The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No line is being blurred, it’s clearly defined.


Because you’ve always been so nice to us here. :grinning:


Yes I have. :kissing_heart:

arent you the one who said blood/high elves hated each other? yet here they are fighting together against a common enemy


not sure what side you are on but that is clearly a pic where a line had to be drawn so anyone could tell which was which.

Like the Horde and Alliance for the past 14 years? Seriously do you even think what you type before posting?


No person with more than two brain cells would get confused about which is which in that picture.


To be fair I’ve been trying to give you credit saying it all subjective and there is no defintive right or wrong and got told I am wrong and you guys are completely right.


Yes because you drew a line on it.
Good job.

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Thanks, I’m pleased to help the impaired. That image is not mine, thought.


One side wearing black and red, the middle wearing purple/blue, and the other wearing blue/light blue.

Wow, my eyes. Its like they can see color.


The fact that, to you, this topic is subjective does not mean it is subjective.

We have presented to you objective arguments. Whether you accept them as objective or not, that is entirely different.


tbf, they were a part of the alliance of lordaeron, which they would later withdraw from, and how are they doing currently? :smile:

and unless you live in a wc2 time bubble these arent the elves they lay claim too. they want the silver covenant elves who migrated from quel’thalas later with nothing but the clothes on their backs


Yes now take away the coloured armour.
Now can you see a single difference?

I know, I was just saying there is a basis to their claim for them as a core alliance race.
Not saying it holds up today.

One are pale skinned elves with glowing green eyes. The middle are tall purple elves. The other are pale skinned elves with normal blue eyes.

Also because I’m Alliance the pale skinned elves with glowing green eyes are hostile/neutral towards me and the others are friendly.


So you agree.
You have to zoom on the eyes or have name plates for NPC’s turned on?



we have green AND gold eyes. in the recent q&a they hinted at more customization options for the core races. im hoping we finally get a eye color wheel so we can choose our natural eye colors and reflect the current canon

But everything is NOT subjective.

High Elves are objectively on the Alliance. They have existed as NPC’s on the Alliance since Vanilla, long before Burning Crusade brought Blood Elves to the Horde.

High Elves currently look near identical to Blood Elves but don’t have to. This thread has suggested many way to differentiate them from Blood Elves. As stated before unique hairstyles and a unique idle pose would make them distinct. Your opinion is that this wouldn’t be enough. THAT is subjective.

The objective truth is that High Elves are on the Alliance, have been since WoW launched, and continue to play a role in the Alliance to this day. We are asking for those High Elves to be made playable. Making them playable takes nothing away from the Blood Elves or the Horde.