Silvermoon. But Mag’har are an exception. They didn’t have one to start with.

Hey, I’m not the one that said:

It’s working for the Maghar.


Same can be said about the Velves but that isn’t what I said. I said that we need at least ONE capital city, as Horde. You can not leave a faction with NO capital cities. Even if mag’har came from an alternate version of Draenor, they can’t go back anyway. So Org. is officially their home city.

You know Warmode can only be turned on in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, right? Not any capital city. No one goes all the way to Silvermoon or Exodar to turn it on. Because, first of all, that’s not how Warmode works.

People don’t even go to Exodar or Silvermoon unless for roleplaying. Those cities serve no in-game function aside from low-level play (and their destruction wouldn’t affect low level players). They aren’t even the quickest way to reach the other continent (the portals to Tirisfal/Darkshore or Cataclysm zones are).

So, try a better excuse. Those cities do not work for warmode, they do not work as convenient hubs near end-game areas, they do not work as important travel hubs to reach far off places, they’re pretty much eye candy nowadays. They can be both destroyed without any major impact to gameplay, but it would be a huge impact in lore. And that’s why it’s an interesting idea to attack them.


Alright, well. Believe what you want.

Horde will not be losing Silvermoon, Alliance will not be losing Exodar and both continents will be wiped out by war. Those are facts. See you at end game.


Already posted the BfA features THAT SHOWS IT happening (wiping out of the continents). This was shown over a year ago.

Oh and I found part of it.

There will be story involving them but that’s as far as it will go.

I will get the rest in a bit.

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Let’s not forget those Warfronts were discovered early in the expansion, before warfronts came into the game and had their reputation that’s bad enough they’re rejigging the extant ones

So it may have been a plan originally, but probably has been scrapped given we’ve seen no life from it since

Yes that is the current status quo. But things can change.

Due to the fact that things can change the above statement is purely conjecture. You can state as fact, that Silvermoon and Exodar are currently not lost. You can state as fact, as far as we know Silvermoon and Exodar will not be lost. But stating they “will not” be lost speaks forward to a point to assert that change is not possible. Which is distinctly false, change is always possible. The fact that there are plans to utilize them also means they are put at risk in the lore. Risk comes with it a possibility of change. Stating they will not be lost is speculation.

You can be absolutely certain of what you think, Silvermoon and Exodar will not be lost, but that does not mean you are right, nor does it mean you are wrong. It just means it’s not fact. It is fact that as much as we know of the expansion those cities will maintain the status quo. But as the story progresses change can happen and it might be prudent that the devs don’t leak events that may happen at the end of the expansion, seeing how poorly it was received when Metzen leaked Garrosh being the final raid boss of MoP.

Now a valid argument could be made that it’s improbable that Silvermoon and Exodar will be lost as it would require a rework of an already instanced area of the world map thus complicating things. You could argue that due to developer statements it’s improbable. But the developer statements cover a scope of the ongoing conflict, not the scope of it’s finale. But “will not be lost” is not fact.


Yeah, because Blizzard would spoil the end of the story before the expansion was even out…

I wonder how would you react to people saying kul tirans would be playable. “Lol, it’s a fact they won’t be. The trailer clearly shows six allied races and kul tirans are not among them.”

Or someone suggesting Alliance attacks Dazar’alor in the raid after Uldir. “Lol, it’s a fact that the next raid tier is Azshara. <links panel with dev saying Azshara is the new Gul’dan>. There’s already a raid in a Horde city, Blizzard won’t repeat it.”

Or the Darkshore warfront? “Lol, it’s known for a fact that Horde conquers that area! Blizzard said so, only Exodar remains in Kalimdor. The trailer even shows Kalimdor entirely red! Face it, Alliance, you lost it. You are not going back!”


High Elves should ideally go in a different direction than Silvermoon. I feel like their storyline has left the city behind as much of the High Elves today are found in militant communities of rangers.

Then again, I’d be hype if they gave us OG High Elves, I.E. took the storyline from Return of the Highborne in Cata and took the classic High Elf model, made it more Night Elf color wise and gave it some Well of Eternity inspired armor and made the Shen’drelar a choice for the Alliance. It might sooth some anger over the Nightborne thing since the Shen’drelar literally are also Quel’dorei, and it’d draw on a largely unfinished storyline from Cata.


Highborne are totally different people than High Elves, there are name confusions but they are not much related, the Thalassians are exiles who went to the Eastern Kingdoms while the Shen’dralar remained in Kalimdor secluded in their city, i wish they became a playable race some day, even before High Elves why not, but not as a substitute for High Elves, Shen’dralar are not the High Elves we discuss here.


Hi, i came in the middle of a debate like a wrecking ball, sorry for that.
But i want to put on the table a subject that i don’t know if were talked: If the Aliance gets High Elves, we must tink what the Horde will get in return.

Mi first candidate for this will be ogres. The playbale ogres should be not so big like the npc ogres, otherwise will be a race hard to play for several reasons (can’t enter in some places, all mounts will look ridicuolous on them, and so on). They should have the same size tha taurens have, maybe a litle more… but just maybe. Also ogres are part of the Horde since the first Horde crossed the dark Portal, and they fit very well with the barbarian and brutal theme of the classic Horde.

Second candidate, it’s a very reasoable idea, they were there since Warcraft 3: Undead Elves. But the problem will be that will adding another elven race, and we must have a limit with that.

Third candidate, San’layn, also aparently are making deals with the Horde right now. But will have the same problem that i said above: to many elven races.

Fourth Candidate: Mok Nathal, as far as i know they are in Outland the Mok Nathals that are part of Rexxar’s clan. It’s was said at the begining that Rexxar was the last of his kind, but that changed in TBC where we meet several Mok’Nathals in Outland. And of course, Rexxar would be the mediator between his people and the Horde. Reason for joining the Horde? Well, most Mok’Nathal are in outland, and that planet were diying for a very long time, and let’s say that now the situation it’s worst than ever for “X” reasonm and they need a new homeland. So the Horde, with Rexxar intervention, will offer a new home to those guys if they swear loyalty to the Horde in return.

That’s all. It’s nice see this thread working and growing every day. Keep it up!


there is no such thing as too many elven races. also all that is left to add is san’layn and high elves.

While normal undead elves exist I don’t think there is much point considering their appearances can be rolled into san’layn and really all they are is forsaken but elf instead of human. They have no goals and ideals of their own unlike what the san’layn would have.

and while this may sound hypocritical unlike what anti’s say this isn’t a lie when I say they are literally just forsaken elves. Their culture is the same and their personality is the same.

In some point I think the same. But we must be democratic, and know that adding more elven races will upset several players. So let’s add just one elven race in the Alliance, and one non-elven race in the Horde. Not one in each faction, that would be abuse.

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I think the best way is add Queldorei and sanlayn but the next expansion after BFA.
1° Vulpera - Mechagnomes
2° Sethrak / Moknathal / Ogres
3° Queldorei / Sanlayn

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I have to agree. There are already a portion of players clamoring that there are too many elves as is. (I’m not one of them- just playing devils advocate here)

A good way to distract/lessen to blow to anti-helfers is to give the opposite faction a greatly desired race, and Navuaka has some good ideas. Ogres and Mok’Nathal have been highly requested for a pretty long time- Ogres even came out in the same game as High Elves- Warcraft II!