The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Give us High Elves


For me, it would suffice to have the normal skins and hair color available for customization, they can keep the same hairstyles.

These could be options unlocked after a main story quest even, akin to the Night Warrior skin for Night Elves.

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I suppose you are right. The Horde Allied Races are all major focuses of story content where the Alliance ones are stuff they made up.

When they announced Allied Races they said it wouldnā€™t always be a 1 for 1 inclusion, but I guess we didnā€™t really consider that they just meant they would give the Horde a lot more races.


Maybe someone can just circle High Elves on this chart.


Did you get the High Elf partygoers? :black_heart:


So I think everyone here is confused because you are distinguishing Blood Elfs from High Elfs but there is no distinction.

In Warcraft 3 , while the Elfs are still with the Allianceā€¦ Garithos and the other humans refer to them as Blood Elfs. So you saying you want to play the Elfs which never became Blood Elfs and joined the Horde is ignoring the fact that: They were called Blood Elfs when they were in the Alliance.

Kaelā€™Thas gets called a Blood Elf by Garithos while he and the other elfs are part of Alliance forces. The very next dialogue Kaelā€™Thas calls him Milord.
Here is another one, clearly showing the Blood Elfs are part of the Alliance. They are not High Elf anymore. After the destruction of the Sunwell they became the Blood Elfs since their immortality fountain died it changed them.

I guess I am not sure which elves you want to play. Maybe blood elves should be neutral and you can pick the faction like panda? In which ways do you distinguish High Elveā€™s (Quelā€™dorei) from Blood Elves (Sinā€™Dorei). I would love to hear more from the developers on this incongruity why are there High Elf models for the Alliance? Are they Blood Elfā€™s that just call themselves High Elfā€™s?

Its all a little confusing really

I was counting Warlords as their screentime. I mean, even though that was 35 years ago for them, we still got to learn all about their culture and history there.

Youā€™re the only one confused here. We know which elves we want to play. And theyā€™re not Blood Elves.


Drede means their lack of relevance for BFA. They had no role in the story and we had to literally pll thrm from another dimension.


I know. But after an entire expansion about them, I suppose resting for BfA mightā€™ve been the best. It also helps to forget WoD happened.

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Only one confused here is you.

There are high elves that never renamed themselves blood elves. And thereā€™s a number of elves that did get renamed to blood elves, but when Quelā€™thalas started using fel, spreading mana tap usage and enslaving a naaru, they spoke against it and were exiled. Those never got the green eyes and went back to call themselves high elves.

Thereā€™s no confusion. Thereā€™s blood elves, who were infected with fel, enslaved a naaru, drained off living creatures to feed their addiction and joined the Horde; and high elves, who remained Alliance, kept themselves unpolluted by fel and coped with their addiction through magical artifacts and abstinence.

Either you donā€™t know the lore or chose to ignore it. Anyway, you are wrong.


Agreed. I donā€™t want to sound harsh either, but even Horde players have had interactions with Vereesa, the Silver Covenant, Alleria, and Dalaran for multiple expansions.

The confusion argument may have held water back in 2007, but now I feel like people (including Ion) are just being willfully ignorant.

As stupid as it sounds, Blizzard should to do an official announcement to state that High Elves actually existing in the game. Some of us still seem ā€œconfusedā€ (like Ion) and apparently havenā€™t played the game since 2007.


Iā€™m counting ALL the High elf NPCā€™s in game, so NO. That would detract from the number and make the whole point of the project moot.

Iā€™m pretty sure I mentioned the list isnā€™t finished. I have a ton of NPCā€™s I still need to add including Brightsun- also, as of Cataclysm he is no longer a questgiver dude.

I wasnā€™t aware of them- Iā€™ll be sure to add them to my list. If you guys would like to help me out, it would be appreciated! Iā€™m just one guy doing this, so if I make a mistake and overlook something/miscount/etc Iā€™d appreciate it.


honestly I think there is a fair chance of playable highborne as a future allied race. The reason being because of prince farondis. He can come back especially for 8.2 considering the events surrounding him and his people. We could lift the curse and they join with those closest to them which would be the highborne already in the alliance.

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Do we really need a third purple-skinned elf race on the Alliance, though?


If you want to count 10 year old NPCs no longer used or seen in the story of the game, I guess thatā€™s on you, but donā€™t consider them relevant or useful at all when considering their current role.

As for Thaloā€™thas heā€™s definitely still a questgiver. Just did his quest last week.

Do we really need a second Thalassian elf race in the Alliance, though?

Also, people need to stop calling Night Elves purely purple elves. The skin tones in game are actually pretty varied:

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That Thalassian race is already on the Alliance, though. Itā€™s just not playable yet.


Why does it need to be playable, exactly?

Void Elves have slotted into just about every space previously used by High Elves for the most part, maintain a rivalry with Blood Elves thatā€™s more important narratively, and do so in a way much more unique and ripe for story than High Elves.

Itā€™s just really hard to see the space you want carved for High Elves as necessary. Just about all their bases are covered by the other two groups.


Oh, my bad- I thought when they removed his crewmate they removed his other quest as well. Yeah, heā€™s still a questgiver. I can admit to my mistakes.

Well, I mean, you didnā€™t complain about the even older NPCā€™s in Outland. Shouldnā€™t that make even less sense?

And I mean, if weā€™re talking about AGE, Cataclysm came out in 2010, which is 8 years ago, so if weā€™re discounting things based on THAT, why not throw out EVERYTHING that hasnā€™t been updated recently?

Slippery slope, you know?


Cata was at least an intentional ā€œtime-shiftā€ for the game across the board, regarding Azeroth. Lots of storylines and zones progressed or changed from that point.

Itā€™s not a slippery slope to write off stuff not used for 2/3rds of the gameā€™s lifespan as probably no longer relevant to the story, if those characters havenā€™t done or been seen doing anything.

Because weā€™ve been playing alongside them since Vanilla? Because theyā€™ve been major contributors to the Alliance on occasions? Because Blizzard keeps using them in place of Core Races?