The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Omg… Why must you keep opening my wound and put so much salt in it… I agree with you over 9000% percent.

Btw here is some pepper and onion to go with my open wound on Keal subject… :rofl:

On that note Kael being brought back in the middle of all that’s happening in BfA would bring so much drama and mix options… it be great! :rofl:

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True, but we can’t forget he was specially racist towards elves, he had a grudge against them because he felt troops that could have defended his lands were sent to help the elves. He specifically targeted the elves in retribution, of course, the reason this completely unmeasured retribution came to be on the first place was his racism against non-humans.


Speaking of that and how Arch finds NPC’s, Courier Larkspur had unique voice files, and they are used as the generic voice for Silver Covenant High Elf males. But for some reason, they aren’t loading on WoWhead.


Hm, yeah… I just looked up his wowpedia page. I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t such a despicable person later in life.

Yeah I was gonna mention that too- but the lines still aren’t working? That was last expansion! I wonder what the problem is?

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High Elves having 12 years of context

I wonder why people want them :thinking:


TFW you click on an NPC 10 years ago thinking it’s a Blood Elf only for it to almost say Ishnuallah


It’s funny that Garithos a Grand Marshal of Lordaeron is the one that alienated the Blood Elves. He then worked with the rebel undead of Lordaeron who now call themselves Forsaken. Yet the Blood Elves are allied with them. The whole reasoning of the Blood Elves joining The Horde wasn’t well thought out.


It kinda makes him more interesting to talk about. He’s despicable, but there’s method to the madness.

Weird issue with WoWHead’s database, I know there are other voice files that don’t work either. In game there’s no issue.


Well, its implied that Sylvanas had a hand in convincing the Blood elves in joining the Horde. She may be “Forsaken” but she… at the time, was still concerned about her original people.

Times have changed haven’t they? Even with the Siege of Orgrimmar with Lor’themar telling her to not raise his troops.

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Garithos only wanted to use Sylvanas forces to get rid of the Nathrezim (enemy of my enemy and all that) and it was pretty clear he wanted the Forsaken gone the moment they finished.

Yes, Garithos was an hypocrite. He condemned the Blood Elves for working with naga but he himself worked with undead for his goals. If that tells us anything, is that he only wanted an excuse to damn the Blood Elves, and his “morals” are as flexible as his goals allow.

“The whole reasoning of the Blood Elves joining The Horde wasn’t well thought out.” Has nothing to do with Garithos hypocrisy. If anything, his actions made clear that neither group (Forsaken and Blood Elves) were welcomed on the Alliance -according to him-


I hope he’s not retconned in Reforged. Sometimes people need to be jerks in the story with no real redemption.

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Indeed; it would be so necessary to give him a redemption arc, when his place on the story is basically being Kael’thas antagonist and what pushes him to leave Azeroth. That’s not to say he is just a prop, as he has his own backstory and arc, and suffers consequences for his actions.

He is a villain after all, and while he was not complex as a person, he felt realized in his motivations.


There’s a specific spot in the story it could be done too but I don’t want to mention it in case Blizzard is fishing for ideas.

Let’s just say it’s when his jerkness got turned up to 11.

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Seems like something is going to come out of PAX this week:

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How on earth are you people still talking after a year of this?
I get youre obsessed and in love and whatever but seriously how do you find a years worth of conversation on “I want to play this elf”?

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MM, maybe 8.2 PTR reveal?

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Most likely.

I think there’s a high chance of PTR launching thursday.


Like you know people can have several interests right? Weirdly judgy of how people spend their time on a WoW forum.

People like to talk about the lore of this game and the aspects they enjoy, again, this shouldn’t come off as a surprise, even if it uninterests you.

Live, and let live.


Maybe if you read part of the thread you’d find out…?


I agree, but thats not a high elf discussion if its other topics so not really on topic for the thread?