The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yes, I can. Don’t you?
And, besides, these are NPC models. The playable version will come with new customization and other unique features, don’t worry.


I have nameplates on by default. Put nearly anyone in a full set of plate and they look identical with a glance without nameplates. I’ve confused female Orcs and Trolls for Night Elves and Humans.

Hell, put a Void elf in full plate and a face obscuring helmet that hides ears- hide the nameplate and it’s literally impossible to tell the difference between that player and a blood elf in the same armor.

If it’s red it’s dead.


And my two brain cells theory keeps returning precise results.


Clearly a case of TLDR.

Wait- YOU DO FIGHT STUFF IN DALARAN- you literally get a quest to kill “mysterious” NPC’s and there are demons “in disguise” that you fight when you unmask them!


thats actually why i think alliance never should have gotten our elf model. but they made them blue so i accept it

I wasn’t aware that this thread became a broken dishwasher, because these trolls are on nonstop rinse/repeat cycle no matter how many times you beat it.


tbf ive tried whispering alliance pandas in dalaran thinking they were horde. this is what i meant and blizzard when we say blurring faction identity

with both sides getting high/blood this problem would be 10 fold

Straight to the ad-hominem. True colors shining through.


Nah thats you guys.
Or else you would quit

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would play a high elf in a heart beat if blizz allowed. and its always good to see the anti-helfers continuing to make themselves look bad


That’s :cow::poop:

The anti’s try the same arguments over and over and we keep crushing them over and over. That’s the repetitive cycle.

We will not stop asking for what we want and there’s not a darn thing you or they can do to stop us.

High Elves are already part of the Alliance.

The countered arguments bear repeating:

They are biologically the same race - Not relevant because they exist on both factions, and have cultural and political differences. Pandaren exist on both factions as well and stand as an example that this is not a relevant argument. And before anyone erroneously claims Blizzard thinks Pandaren were a mistake, in truth, no current Blizzard employee has ever said such a thing as far as we know. After leaving Blizzard, a former employee once said he thought they were a mistake, but that is one former employee’s opinion and not one ever corroborated by anyone while employed at Blizzard.

They look the same - They don’t have to. Simple things like a unique idle stance, different hair styles, and different customization options all address the silhouette issue and none of those things require any sort of physiological or magical excuse to justify. Also, currently a Void Elf in full armor has an identical silhouette to a Blood Elf in the same full armor. A unique idle stance alone would make the High Elf silhouette noticeably different from either.

High Elves detract from the Blood Elf story - No they really don’t. High Elves have their own story to tell that has nothing to do with Blood Elves beyond the point of their split. That is the story that High Elves have to tell and should be focused on.

High Elves are already playable on the Horde - Blood Elves are playable on the Horde. The High Elves being asked for currently exist as NPC’s on the Alliance faction. We are asking for those High Elves to be made playable.

There is no logical justification to oppose playable Alliance High Elves.


Well. Except Fyre. She just keeps regaling us with fan-fiction. No real arguments to crush there.


Not even in the slightest mate.
You just state why they don’t matter to you.
Which is fair enough by you crush nothing in the slightest.

There are other opinions and all of this is purely subjective.


and what is their story? its the exact same as the blood elves… even the devs say this

we all know the devs said in a q&a they couldnt figure out how to make them “distinct” from blood elves. and so far in this thread no one has crafted a story worthy of being distinct from blood elves/quel’thalas and elevating them from flavor NPCs and becoming an allied race

and no just because they are alliance NPCs already isnt a good enough reason to be playable. Ion, who represents the dev team, said this

Sorry I disagree.

What I posted are not opinions. They are objective facts. And saying “no you’re wrong” does nothing to support your arguments. If you can’t come up with an objective and logical reason why the High Elves that are part of the Alliance, Have been part of the Alliance in WoW since before Blood Elves joined the Horde, and continue to play a role in the Alliance today, then i suggest you bow out of this discussion because you clearly have nothing relevant to add.

I also think you need to look up the definition of subjective. You seem to like the word but don’t know what it means.


I don’t know that explaining objective facts to the guy that needed “Fair” to have a new definition it doesn’t have because he can’t gracefully concede is going to be a good use of your time.

Time to stop feeding the trolls.


I’m not debating their NPC existance in the Alliance.
The debate is if they should be added as playable.
One you clearly cannot seperate.

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Ignore the trolls.


just having a quest NPC since BC or w.e isnt enough to justify an allied race imo. especially if its a core race of a factions identity

If you want to debate whether or not they should be playable then offer an objective argument against them.

And when you offer the same regurgitated BS your fellow anti’s have been offering we’ll counter with the same responses we used with them and you’ll move the goalposts and try another tactic and we’ll start the cycle all over again.

You can’t offer an objective argument against adding playable Alliance High Elves because you don’t have one.

We don’t have to justify the request. The Alliance High Elves exist, have existed since before Blood Elves joined the Horde and continue to play a role in the Alliance today. That alone justifies them more than any other allied race currently playable.