The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The way the story progressed since Reign of Chaos solidified them as part of the Alliance. You didn’t know what High Elves we are talking about, so it’s better for the discussion to end here.


Silver Covenant ring a bell? The Quel’danil? A good chunk of the Kirin Tor?

High elves have been in the game since Vanilla and have played major roles in nearly every expansion.


Agreed, it IS a terrifying prospect. I would not like pink Nightborne males as the HE model at all. But if Blizzard’s maxim is to make the models different enough, it’s really out of our hands.

And I’m not proposing we just accept a bad model, but we have to be aware that the end result could very well not lean into our personal tastes, and that we have to look at it in the less biased way possible, instead of going the “That’s NOT the High Elf I wanted” route. A healthy way to look at things should be around the middle, with as little bias as possible.


You all are really losing your mind. There is no difference between Blood elf and High elf except for FACTION ALLEGIANCE.

The playable blood elf’s are NOT kael’thas elfs.

Look this is the way they made the story man. If they make High Elf’s playable it will dilute the faction identity of the Blood Elfs. It’s really not fare to split up the Quel’dorei into 3 seperate “races” 2 of which are on the opposite faction as the main population.

See the problem with this is, now any obsure race which is on the other faction could be requested.

“oh well in the Before the Storm book, Alonsus Foul was loyal to stormwind and now they have Calia and Derek so we want playable alliance forsaken now.”

It just dilutes the faction identity and the story man. The High Elfs left the alliance and became the Blood Elfs, the ones that didn’t are traitors and not a different race. They are Blood Elf traitors, same race.


I will voice my opinion whenever I please. I’ve played this franchise for twenty years and I pay my sub thank you. Sorry you disagree


It’s up to them to decide whether they consider necessary or not to do such changes during the development process, but considering the way they did with the Void Elves, which was a pure recolor, the outcome of High Elves coming with the same models is just as possible as they coming with those changes.


There is no difference between Tushui Pandaren and Houjin Pandaren except for FACTION ALLEGIANCE. You were saying…


High Elves and Blood Elves are the same - Check
Taking something from the Blood Elves - Check
“Cannot have 2 “Blood Elf” Allied Races on the Alliance” - Check
Muh faction identity - Check
High Elves became Blood Elves - Check

There’s nothing new here, let’s continue our conversation


And the High elves that no longer considered Silvermoon their home like the ones that lived in Dalaran, the various lodges in the Eastern Kingdoms, and Theramore?


Exactly my point, pandas are the dumbest and most memed race in the game. You really want the elves to become a joke like the pandas?

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I personally don’t care what other people consider a “joke” or a “meme”.

The fact is, High Elves are part of the Alliance. We would like them to be playable.


Yes, all valid points. It’s clear the game developers agree with my point of view. There have been twenty years worth of storytelling on this matter. They are not going to throw that away.

So good luck, I think you all have an uphill battle.

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So here’s the thing, Faction Allegiance is a lot more relevant for some people, which is not something that odd considering this whole franchise is measured by the Horde/Alliance divide.

Which is all about faction allegiance.

The Playable Blood Elves come from Kael’thas BE. He was their prince, they loved him until his treachery was apparent. They were his subjects even if Kael’thas wasn’t personally leading them, his appointed was.

Why would High Elves dilute BE identity? That would only be true if you decided they would give HE’s the same cultural identity than BE’s. Why would they do that? It’s pretty understood that HE’s would be moved AWAY from BE cultural identity, if you can’t fathom how that could be possible (IDK, over 2 decades living in human culture as expats? The syncretsm created by Dalaran?) that is definitely a failure of imagination in your part.

Why is a problem if any obscure race could be requested? Which, by the way, High Elves most certainly are not? They have been members of the alliance since Warcraft II, you literally can see those war 2 elves on Allerian Stronghold TODAY. they keep showing up all over the place. How is that obscure in any way?

And yes, from a blood elf perspective, we do want to play as those traitors, because from the High Elf perspective, the blood elves are the traitors for joining the Horde. What would you know, it’s all about ideological perspective and political affiliation.


And do you really think that is so because they are in both factions? Really?

My dude, correlation is not causality. Do you really think Pandaren would have a different status if they only were part of one faction?


Wow, I’m kinda amazed that he’s ignored all of my posts. It’s like he can’t handle an actual argument with facts that disprove his point.

Whatever. I’m calling it a night. Have fun.


High Elves and Blood Elves are the same - False
Taking something from the Blood Elves - False
“Cannot have 2 “Blood Elf” Allied Races on the Alliance” - Arbitrary
Muh faction identity - Emotional
High Elves became Blood Elves - Inconsistent

Unless you are a dev yourself this is hardly believable.

And it led to the confirmation of the High Elves as part of the Alliance and the Blood Elves as part of the Horde

Thank you


You know what, if blizzard developed some actual story and lore for the high elfs, like the void elf or mag’har recruitment scenarios. I would be okay with it. The issue I have right now is there is aboslutely no story to support an entire “race” worth of quel’dorei. Maybe 50-100 quel’dorei max, Covenant, blah blah.

If there was an in game event like a silvermoon riot over what sylvannas is doing, which leads to a rebellion where half the blood elfs leave, then hell ya thats awesome.

But what I guess I have been trying to say instead of arguing… is that right now the story and lore supports the fact that the high elfs are a very small group. Like and underground railroad. To me in my opinion it would not be right to suddenly have millions of them. (and everyone on ally would totally play one)



There is no recognized “High Elf” race in the game except for in your imagination.
Again, like 50-100 people max and that is being generous I would hardly call that a race. Again more of an underground network.

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If the 12 or so elves that were part of Umbric’s group can become an allied race, then so can High Elves.

Incidentally there are many more High Elves than Void Elves and High Elves ARE recognized as a race in game. There are specific NPC’s labeled as High Elves.


Sure, but then how does that opinion hold up to the fact that Void Elves are just a squad of exiles? High Elves are estimated to be 10% of the surviving population at the time, do you really thing Lor’themar exiled over 10% of Blood Elves for Alleria to recruit?

Void Elves came to literal existence over one scenario; High Elves in contrast, have appeared as part of the world since Vanilla, with their own holdings, and since WoTLK the Silver Covenant has been a recurring faction. They have been already thoroughly been set up as anti horde, anti Blood Elf and pro alliance and pro human. You really can’t see story in that? Like the Purge of Dalaran? Isle of Thunder? Trueshot Lodge and Thas’dorah? Suramar?

So would yo be okay with playable High Elves if let’s say, they had a one per server limit? Why is an issue how many players of a race exists? they are not representative of lore populations.