The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

that tweet was in response to a patch 7.3 teaser image asking about an elf in the background. at that time and to our knowledge alleria was a normal elf. now as we all know shes undergone a void elf transformation since then



No I stand by my statement and I know way more lore then you clearly.

But hay WC3 reforged is coming out soon so maybe you can freshen up :slight_smile:

Plenty of High Elfs had left Quel’thalas for the Alliance before the Scourge attack, did not regroup with Kael’thas and did not change their name.

The Allerian Stronghold elves never saw any of that business.


The devs said she’s a high elf. It was after her story was told in 7.3. She’s a high elf. The end.


Right don’t try to argue my points. Just tell me to go learn lore. At least my arguments are based on actual Canon lore instead of wishful thinking.

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thats weird cause shes connected to the void somehow. and as demonstrated in her homeland of quel’thalas doesnt have as much control as she thinks she does. and shes probably a walking time bomb. i wouldnt be surprised if she doesnt survive this expansion. and no it wasnt after

I’ve already beat your points, you are just repeating them, I won’t bother with repeating myself.

You can remain in your obliviousness, I don’t care.


Oh that’s intresting you say the devs say Alleria is a high elf. The end.

The devs also said High Elves are Blood Elves. Word for word quote.

So I guess… the end :slight_smile:

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i guess all the void elves are high elves then as well if alleria is

well… technically they actually are i guess

Sylvannas is a high elf too then she is also a purple elf who never changed her name to Blood Elf

The devs also made the game, and wrote short stories, and all those separate high and blood elves into different entities. Go discuss your points with Elysande.


Kael’thas/The Blood Elf story is not the story of every single High Elf in existence.

They where not going to cut from Kael’Thas making a pact with Illidan to show a group of random High Elves in the woods camping or refugees from Dalaran.

Your entire post is equivalent to saying Stormwind Humans shouldn’t be a thing because Lordaeron Humans got turned into Undead.

There is nothing that we can say to you except that you need to learn the actual story before discussing it. So do so.


Kael’s story also isnt EVERY blood elfs story


I know a lot of the story believe me. Too much probably. People think I’m weird.

And yet again… the elves were called blood elves wayyyy before the pact with illidan. You play as Blood Elves within the human campaign in frozen throne and kael’thas is loyal to the alliance.

Garithos says “watch where you place your loyalties Blood Elf”
Kael’thas : “yes milord”

I don’t think Void Elves were a middleground, they look nothing alike High Elves besides the model, Void Elves are literally Blood Elves infused with the Void instead of Fel/Holy energies.

If Blizzard intended to use them as middleground, why they haven’t use the remaining High Elves as their source race? They could’ve ended all this, no more High Elves everyone is a Void Elf now, instead the High elves are still out there, even in BFA content.

Untill Blizzard do something with the well stablished High Elf people will keep requesting them, it useless to think otherwise, even Blood Elves receiving glowing blue eyes will not stop the request, that’ll only make this discussion even more toxic.

The only way for you to see this discussion ending is either High Elves becoming playable, or Blizzard adressing INSIDE THE GAME LORE what’s up for the remaining High Elves.

What Ion said in that Q&A was just a bad excuse in his long list of bad excuses that’s throwing this game into the abyss. Those Q&A’s are making more harm than good to the community, maybe they should stop communicating after all. Most Q&A’s are causing more rage and riot than the opposite, Blizz is literally throwing more fuel into the fire, and I’m not talking about High Elves here.


It is his own story but at the same time the point is he was the leader of the blood elves. He wasn’t leader of the high elves.


yes. Kael’thas and his people from quel’thelas were renamed blood elves by that point.

The high elves that lived in dalaran, theramore, stormwind, the lodges out in the wilderness, outland, and random human towns throughout the 7 kingdoms did not rename themselves to blood elves.

They do not see themselves as children of quel’thelas. Quel’thelas isn’t their nation.


At least Blizzard knows the difference between a High Elf and a Blood Elf :joy:


Kael vanished into outland. where he was corrupted by kiljaeden. and remember when every blood elf followed kael to outlands to escape garrithos and shared the same fate? oh yea that never happened. it was just kael and a small group of elves. lorthemar is our leader and the vast majority of us were never addicted to fel

Vulpera should be a neutral race like Pandaren. Won’t happen, Horde has got the rep for it. But it’s what should happen for that race.

If they did Vulpera and High Elves I wouldn’t be that angry.