The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I mean I get why they did it… in that they wanted big names as villains back when WoW treated raids as loot pinatas.

It’s just sad.


Now that I think about it, we did have quite the small handful of noteworthy old Warcraft heroes turn into villains. That aside, I think Kael’thas at least served as a decent catalyst to foster some tension between the Blood Elves and the High Elves + Alliance.

As much as I hated the whole Blood Elf/Draenei situation, it did lead to some of the better parts of WoW’s storyline.

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Guys, I’ve updated the Gallery a bit, but I had a problem and I had to re-upload it. So the previous link is 404’d. But, if you’ve used a single image you dont need to worry, cuz each image has their own unique link.

Here’s the new one:

Sorry in advance :frowning_face:


Awesome compilation work, and even still, there are some other High Elves not here! Like the Kirin Tor apprentice we can encounter on the Island Expeditions, and Magistrix Solgaze from Legion. Also let’s pour one out for those High Elves that disappeared during Cata, like the ones in Aszhara, and Fiora Longears -I miss her the most-


tbf, most of these are of vereesa and no name rando flavor NPCs

Still more named NPC’s than Void Elves, Lightforged Draenei and Mag’har Orcs currently have.


tbf, the high elf NPCs have been added over a period of over a dozen years… and theres still not that many. the races you listed could eclipse that number easily if the game lasts another 12 years


So, you can come back when that happens, for now High Elves has the upper hand for NPC’s and this is just another reason for them to become an Allied Race.



Thanks for letting us know Arch, I’ll update in the Discord! :smile:


And take away a gameplay feature with a unique reward?

No thanks.

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Wooo! Thanks for the pictures! I jotted down the NPC’s on the Isle of Thunder and other misc NPC’s I missed. You can also see some of the RNG at work there- In my notes I only saw 2 High elf Kirin Tor Defenders and in your pictures there are 5. I’ll have to take note of that Kirin Tor Scholar too. (They were all human when I was there)

These pictures have done a huge amount of work completing the list- I’d say it’s almost finished at this point! I just need to do some double-checking and going to a few places to count some numbers.

I didn’t count Arelas Brightstar since he only appears in the Dungeon and… unavoidably dies near the end. I didn’t think there was a point. Kinda the same reason I didn’t add Ysuria from Theramore. I dunno, what do you guys think?

You found a pic of Earthcaller Franzahl? I could have sworn he was removed from the game. I’ve flown there multiple times and he’s nowhere to be seen.

MONKS have one of their trainees as High elves?! I don’t suppose a Monk with a decked out order hall could volunteer and do some counting for me?

And the Quel’lithien, who suffered a fate worse then death…


Garithos was acting with the authority of the Alliance Crown. Yes yes, we all know he was ‘possessed’; given this world and its magical nature that should have been guessed at, at the very least. Certainly someone’s suspicions should have ben aroused when he started making idiotic command decisions.
Flips hair

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Garithos wasn’t possessed when he sentenced the blood elves to death, that was all him.

Garithos wasn’t acting “with the Authority of the Alliance Crown,” For one, there wasn’t such a thing -The Grand Alliance was a convocation of Kingdoms without a High King- and two, no one “gave” Garithos command over the remaining alliance forces; he, as the highest remaining general left, became leader by default.

There wasn’t even time for the rest of the alliance to even run an investigation on him after the dust settled; he got killed, his forces disbanded, and the remaining presence of the alliance in Lordaeron dissipated, with most remaining under Forsaken or Scourge control.

At the end, Garithos great mark on Warcraft’s history was to alienate the Blood Elves. Everything else he did was undone when he died lol.


Garithos was a human supremacist. He didn’t just hate the Blood elves, he hated all non-human races. In the final Sylvanas mission one of the “optional” (I think it was optional at least) parts was to rescue some “lost Dwarves” and it was pretty clear that there was a mutual hatred between Garithos and the “Dwarves in need of rescue.”


I bet those dwarves could have ratted Garithos out… if they were not murdered by the forsaken’s betrayal.


I removed the Arelas Brightstar, I forget about his death, haven’t done Trial of Champion in years.

Earthcaller Franzahl is in the mountains, is a bit trick to find him, some of those NPC’s I found using this:


I’m starting to hate how generic the high elf voices are. Then again, the Dark Irons had the generic Ironforge greeting before the update.


You should keep him, I mean, he’s still technically there- even if his death is scripted. My list is just a different case.

As far as Earthcaller Franzahl is concerned, I figured out my probelm by checking out the comments on Wowhead- turns out as you do the quests in Hyjal, he gets phased. So my Hunter and Warrior who have done the Hyjal quests can’t see him, but my other characters who haven’t done the quests can.

Really bizzare to do this for one NPC, but thats how it goes I guess.

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If they became playable Blizzard will make new voice overs for them, just like Dark Irons