The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

They are just bots repeating a script at this point and not genuine people arguing in any good faith.



You’d have to distinguish why you called the Pandaren failed and you didn’t. If you think the Pandaren failed because they look visually similar, that’s interesting. But you’d need something to prove that opinion.

As far as Nightborne being visually distinct, you play the ones that are Night Elves, not the Suramar models.

“Visual Faction Identity” went down with the Shal’dorei and Kal’dorei, which I stated first. It’s already gone. Also. Pandaren.

So I did address your points.


Yes and no.
You address them in a sense of 2 wrongs make a right.

As I said, they got too lazy with the Nightborne models and I hope they update them to be the race people actually cared about.

But there is a reason I said both sides have valid points.
Its about what makes a faction for you. Is it the faction identity in being able to tell a faction by their races? or is it the lore behind it?
Is it a mix of both?

That’s why I don’t think you will win any argument other than population because void elves are like what? 20? max 100.

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Well… there are High Elves on the Alliance so… faction by race is covered.

The lore says High Elves are part of the Alliance so… lore is covered.

And we already know that population is irrelevant for what can and can’t be an allied race since there are more High Elves than Void Elves so… population is covered.


Visual race.
Once again changing the point to suit your argument.

Which is what I keep giving you as a won and undebatable point in favour against an agument that got used a lot.


Also. You’re the one moving the bar. I’d appreciate it if you would stop that and debate genuinely.


Not changing the point at all. There are High Elves on the Alliance. In game. We can see them (visual). We just can’t play them yet.

And this topic is filled with suggestions on how to differentiate High Elves from Blood Elves to make them more visually distinct while staying consistent with lore.


indeed.not sure why this concept is so hard to grasp that fair skinned elves are a CORE horde race. ill reiterate, that is they are a CORE part of their faction identity

just copy pasting a core horde race as an allied race for alliance would blur faction identity too much. i guess this can only be understood from a non biased point of view, which is how the devs have said they view potential allied races and why high elves were never considered seriously

Where did I move it to?
At least I said where you moved it to in my opinion.

I have yet to see one that made them as distinct as KT to humans and they are the same faction.


That level of distinction isn’t required nor is there any litmus test I am aware of that designates what is or isn’t “distinct enough”.

If Highmountain are “distinct enough”, then really what are you asking for?

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Countered already.

I pointed out that the developers have stated that they knew when they gave Shal’dorei to the Horde that they would be upsetting players.

Also, High Elves are already part of the Alliance.

So this has nothing to do at all with what “Makes the Factions.”

If you’re against playable High Elves then you’re against the reality of what the Alliance Faction is.

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Or Lightforged Draenei. Or Mag’har Orcs.

Or Nightborne. Those are female Kal’dorei with flipped ears.

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Yeah because we all wanted them :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh so I will make a new non void High Elf on the Allaince right now… oh… wait… they’re not playable.

We both know I am talking about faction identity from a playable perspective.

That is why it is subjective and cannot be claimed as a won argument.


And since you’ve made this post there have been 58 posts made since- mostly responding to your posts. See how they add up?

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I disagree. If Highmountain are considered “distinct enough”, then High Elves with new hairstyles and a unique idle pose should objectively (by basis of comparison with existing design choices) be “distinct enough” as well.


to like what? An hour? Not a year :stuck_out_tongue:

You also complained about the number of posts. :sweat_smile:

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Same faction vs different faction to me.

I like to be able to see a playable character and know their faction.
I can tell a tauren is horde.

I wouldn’t with high elf and blood elf without something to make it obvious.

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Only by what I would have to read to cover a few weeks of conversation.

You just moved the goalpost.

Right after you used the distinctiveness between Kul Tirans and Stormwind Humans (on the same faction). And incidentally, Void Elves in full armor are virtually indistinguishable from Blood Elves in full armor. A unique idle pose would actually differentiate High Elves from both.

Nah done with you now.