The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

No, you are trolls. You come here and make inflammatory posts either entirely uninformed or with straight-up lies about in-game content. That’s trolling.


Your Idea of this High Elven society that exists in the alliance is pure 100% fan fiction. There are Elfs in the alliance yes no one is arguing that.


they are extremely rare tho. 9/10 of all living high elves are now called blood elves after all

WHAT?! I literally wrote the entire history of the Quel’dorei from Reign of Chaos to the quests in Eversong above in this thread, and I am uninformed?!?

wait a second now who is trolling…

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Unless High Elves literally spend their whole lives hiding in basements without interacting with anyone, this is the silliest argument I have seen today.

What do you think Society is? Culture? Like I’m legit midblown here, what do you think living in a place is?? Think before you make such ridiculous statements.

Like we can discuss how elven High Elven society and culture are, and how much it has been affected by living as expats in human lands, but to state that High Elves don’t have a society, that they don’t form part of another society, is WILD.


Every supporter of this is in denial of the Garithos mission in Frozen Throne and obviously missed all of TBC… feels bad you missed out on a great expansion. I can sum it up though: the High Elfs joined the horde and became Blood Elf’s it was awesome. You should have been there.

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Correction: You wrote the story of the Quel’dorei that changed their name to Sin’dorei.

As you should be well aware by now, we want to play as the ones that didn’t do that. Is that clear?

Evidently, it isn’t. So, is it willful ignorance or just an inability to understand?


Its not me you have to convince. You can try to talk to Ion but I think his mind is made up on this.

This my last post by the way.

As much as I disagree with all of you and its fun to argue, I am truly sorry you cant play the way you guys want to in the game. More options would be great. I just don’t agree this option is the right one. But I don’t know everything.

Goodnight yall

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Oh, we know you don’t.


That’s the hope, or whomever comes after him has different ideas.

I am not trying to convince you, because I don’t think you came in here open to be convinced otherwise. For starters, you don’t even understand what are the elves we are asking for.

So all one can do in such a situation, is address the arguments, for when someone who actually is undecided, can make an informed decision.


Goodnight Repodude, sweet dreams

and thank you for helping protect the sanctity of the blood elves and quel’thalas


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I was about to close my computer when I saw that quote, and BOY did that hit a nerve. I’ve been saving this for a “special occasion” and I’m not quite finished- but guess what- YOU GET A FREE PREVIEW!

First things first, NPC’s marked with a (?) are randomly generated and have a chance of being a High Elf. So the number recorded is the number I saw, and could be higher or lower depending on RNG.
(apologies for misspellings- this is all from my hand-written notes)
Starting with Dalaran, we have-
Warcaster Faronoraithe, Warmage Yurias, Warmage Ilsuaria, Goldlily Gleamingfell, Metopious Loreseeker, Darthalia Ebonscorch,Fialla Sweetberry, Fabioso the Fabulous, Aimee, Teller Althiellis, Imindril Spearsong, Sabrina Sorrowgaze, Olisarra the Kind, Andellion, Mona Everspring, Ildine Sorrowspear, Enchanter Nalthanis, Kitz Proudbreeze, Paldesse, Karandonna, Dariness the Learned, Arille Azuregaze, Warmage Lukems, Vereesa Windrunner, Archmage John NIcholas, Arcanist Braedin, Arcanist Tybalin, Isirami Fairwind, Caliel Brightwillow, Valaden Silverblade, Elizabeth Ross, Mirla Silverblaze, Archmage Lan’dalock, Aemara, 6x Class trainers, 5x vendors, 13x Silver Covenant Guardian Mage, and 1x Silver Covenant Agent = 55 High elves in Dalaran

Windrunner’s Overlook
Gelendror Whitewing, Scout Captain Daelin, Scout Yrbria, Landual Silverhart, Aniduria, Miura Brightweaver, 13x Silver Covenant Scout, 6x Silver Covenant Horseman = 25 High elves, making our total 80

Icecrown- The Skybreaker
Skybreaker Shield-Mage x6 total 86

Icecrown- Argent Tournament
Arcanist Taelis, Averith Swiftstrike, Scout Shalyndria, Narasi Snowdawn, Caris Sunlance, Savinia Loresong, Hiren Loresong, Aspirant Forudir, Valiat Laradia, Champion Isimode, Arcanist Asarina Fael Morningsong, Liere Morningsong, Celian Daybreak, Hlidan Lightwing, Priestess Alorah, Silver Covenant Guardian x11, Argent Peacekeeper x7(?) = 34 making our total 120

Quel’Delar’s Rest
Caladis Brightspear, Silver Covenant Sentinel x2 = 3 total 123

Hrothgar’s Landing
Captain Elleane Wavecrest, Silver Blade Sailor x6, Wavecrest Mariner x7 = 14 making our total 137

Dragonblight- Wintergarde Keep
Vas the Unstable, 7th Legion Battle Mage x8 =9 making our total 146

The Hinterlands- Quel’danil Lodge
Jalinde Summerdrake, Gilveradin Sunchaser (technically in Shindigger’s Camp- but its close by,) Highvale Sentry x 14 = 16 making our total 162

The Ghostlands- Hatchet Hills
Silver Covenant Ranger x 23 making our total 185
(technically there are 24, but #24 is “glitched” inside one, so I don’t think he counts)

Dustwallow Marsh- North Point Tower (Yes it’s still there after Theramore’s destruction)
Captain Darill, Theramore Sentry x5(?) Theramore Infiltrator x9(?) = 14 so total is 199

Isle of Thunder(INCOMPLETE)
Silver Covenant Spellblade x 30(!), Kirin Tor Guardian x4(?) Kirin Tor Defender x2(?) Silver Covenant Ranger x 15(!) Kirin Tor Captive x3(?) = 54 so total is 253
(This area was difficult to count due to all the densely packed NPC’s wandering around, many were hard to keep track of. The (!) for the Spellblades and Rangers were due to me losing track of them and maybe counting one more than once or NOT counting one. There are a TON of them no doubt but I do feel obligated to do a recount and maybe averaging the numbers. Plus the missing named NPCs.)

Terrokar Forest- Allerian Stronghold/Post
Taela Everstride, Ros’eleth, Captain Auric Sunchaser, Aeman Brightsong, Theine Brightsong, Innkeeper Biribi, Theloria Shadecloak, High Elf Ranger x6 =13 so our total is 266

Stormwind City
Elsharin, Caledra Dawnbreeze, High Elf Sorceress x2, Silver Covenant Guardian Mage x2 =6 making our total 272
(First Mate Wavesinger MIA)

Finally, a quick roundup-
Area 52- Ravandwyr, Shattrath- High Elf Refugee x2(?), Suramar- Silver Covenant Guardian Mage x2, Towlong Steppes- Silver Covenant Guardian Mage x2, Vale of Eternal Blossoms- Kriss Goldenlight, Borean Tundra- Magister Dath’omere, Ulduar- Kirin Tor Mage x4(?) = 13 making my total so far- 285

So thats roughly 285 give or take a few dozen due to RNG. And I’m MISSING a considerable number. I think when I’m done the final number will be around the 320’s? I think that’s more than enough to populate Stormwind or Ironforge. (In-game at least.)

So there. NOW I am going to bed.


I flag the lot of them until I am out of flags for the given day. Dear Lord please let a forum mod ban these trolls or give me an ignore function.


Now do me a favor and subract everyone from WotLK that hasn’t been used since (for clarification: that means NPCs not seen or used in 10+ years, over 2/3rds of this game’s current lifespan).

I’m not interested in doing that tally myself, but let me know if even half that figure survive.

queues the “But their numbers don’t matter!” said by X responder

No, they don’t person from the future I’m pre-emptively responding to (although you did a head count anyway). Narrative focus matters, of which High Elves have had very little and in supporting roles to more major figures or groups.

Also of note I don’t see my boy Thalo’thas Brightsun on here. My man still sends aspiring Horde players to kill Alliance forces even post-Cata, and has been since Vanilla. He’s just a bro like that.


canon wise. few of the random named high elf NPCs from wrath would have survived the expansion and the same can be said for the other expansions as well

thats probably why you never see them again and why there only seems to be a couple left alive


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We might need to make a chart in MS paint or something…


As opposed to, say, Void Elves and Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarves, or Kul Tirans before they decided to make them an allied race?

I can imagine that as a Horde player, the very notion of an Allied Race with little to no screentime might seem absurd, but believe me, it happens.


You mean like how we have dark skinned elves on both factions? The Nightborne look just like the Night Elves from any sort of distance. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a Nightborne running around and thought they were a Night Elf. That argument is silly.



No relevance to the current story but the moment Blizz decided to make them they literally bent time and space to get them here.

If High Elves show up then they are relevant they don’t need some imaginary justification before hand.


A pirate? That’s your retort? I guess goblins, trolls, and tauren are Alliance, then…