The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Indeed, she suffered some kind of accident that altered her personality, Khadgar says:

Ari is much more than she appears, you know. She was once one of the most powerful archimagi on Azeroth and a member of the Council of Tirisfal. Unfortunately her mind was badly damaged and she has not left the Hall of the Guardian since.

But I don’t think that implies she is anything but an elf, just that she was far more powerful than she appears now.


Congratulations, there are many players who can’t even think of one easily. I myself can’t think of any named Vulpera (when I was an alliance main) and everyone wants them as an allied race. Also, Alleria isn’t a Void Elf, so that makes only 1 important Void Elf and that’s Umbric.


I personally find the hidden option:
“People who really wanted High Elves and paid Blizzard to level or race change Void Elves anyway”
, to be the most laughable, but here you are.

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Oh, I didn’t want High Elves

In fact Void Elves is one of the reasons I started playing. Though, just because Xal’atath needed something fitting to hold her

But nice deflection


She’s almost a direct book reference. You guys are overthinking the significance of her being a High Elf model too much.

thank you for this. It helps show that allied races are not meant to be terribly complex. Most will likely not get more than a single patch devoted to them as a race and just have their leaders show as recurring characters.

High elves as a race have been developed as much as many core races have and all we are asking for is for them to be made an allied race.


Ion hates the idea of giving us something we want. Alliance wants high elves. We get…hide all mog options but pants.


In a vacuum, I would still pick “Hide All but Pants” over High Elves, if those were my choices. I don’t think you realize how huge this is for transmog.

Yeah, but that’s not relevant to what we were talking about. We were just discussing if she was a High Elf or something else. Hardly relevant by itself, just keeping facts straight.


sadly it seems it seems high elves are further down the hall.

The hall of “in case of emergency break glass”

The first was to bring back the old orcish warlords (this one backfired so they had to break 2 of them the following expansion!)

Next they broke the demon hunter class case and the bring back illidan case.

Now in BFA they are breaking the expand mog options case.


They intentionally make it unclear what she is, because they are trying to draw your attention to what she says so you can identify the book reference. We can call her a High Elf. She’s not interacted with enough to prove otherwise.

As for being a signficant figure to High Elves, well, no. She’s a developer easter egg, much like Champion Isimode is a High Elf, but primarily a joke about Paladins.

no shes definitely a void elf…

blizzard made the same money they would have off void elves as they would have high elves. i mean just look at all the alliance in here, theyre all void elves


I don’t get where is it unclear she is a High Elf. My question is, are you making this argument just to justify she shouldn’t be counted on a tally of total High Elves or what?


look at the date

its almost like void elves and allerias transformation werent set in stone yet or something at the time of this tweet


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This is so misinformed. As I posted earlier, there are multiple scenes of humans in WC3 Frozen Throne calling Quel’dorei Blood Elves. While they were aligned with the alliance.

Not anything to do with using fel or enslaving a Naaru yet. What made hem Blood Elves was Arthus destroying the sunwell and they were with the alliance. Go watch garithos scenes on YouTube from Warcraft 3. They are referred to as blood elves WHILE kael’thas is still loyal to the alliance and no Fel is involved.

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Did Alleria change like the void elves after that? No? She’s still a high elf, then.


Seat of Triumvirate was already out at the time


You can tally her if you want…I literally said she’s a High Elf. In terms of her being unclear:

“Talk to my friend. I call her Ari.” is a very strange way to talk about a person. Ari is clearly a label Khadgar has given her. He also states she is much more than she appears.

My guess is she’s now some kind of Arcane wraith or being of energy, as Khadgar implies she’s stuck in the Hall of the Guardian, and she clearly is familiar with the tomes and books there, almost like a librarian. It’s clear she was a High Elf in whatever semblance of life she had prior to what she is now, which again, is unclear.

First, go learn the lore. Then you can try to call me misinformed.