The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

From wiki:
The Scourge slew more than 90% of the high elven population, devastating their culture and leading to the renaming. Of the 10% of the high elven population that remained, 90% of them adopted the name Sin’dorei (“children of the blood”) or Blood Elves.

So you guys want to play the 1% if elves? Dam yo learn to let go it’s over.

Enjoy what we have

And those are not the ones we are talking about.

Do you thing Farstrider Lodge, Quel’Danil Lodge, Stormwind High Elves, Dalaran Refugees that where elsewhere, Outland High Elves, and Theramore/7th Legion High Elves where involved in that whatsoever?

The fact that they had to clarify it that only survivors of Silvermoon and Kael’s entourage became Blood Elves in Chronicles proves they didn’t.

Just because you didn’t hear a record scratch and the screen cuts to a unrelated group of Elves that where not doing anything at the time doesn’t change that Blood Elves are NOT what we are talking about.

There are more High Elves then Void Elves.


Idk, I’d be careful what you wish for here.

Having Blizzard ignore High Elves and leave them as they are now as NPCs is probably preferrable to having them folded into Void Elves or otherwise killed off.

as i said technically she is a high elf. and technically blood elves are high elves; but shes a void elf now


Record Scratch
Screen Cuts to Varessa watching Kael’thas depart Dalaran for Quel’thalas
“So you’re probably wondering how I got here…”

Yes. And It’s more than the void elf population.


i really hope we get vulpera for horde next as well! :+1:

If you want attention just ask your mommy for a hug.

Guys it has been a year why on Earth do you still entertain people who are clearly trolling?

Frankly it’s the least interesting part of these conversations.


From the World of Warcraft Website:

“Led by the death knight Arthas, a Scourge army stormed into Quel’Thalas, slaughtering almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population.”

The wiki needs to be updated. It’s only 90% of Quel’Thalas which was wiped out. High Elves outside of the Kingdom were never accounted for in that figure.


Do you know that many things unfolded prior to Warcraft 3, didn’t you?

I’m just giving a hint, we all know what exactly happened in Warcraft 3, the problem however is that you only know about what happened in Warcraft 3, and are forgetting everything else that happened prior to that.

Can you explain why the High Elves of the Alliance do not call themselves Blood elves? That’s a good start for your research.


why dont you tell him? i actually cant find this info anywhere or anything about a completely different culture from quel’thalas

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I just posted the actual lore. All those places you just mentioned are 1% of all Thallassians.

That’s a pretty small niche to be asking to play.

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The devs did NOT say High Elves are Blood Elves.

They said “Blood elves are a flavor of High Elves” there is a difference between that and what you claim they said.

All Blood Elves were once called High Elves, but not all High Elves have ever called themselves Blood Elves.


How do you know? How do you know that High Elves don’t have interesting stories to tell. We know nothing of their story other than what we have seen. The biggest reason Blood Elf lore seems so interesting is because we as players are able to experience it. That gives us a connection, the same connection that those that want Playable High Elves want to have. Just because we are unable to see their importance, because we cannot view it through their eyes. It doesn’t make them uninteresting, nor does it mean they are merely support actors. Because the truth is, if Blood Elves weren’t a playable race, they would be nothing but support actors also.


it really is. all i can find is the silver covenant elves were basically a small caravan that left quel’thalas one day with nothing but the clothes on their back of about 39 elves. so they have no army or infrastructure of any kind to bring as an allied race

Eh, I don’t know that you can go from saying because people are worried that it’s about a model.

If you’ve been dreaming about playing a high elf since vanilla then you know that their current model is good and elfy.

Sure I’d love for High Elf male models to have great abs, obliques and pecs to go along with the amazing delts and triceps of the current model…

But do I trust the Wow development team to deliver that?

Obviously they are capable of giving us fantastic more athletic models. We have seen them make great models.

So while I’m all about having a lean beautiful High Elf that can talk about how soft Silvermoon elves are I know that a request for Vrykul can turn into Kul’Trans and when it comes to High Elves that’s not going to work for me.

So I also agree the current model is fine with a less sassy posture, non glowing eyes and different hair styles (and those blue tattoos.)

If they want to pleasantly surprise me with an amazing looking model I’m fine with that too. But I’m not really into risking it.


Come on dude, this is disingenuous at this point. I’m sure you know why at this point.

I’ll come back here again after a day or two and await inevitable moment where you ask this same question again.


Source that they’re 1% of Thalassians? Because the only 1% would be those exiled from Quel’Thalas when choosing not to drain mana. Those who were already part of the Kingdom. Those who do not factor into the unnumbered population that existed outside of Quel’Thalas as of the time it was destroyed by Arthas.


the silver covenant elves didnt leave or get exiled for choosing not to drain mana :smile:

they left to honor the original alliance of lordaeron for w.e reason

Did he just hit High Elf Troll Bingo?

It’s time to make the card ya’ll.