The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I wouldn’t call that an escape plan as much as a failed diplomatic overture.

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Allied races are a major disappointment for Alliance until Void Elves get the same level of depth and story content that Nightborne did.

As for KT vs. Zandalar, there are 3x more players enjoying Zandalari than KT’s. I myself have been less enthused to log on my KT Druid after unlocking the set.

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Void Elves are popular for the same reasons Blood Elves are.

Some people want to just be a pretty, lithe humanoid. Lore be damned.

Interestingly both their stories have been relatively pathetic overall. Anything remotely interesting about the Blood Elves post-BC has been their conflict with the High Elves and Dalaran.

That has been lore gold. I really hope they continue the same trend with a (failed) attack on Silvermoon. Yes I want the Alliance to lose. It would be a good story.

Maybe then Quel’thalas will get its deserved update.


TBH, I’d rather they just add High Elves and give them that depth instead.


I would rather see Void Elves developed into something meaningful beyond being Azeroth’s cab service.

We have Void Elves. We should live with that fact. Now the Alliance ARs need good development.

High Elves will come in time. I’m hoping 10.0


Lord knows if it were up to me I’d just retcon the Void Elves out of existence as being Alleria hallucinating.

But since that’s not an option, use them as an organization rather than a “race”. Make them this special little club of assassins and casters the Alliance relies for dirty jobs. SI:0 if you will.


but your own character would also cease to exist…


I laughed.

Well, it’s Blizzard’s job to make us care. I couldn’t care less about void elves, and I’m tired of waiting for them to be fleshed out.


Void Elves might gain some new life if a Void Knight “anti-paladin” class or spec came out, and they could roll it.

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That’s what I THOUGHT they would be.

Instead they are just glorified portal keepers. We have mages for that. That’s not what makes the Void special. Being creepy shadow stalkery torturous mindfudge morally grey specialists is.


Omg let it be true… I like to see this for Quel’thalas…that who zone and city need a update so bad.

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That’s what they because that’s what Umbric is and Umbric is the only Void Elf that exists.

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It should be that they are such extremely powerful magisters that the void itself bends the knee to them, rather than being subjected to constant corrupting thoughts that they barely fend off.



Blood Elves need ACTUAL development, not token meaningless appearances. They got their heritage armor lately, and I’m hoping that’s a prelude to something actually meaningful in the modern story.

A Quel’thalas warfront as Elves vs Elves would be legendary.

Night/High/Void vs Nightborne/Blood/Undead


I agree with you. I made a Void Elf and promptly abandoned him.

It’s not because they don’t look good, but I felt absolutely no connection to him. There’s no history there. No context. It’s just sad.

I might like them more if they had actual personality. They are just purple High Elves right now that cast purple portals with NONE of the history that makes High Elves great.


In place of that, they have all the deep and touching Blood Elf history :musical_note:Lament of the Highborne:musical_note:

record scratch

Except that, y’know, we never heard about them before, and we saw them as Blood Elves for a grand total of 2 minutes, so we can’t associate them with that either.

But aren’t they NEW and EXCITING? “Why would you want to be a High Elf when you can look all tragic and brooding”, and nothing else?


One of the ideas I just keep coming back to regarding a Quel’Thalas warfront is an Alliance loss for the High Elves, resulting in the Alliance forces more or less coming to terms with the idea that Silvermoon just isn’t their home anymore, setting them on a path to establish themselves as their own, self-sufficient kingdom somewhere else. The Void Elves could play into that pretty well, seeing as their current home is literally a floating rock in space, and with the Night Elves displaced from Teldrassil, you could even bring them into it if you really wanted.

On the other hand, Silvermoon and the Blood Elves would be devestated from the war, and you could use that as a catalyst for them to rebuild and restore their kingdom once and for all and put the past behind them. I had a few ideas, like tearing out the dead trees of the Ghostlands to create verdant fields instead, or paving over the Dead Scar and creating a new road through the middle of Quel’Thalas, and expanding Silvermoon itself into a full harbor for a Blood Elven fleet (they’re supposed to have a significant naval power, yet their main harbour in Quel’Thalas holds like…one ship and is full of hostile mobs?)

You could even do something like Lor’Themar presenting Sylvanas with a restored Windrunner Spire as a private getaway for her, but she refuses to set foot inside because it reminds her of who she was and what she lost, so it just remains this perfectly maintained, yet completely empty manor. (alternatively, Sylvanas decides to warehouse all of her darkest experiments there, and we expand it into a dungeon?)

You could also use the overhaul to explore how Blood Elven culture has changed over time, giving more emphasis to the Light, exploring whether its still socially acceptable to have demons openly summoned in the streets of Silvermoon, or if Lor’Themar is still detaining people who speak out against him and so on.


It’s because of ideas like those that a new world revamp is really needed. Blizzard could easily remake EK and Kalimdor into epic new continents.


Wow this would actually be awesome!

Silly PS

If Blizz adds the return of The Blood King Keal’thas Suntrider as a Darkfallen facing of against Jeina in a classic Fire vs Ice showdown where he mops the floor her Horde prejudice as he is the only one I now she trust to keep his brother safe from the Banshee Queen, Ill sub for life and can die happy! :grin:

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I’ll take a non-Warfront update of Quel’thalas, thanks.

One that brings it into the real world and not locked on the Outland map, that lets us use Quel’danas and the Sunwell as an extended part of the city.

Oh, just imagining the ruined half rebuilt and the facade of Silvermoon reformulated into a proper city akin to Stormwind or Suramar…

Man that would be something.