The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

If a character didn’t die , then there’s no point in counting it off. You can’t assume anyone not updated is dead. On the contrary, one needs to assume that a status didn’t change until you get proof on the contrary. The last known status is the canon one.

Besides, most high elves from WotLK appeared again in Isle of Thunder and/or Legion.


Tell ya what. I’ll happily remove Every. Single. High elf. From Northrend if you write down every single High elf from Legion that’s not on my list and isn’t duplicated from somewhere else.

Make a mistake though and they’re all back on.


And all of this is just a bonus, really. High Elves are a separate race, and they’re active members of the Alliance. That’s all the reasons they need.

They just happen to have much more stuff to support this.

Off-topic and regarding my last point, by god, I hope Blizzard at the very least makes Wildhammer playable this expansion or as a pre-purchase bonus We’ve been going everywhere with Falstad in the War campaign. That could’ve been a Draenei or Lightforged with a space bike or something.


This is kinda a arbitrary argument, i don’t know why keep usig it, there’s no logic to back it.


Just flag those trolls and ignore them, we are all tired of responding to the same points over and over again, last night we were discussing and suggesting about their possible physical appereance and it would be nice if we could return to that conversation.


Nice work! The thread reposting must include this list.


Thanks! With the exception of a certain someone (who thinks I should remove a considerable amount of work I’ve put in) I’ve liked the feedback and I’ve been working on it some more this morning.

That post was actually the first time I typed it down, so I copy+pasted it to a word document so I don’t have to use a pencil and paper anymore. :sweat_smile:

I’m thinking of adding some trivia too- like before the infamous cutscene at Fordragon Hold, there is only a single Fordragon Battle-Mage? (Fighting on the Court of Skulls) And for some reason he/she has the highest health pool out of all of the Alliance forces by a considerable margin? (You know with the exception of Bolvar and the elite guards of course.)


Talking about Dragonblight, there are also High Elf commanders leading Alliance troops against the Scourge in the Ruby Sanctum.


Have you checked the high elves in the boats north of Icecrown?

There’s also some in earlier stages of Isle of Thunder that may not appear in the final phase.

And there’s magus Solgaze, who only appear in certain phases in SW and Briken Shore.

There’s probably more like that.


He still doing Legion so Solgaze is still missing.


Eh, ignore Lydon. The Silver Covenant could capture Silvermoon in the next patch and he would try to diminish the event.

I also like how that Worgen rolled in last night who didn’t know anything about Warcraft and Fyre was like, “Thanks for defending the sanctity of the Blood Elves!”

Apparently a pre-requisite to defending the sanctity of the Blood Elves is that you need to not have played the original warcraft games, read novels or read any quest text in game.


You mean Captain Iskandar? Yeah, I’m well aware of him! Just haven’t added him to the list yet… and now he’s added!

Yeah, I got the ones North of Icecrown- the zone is called Hrothgar’s Landing. :grinning:

I wasn’t aware of the earlier Isle of Thunder ones… more of a reason to go back and check… but the list of unnamed NPC’s is already pretty bloated…

Magus Solgaze? I’ll look her up. I haven’t really done much of Legion yet.


My Blood Elf is like, Hey leave Silvermoon alone buddy. My Void Elf is like, pack your bags for a long fight, we got ourselves a Sunwell to defile.

Strange I didn’t think Blood Elves needed their sanctity protected. Maybe against people like Fyre who completely get the lore all wrong. :roll_eyes:

Also that was a Tauren with the wolf mask helm on last night.


It was a Horde Worgen with Horns


Really? Man, I was going to finish with, “And have never played Alliance side.” But I figured he was the exception to the rule.

Been catching up on lunch break.


I just saw that he was well managed and had the same obnoxious misinformed argument they all have and skipped it.

When I see a post like that it’s either a troll, or someone that doesn’t know any lore but assumes they’re competant.


They most likely have never played on the Alliance. If they did they probably ignored most of the lore.

Perhaps we should point out that fan fiction sites, and Fyre’s Head Canon, aren’t a good place to find accurate lore obtaining to WoW races :thinking:


Maybe because they’re inside the Alliance for fifteen years, and Alliance players have been asking to be able to play as one since then. They’re also a perfect fit for the Allied Races system. I agree they wouldn’t work as a Core Race, but as an Allied Race they should’ve been the first pick, and last but not least, because they’re heavily requested compared to any other Allied Race suggestion.

High Elves only need minor changes to not look like carbon copies of Blood Elves, this is the only excuse for High Elves that needs to be adressed. Anything else is just acting out of spite against other people.


Since you are working on Legion, if you haven’t done the Mage Class Hall campaign you might miss those

Omniara is strange, she have green eyes but the High Elf voice set, it feels someone screwed up and gave her the Blood Elf model in mistake.


I appreciate it! I don’t have a high level mage, so that information is extremely helpful!

I’ve got Ravandwyr covered since he first appeared in Outland, but the others appear to be new.