The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I would be totally cool with a NPC faction / reputation with a hub maybe in Dalaran or the mage quarter. Like a government in exile sort of thing. That would be a great story. Very cool. Like a council of high elves and void elves in stormwind discussing silvermoon.

But playable? That’s just silly . Your ideas are silly.


Haha. He hit, “It’s clear the game makers share my point of view” as well.


i think thats why blizzard didnt elevate them from their flavor NPC status and came up with void elves instead

void elves were just a cool way to give alliance our elf model since we were getting nightbourne

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Cool opinion, bro. We don’t care.


this could actually be kind of a cool way to bring back the few high elves in the alliance back into the horde and quel’thalas. it could be like the council of three hammers, but with the silver covenant, void elves and blood elves all convening in dalaran to discuss the politics of quel’thalas

So she is a High Elf, but a High Elf is not a High Elf, because High Elves are Blood Elves, but for some reason they’re called High Elves to be not confused with Blood Elves, because Blood Elves are not called as High Elves anymore, however High Elves are still Blood Elves, because Blood Elves are High Elves, but Blood Elves do not consider themselves High Elves anymore, so Blood Elves are High Elves but they don’t even know about it, and they’re known as Blood Elves because High Elves are no longer, and High Elves choose to remain as High Elves because Blood Elves don’t even know what Blood Elves or High Elves are, since they’re the same, but are also no longer all the same and need diferent names?

Is that right? Did I get it?

WoW lore is hard.


Not right because you forgot to make up your own lore during that post. Quick, write something erroneous about the Silver Covenant.


Your last bit is true.

Kael’thas and his band of Blood Elves remained loyal to the Alliance until the magnificently intolerant Garithos (may he rest in peace) and his merry band of humans helped guide him towards his path to betrayal.

I still say that we should wait for these bad bois n’ gurls to break away from the Thalassian heritage even more and somehow evolve into Wood Elves without waiting thousands of years.

I promise this has nothing to do with Warhammer.

Edit: Oh wait, I guess that would pretty much be Night Elves, but not really.

But, yet, it didn’t change the fact that we’re not talking about this group of elves here, which he’s claiming to be.


Well done. I’m glad you realized that? I was merely commenting on some heritage that people were discussing.

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I have nothing against you, but that guy thinks both groups are the same, that’s why the whole discussion happened.

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This whole conversation is hardly relevant to anything but, this is kind of a big reach. Like “Ari” simply could have forgotten her name and didn’t choose a new one, so that’s just Khadgar’s name for her? Like I feel you are totally ignoring Occam’s Razor for your own speculation’s sake on here.

And it’s not like I would be mad if she was something else, I kinda don’t care, but overall the logic you are using for this speculation is quite something.

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I’ve been reading, don’t worry. I know all about the confusion that’s been occurring here and there in this thread. I don’t pretend that I’m an impeccable ‘historian’ when it comes to the Thalassian Elves either, but I pitch in when I feel like doing so.

While I don’t remember their names but on the outer ring of the main tower in Dalaran in Northrend there are a few High Elfs that spawn at various times and days of the week on some rotation.

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QUICK, scramble to find “High Elven” NPCs … oh look errrr silver covenant there we can play them.

What about… um… that one guy at argent tournament. Yeah awesome!

You guys are pathetic, void elf, dark iron and lightborne are awesome. Enjoy what you have instead of stomping really hard up and down at the supermarket. Y’all make me sick. This whole thread is a troll post.


I agree, and many here agree. We don’t care if high elves need to change to become playable, so long as it’s the high elves and the change feels like a natural progression. Void elves were neither of those things.

Horde got “night elves” that culturally feel like blood elves.
Alliance could get “blood elves” that culturally feel like night elves. No problem there.


You mean 285+


87% of your list is flavor unnamed NPCs


and i dont really count the highvale elves as SC elves. they want to be left alone

They still exist. Do Silvermoon Guards no longer exist because they don’t have individual names? Do Stormwind Guards?

I’m counting ALL High elves. Not just the Silver Covenant.