The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

After he experienced Garithos’ racism he became quite racist himself. It was all humans to blame for his mistreatment, not the one man.


I could swear I’ve seen these circular arguments before.


I never tried to compare Garithos and Kael, I have no idea where you got that. You are the one pointing Garithos all the time, as if his crimes were any reason for the high elves to forgive the blood elves’ own offenses against them.

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tbf he couldnt share this opinion while still working at blizzard.

this cant be backed up literally anywhere

they could also add murlocs in the NEAR future for all we know

theres alot of conjecture and speculation going on here. the forsaken are hated by humans and seen as little more then vestiges of the scourge. the alliance didnt accept them…


lol the Garithos argument is one of my faves.

“He WaS a HuMaN sO whY woUld thE BlooD ElvEs LikE AlliAnCe!!1?!”

Meanwhile the Blood Elves ally with the same Orcs and Undead that ravaged their people.


tbf the undead of lordaeron, led by sylvanas one of their own, were part of the original alliance of lordaeron which quel’thalas was at one time allied with

The whole Garithos thing was mostly forgotten by the Blood Elves, for instance in MoP Lor’themar was negotiating with Varian to rejoin the Alliance despite of past grudges, bad things happened during that time and now they despise the Alliance for other reasons. As for the High Elves they remained all the time in the Alliance and the schism between them and the Blood Elves became worse after the Purge of Dalaran, later they represented the majority of the official Alliance forces in the Isle of Thunder to fight the same pissed Blood Elves and some Thunder God, the divide between them is thick enough you can cut it with a knife.


Is this supposed to be an argument somehow? His personal opinion is his, not the company’s - the fact that he works or not works for said company is irrelevant.

Blood Elves present a significant force of Arcane mastery in the world of Azeroth. Even before their fall, the Elves were noted for their mastery over Arcane magic. Now, that mastery has been infused with the dark desire for vengeance. Most, if not all Blood Elves have rudimentary knowledge in the Arcane arts and many choose the path of the mage. The main difference between a blood elf mage and their high elven cousins is in their preference of spells. While most high elves choose the frost school, blood elves prefer to practice fire magic.

Literally, anywhere.

Again, is this supposed to be an argument? You can’t say “Ion said no” when his literal words were “Not in the near future”. The fact that you personally believe that Ion is lying and what really means is “No, never” is a subjective personal interpretation that you infer from his words, not an objective fact.

Conjecture and speculation for saying that Undead and Humans are the same race? No, it’s a well-known fact.

The Forsaken are not hated by Humans either, as evidenced in the latest novel. They hate those Forsaken who want to kill Humans and destroy life, which is totally different. And yes, this hatred contributes to them being considered different races, just like the hatred High Elves and Blood Elves have against each other.


ofc they are the same race. just like blood/high elves are. however the major difference here is the forsaken are walking corpses and the fact is they were originally rejected by the alliance


are you playing BFA?

It’s what trolls do. They already know the answers, they just do it in an attempt to rile us up and make us look bad.


Btw, the Stromgarde warfront is open for Alliance again. With the high elf shield mages to remember us that high elves are part of the Alliance.


Yep, and yet the major difference between Kul Tirans and Humans is that the former are fat because… no reasons? X) Thus, High Elves can be different in physical terms too for no reasons. Or, rather, gameplay reasons.

Yep, and from the Alliance perspective, I stand by what I said.

Have you read Before the Storm?


Both factions are fekt right now if you ask me. Look at the Alliance: they have Void Elves and Worgen.

We went from having two, asymmetric factions to having two arguably similar factions over the course of WoW.

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im not a huge fan of AR either and i hope they are just an expansion feature. but they did give me the zandalari and hopefully the vulpera soo


thats actually one of the reasons the devs gave us as to why they never seriously considered adding high elves. they would blur the lines between faction identity TOO much

And I hate it.

I would have vastly preferred a four faction game but it was never in the cards I guess.


Well it’s your fault for responding to them. One gains nothing from it other than some worthless sense of self-validation.

My favorite discussions here revolve around discussions of implementation rather than validity. The how not the why.

Blizzard couldn’t care less what we all think about why High Elves should or shouldn’t be implemented. At the very least they have heard the loudest AR demand yet so expecting some more exposure by it is fruitless.

It’s also an old discussion. It’s been a year. People have their sides at this point.

The only thing that might remotely change anyone’s perspective (player and developer alike) is fan inspiration. Discussions about story. Art. Characters.

Fun stuff.


But more than racism that feels like bad diplomacy and paranoia?

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Blood Elves are pretty terrible at diplomacy.

By all rights they should have been extinct by now.

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Eh, not really. In fact post Kael’thas, they have played everything right? Like they even had an escape plan mid MoP.

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I suppose that could also be the case, though there is often a fine line between the two.

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