The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I’m not the one complaining. :kissing:

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Ah. The, “I don’t care what the Lore or the reality of the factions of WoW are because I’m selfish.” argument.

I’m a Blood Elf Player. I already encounter High Elves in the game. If one of them is being driven by a Human instead of an AI that doesn’t change my experience.

Not a valid argument. Sorry. Fencer Seraphi exists.


You might not believe me but the other day in a bg I accidentally disabled the option to show enemy’s hp bars, and when I got near a flag to cap it I saw this NE and thought “cool, he’ll cover me”… I was befuddled when I saw him attacking me… that’s when I realized he was a Nightborne, not a Night Elf. He was wearing a mog that covered his face and hair, and because I couldn’t see the normal red floating bar (I have the TidyPlates addon) my brain played a trick on me and I automatically thought he was a friendly player.

Why am I explaining this anecdote?

To show you that faction identity no longer depends on race exclusivity. Today we simply look at the hp bar to see if that player is friendly or hostile, race is no longer an indication of this, especially considering the wide range of toys we have that change both our appearance and race tag.

Thus, being able to tell a HE from a BE is not really a requirement to respect faction identity. But even so, we are willing to make them visually different to appease those who believe otherwise.


thats how blizzard sees it as well and why they said they wont be adding high elves in a Q&A. could you imagine being in a place like dalaran and theres nothing but blood/high elves. you wouldnt be able to tell them apart without hovering over their character


How very nice for you. I liked to be able to look at a Night Elf and know what faction it’s on.

That arguments dead. Shal’dorei killed it.

Protip: Their names are in red.


Fail to see how.
You didn’t say how.
In fact you quoted an argument I said and explained why I don’t see as being an issue as to why.

But fair enough.

I already agreed they mucked up the playable models.
Made them a total inacurate mess.

You also have the Pandaren issue.

Not a valid argument.


As I said.
Two wrongs do not make a right.

It’s something I do not like in the game so something I do not want to see repeated.


plus pandas arent a core horde race


The developers knew it would make people unhappy. They did it anyways.

There wasn’t even a reason to give Shal’dorei to the Horde. It’s not like they were already part of it.

“Two wrongs don’t make a right” isn’t a valid counter argument. If anything I would say they have a responsibility to be fair to their playerbase.


To be fair thats where the issue lies.
They were an alliance race first.

Then they got added to the horde (after RTS story reasons mixed with new lore) and now they are the most played horde race if not the most played race in the game.

So they hold identity with both factions.

Fair how?
I think fair is not blurring the lines more than they have.
To you its playing the race you want even though to others it would cause issues.

There are different fairs.

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They’re still Alliance. Blood Elves are a separate faction.

Also I hope you never teach anybody about fairness.

Anyways. Even with you moving goalposts I strangled your arguments. It seems like you’ve got to have the last word, so have fun with it.

Not blurring the lines more than they have has nothing to do with fairness. Additionally, adding playable High Elves doesn’t blur any lines at all because High Elves exist on the Alliance. Despite Ion’s gaff. It’s very interesting how you presented yourself and how you actually write.


Interesting choice.


I can see how you hold on to this for over a year with your egocentricism
At least I tried to give you your dues.
You won nothing.
You changed no minds at all.


We aren’t interested in changing your mind. We only care about changing the devs minds. And we will keep trying until the devs give us playable Alliance High Elves or until the game shuts down.


Have you seen this topic?
‘Why High Elves Don’t Work: A Primer’

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You mean the dead thread?


I tried to give them credit.
It failed.

I wonder if I was on my alliance main it would hold more credit than old my blood elf low level alt XD

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So gracious.

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