The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

People, remember:


I’m definitely not opposed to the idea of having the High Elves develop into something that strays away from the Thalassian heritage that Blizzard all but completely handed over to the Blood Elves. However, my only problem at this moment is that Blizzard gave us the Nightborne and the Void Elves, which somewhat limits the direction that the High Elves can go IF we want to try and keep things unique. Sure, the Nightborne aren’t that different from the Night Elves, which means that giving us some High Elves that take on more of a Warhammer-like Wood Elf path wouldn’t be out of the question. The problem, in my opinion, is the number of playable Elves we already have.

I’m not ruling out the High Elves entirely, I just think that we could use some other races before we take a look at the High Elves once again. I don’t mean to crush the purpose of this thread here, because I’ve kept up with Warcraft lore since the first RTS game came out, but suggestions like the High Elves and San’layn don’t feel… well… needed at this time until we have a few non-Elf Allied Races release.

I get it though, this thread isn’t concerned with what could come before. It’s about the High Elves. Don’t worry, I understand. However, I’m merely voicing my opinion on their inclusion after having considered a handful of factors.

You really need to find a new hobby.


And you still miss the point that we want the High Elves that never renamed themselves Blood Elves. How hard is to understand that some elves didn’t have the same experience than Kael’thas and His Blood Elves -which later lead them to their fel syphoning, Naaru draining path-?

If Garithos hadn’t been an arrogant fool, maybe all the remaining High Elves would have renamed themselves Blood Elves and it would have been at best a branding change overall, but that didn’t happen. You can’t ignore the fact that Kael’thas renaming of the Blood Elves Didn’t affect All The Remaining Thalassian Population because there were High Elves that simply weren’t in Lordaeron at that point, so they just couldn’t become Blood Elves.

And at that point of history is not that relevant, what makes the name differentiation ACTUALLY relevant, is that it was ONLY Blood Elves the ones that suffered Garithos mistreatment, ONLY the group calling themselves Blood Elves, and under direct rule of Kael’thas, were affected by that (The ones present in Lordaeron at the time, and the ones back at Quel’thalas, by hearsay)


I see the problem as well, but to be quiet about our position is to kill the possibility we seek. Void elves are one humongous lore train wreck that have yet to show any reason to exist. I can’t fathom why Blizzard made these elves that no one asked for. To give up on what we really wanted now is to be okay with Blizzard making shoddily developed replacements.


1% didn’t rename. And now renaming your race makes you a new race.

Um guys, I’m no longer a Tauren. I am a High Tauren . Make High Tauren playable.

Your argument is dumb because now your arguing for a playable sub faction . And blizzard adds new races not new political groups of already established races


You read too far into my post and misunderstand. I don’t miss the point of what some of you want. I merely threw out a suggestion concerning where I want the High Elves to go.

It really isn’t if they keep dangling them in front of us

Either do away with them or make them playable


You mean like the Kul Tirans?


It all that is different is the name as some of you pointed out . “We want to play the elves that have not renamed” then that’s not going to happen.

Why don’t you enjoy the story they have . It’s awesome! A story of a people on the verge of extinction that became a major power.

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The Tauren is getting really toxic. make sure you flag him.


Because high elves aren’t playable. Next question?


is that enough to warrant an AR spot


Simple answer: YES.


It’s more than what some other ARs have.


Also, the beginning of the Thalassian division IS relevant. No, the Thalassian Elves that retained their name as the High Elves were likely not enduring what Kael’thas and his people were enduring, but the Lordaeron remnants were responsible for cultivating the division between Thalassians, in part. We have no idea where Kael’thas could have ended up had the Alliance treated his people as respectable members of the Alliance, but we do know that Garithos and his band DID guide Kael’thas towards his betrayal.

Even though Kael’thas was labelled as a traitor when the Blood Elves of Silvermoon found out about what had been going on in Outland, it doesn’t erase how the Alliance treated Kael’thas and his band of Blood Elves when they were still loyal to the Alliance. Sure, Kael’thas made his own decisions, but the Alliance absolutely helped guide him along the way.

I don’t think we know exactly how the Blood Elves feel about Lordaeron treating Kael’thas and his group of Blood Elves, but it wouldn’t seem out of the question to assume that they harbor some sort of resentment towards the Alliance because of it, considering that the poor treatment happened prior to Kael’thas becoming corrupt.


Oh sorry I wasn’t replying to you, it must have notified you because I quoted from your own quote of Repo. I edited it when I realized but it seems it still notified you.


Ahh, gotchya.

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night elves lean into the wild elves territory.

Imagine wood elves are on a dial of 1-10

WoW high elves would be a solid 5-6 on it

Night elves are a 11-12 which goes into the wild elf territory(defends nature savagely and is rather beastial)

elder scrolls wood elves are a 13

warhammer wood elves are a solid 15+

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Agreed TBH, I can’t say that Kael’thas did anything wrong at this point at all.

There’s this undercurrent of trying to make one side “the right one” but the truth is that the reasons why High Elves and Blood Elves divided in War3 was something that entirely rests on Garithos actions. His actions created the animosity on the Blood Elves that ultimately lead to their enrollment on the horde, and again, I don’t blame them.

But it’s important to know their experiences weren’t the experiences of all the remaining High Elves at the point, and no matter the reason of the schism, it created the divergence that worsened more and more with every different choice both groups made.