The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

GIRL, what is you saying? Do you realize there is a bunch of NPC’s labeled as High Elf XXX? What are the High Elves in game then? Even if they are “in extinction” for you… they are still a race. What is this argument even.


yep. they literally said this in a Q&A. i mean could you imagine blurring the faction identities even more? in addition to pandas now we would have fair skinned elves on both factions. i dont see it happening imo


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Well, officially I’m a High elf and blood elf.
The void elf are mutants.


I am not trying to argue anymore but to me the difference is race.

The Void Elf’s are now physically different then the Blood Elfs. Alleria got to close to the sunwell and almost destroyed silvermoon they are incompatible, they had to leave. The void turned the Void Elfs into a unique race. Sure they look similar but its same as the highmountian and original tauren.

With Blood Elf and High Elf they are the exact same race, just faction difference.

You may be fine with that, and that’s cool not trying to bash anyone. I just disagree.


Ya I said there are like 50 of them like an underground resistance. But being on the alliance does not make you a different race. The blood elfs are high elfs. The high elfs are blood elfs. There is nothing racially distinguishing high elfs from blood elfs except for loyalty.

You may be okay with that but it would be the only case in WoW. All of the allied races (even the remodeled ones) are distinct from thier cousins. Nightborne look distinct from Night Elfs due to time magic usage (10k years blah blah) highmounitan have antlers.

They are unique races. Thats all I am saying.

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actually the high ball number for alliance elf population is 39

Considering that the modern usage of High Elves clearly identifies as an specific branched group of Thallassian Elves, No.

Sure, if you are pedantic, you can say you are a “High Elf”, in as much as you can say you are a “Highborne.” Technically correct, but obtuse in usage.

Groups have different names to differentiate themselves from each other, and its evident why there exist High Elves AND Blood Elves in modern times. If you are unable to see the difference, that is most certainly a you problem.


I think its a YOU problem because they are not in the game!! :laughing:


Don’t feed the trolls.


I can’t agree that having moose antlers makes you a different race. Nor that being infused by cosmic powers also changes your race.

Considering that a race that is completely the same already exists on both factions, that’s precedent that race is demonstrably not the litmus test to belong to a faction.

Moreso, in a game about faction war, that the division is made by race, is completely arbitrary.


Indeed, High Elves are not playable.


tbf, they are on the horde. even Ion says this


105 Named NPCs.

That link I posted also summarises where unnamed High Elves can also be found, and in what numbers. There’s about 100 of those as well. also supports this, listing 246 different named or generic NPC types.

For comparison sake, I’ll list the other Allied Races (Except for Kul Tirans since I can’t find a page for them)

Zandalari amount to 671 named and unnamed types of NPCs. However, a lot of these are mobs fro mprevious content and are likely dead or redundant now. But still, we’ll use that number for the sake of the argument:

Nightborne amount to 411 (with a large amount of the named NPCs now dead, as well as the Felborn/Felsworn etc):

Dark Iron Dwarves sit at estimated 281 (most of which are nameless NPCs for quests/dungeons/raids):

Mag’har Orcs? Surprisingly, only 127:

Meanwhile a combined list of named and generic NPCs of Highmountain Tauren lists only 120:

Lightforged Draenei sit at only 68:

Void Elves sit at 32:

So basically the tl;dr here is that if High Elves aren’t numerous enough to be a race, then over half of the current Allied Races, based on in-game representation, shouldn’t be either.


Sure Fyrebusche! You are SO right! We are going to close this thread right now.


as a hardcore quel’thalas fan, it would really upset me if blizzard gave prominence to a small group of 39 traitor elves and made them playable where they would be represented in the thousands all of a sudden by players. its bad enough they gave them flavor NPCs with our models effectively stealing the culture of quel’thalas as well

thankfully Ion and the dev team share my view


All this thread is a fan-made fiction. I do not know if it is in the correct category.:cow::cow::cow:

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The race is on to be the person who is post 15000!

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Please, stop feeding and start flagging the trolls. This is clearly going nowhere.


High Elves: * Exist In Game *

Lunafreya: High Elves are fanfiction!!



And we are not trolling. We are very passionate about the story and development of the Horde and the Blood Elf story in general and we do not want that chipped away with your QQ High Elfs.