The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Don’t forget, they were also recruited at the same time as the Dark Irons during Cataclysm and have been busy training the non-Shen’dralar playable Night Elf mages since then.


I respect your opinion, and I’m not saying they should definitely replace SC ones. But if Blizzard did decide to give us playable Shen’dralar that look like this (minus the dragon stuff, just the base form):

Then I wouldn’t argue with that choice and would happily play one.


I sometimes want the High Elves to be more shapely than Blood Elves. Females more resembling Valeera in build (she’s curvier than the WoW Blood Elves) and males being more rugged and broad shouldered.


I legit want to Highborne to be playable some day, Night Elf Mages are a far cry from a legit Shen’dralar/Azsuna Highborne, there are zero options in the customization tab that made Night Elves look like them.
I understand the relation, Nozdormu → Night Elf model → Idea for Shen’dralar, but in this image (they look amazing by the way) they look more like how High Elves could look with proper customization with the Brown/Blonde hair and blue eyes, someone suggested that back in the day to base High Elves on Nozdormu model actually. A Humanoid Draconic Race (Core maybe) could be a stand alone idea with different models (Night Elf, Blood Elf, Human), horns, scales, claws etc.
As for Shen’dralar, they could base the customization on Queen Azhara visual, it’s a outdated model from 2010 but with the art team going places nowadays they can look gorgeous and magnificent like they are in lore.

There’s established story and possible future developments for Highborne to be a Allied Race, the possibilities with Farondis in rise of Azshara path are all there.

My point is that there’s too many differences between Shen’dralar, High Elves and the Dragonflights for use any of them to replace another in a playable spot. For instance the ideas of naturalist High Elves, Rangers, Druids, Shamans don’t go along with the Highborne Night Elf thematic.

I fully respect your ideas, but the Shen’dralar Highborne have a very different story and setting than the High Elves


I’m actually considering reading more lore about the Night Elves and the Highborne to make a Highborne Allied Race Thread some day in the future, but i fear the Elf haters are going to be there.


They will be. The last thing they want is “More Elves”

and since there are a lot of elves on the potential races list, San’layn, Dark Ranger, etc. they’re not going to be into it.

Honestly. At this point I almost want Blizzard to add High Elves, not because it’s a decades long dream for me, but so that I can not be furious when they add mechagnomes, etc.


When they announced “no Allied Races for 8.2” a spark of hope lighted on me, and i can almost believe they changed plans, Mechagnomes are no longer in their list for Allied Races, last BfA races delayed to 8.3 because of that, Vulpera for the Horde and a decent Allied Race for the Alliance. Don’t mark my words, high odds for me to be wrong.


Let’s just wait for Blizzcon.

Their remarks about listening to discussions sounded good. “Feedback is super super interesting in that regard.”

Keep advocating, obviously. But it’s hopeful.

Like I’ve mentioned before, they’ve got an issue on Alliance Side. They can’t add any Allied Race Alliance Side without making us angry.

Like, who knows, we might actually be receptive to a race like Mechagnomes, but they can’t get to that receptiveness because we’re so livid about the High Elf situation.

and, I think at this point, it’s pretty obvious there isn’t a good argument to be made for excluding High Elves.

Even the only standing and legitimate Anti-High-Elf advocate argument, “It’ll make some Blood Elf Players Angry.” Is gone. Because they admitted that they knew giving Nightborne to the Horde would make people angry and they did it anyways.

So, actually, even that argument is finished now.

If they want The Allied Races to work as a tool that excites players on Alliance Side they have to address this grievance.


Good points!


Mechagnomes would be the most stupid direction they could possibly go.

So mechagnomes are confirmed.


For some reason losing/replacing your limbs make you another race. But having different lifestyle, culture, sources of magic and relation with the Sunwell, while your former people become corrupted by fel and holy energies and follow a whole different culture and path than yours, does not. :roll_eyes:

Yeah, anything make sense as long horde players are happy. :roll_eyes:


Makes me REALLY wish this was the case; and to be honest, this could have been an escenario where Blizzard and Us could have got cake:

Here’s the thing, It’s a popular opinion that Lightforged could have been simply been customization for Draenei -I agree, I feel that LFD and HMT both are AR that could simply have been added customization, and added much like the Night Warrior stuff for NE’s was- “Void Elves” could have been that with High Elves being the main AR.

Alleria returns, meets her sister and her son, perfect set up to make High Elves playable. Alleria learns of Umbric’s people, and she seeks out help from her old batallion -the Allerian- the Silver Covenant, and the Highvale to help these wayward kin.

Scenario is pretty much the same, but with involvement of the High Elves as a whole rescuing Umbric’s Group. Some get turned alongside the BE’s, the point is, we end up with a group of diverse origins, some High Elves, some that could be called Void Elves -maybe that name doesn’t even happen- overall something equivalent to the Mag’har clans. All of this I’m pretty sure are ideas you have brought up before as well. Racials are overall more wholly Elven themed, but they get a mechanic similar to the Embrace of the Loa that shifts your Entropic Embrace, i.e. Study of the Void becomes a philosophical path for this group of elves as a whole.

Maybe all of this could have ended on a name change for these elves as a whole, maybe Ren’dorei could have meant something else (Exiled Elves? shrug) with the Void Elves being an aspect of Ren’dorei as a whole -maybe the aspect given more relevance in BfA- There would have been so much more recurring characters, maybe some old High Elves would also taken in Alleria’s techings, and the whole spectrum of customization would have ranged from No Void to Full Void, for skin tone and hair color.

We could have just had Elves with some of them going for the Void, serving the same narrative purpose that VE’s have as a whole.

But that ship already sailed.


Horde getting Vulpera with the Alliance getting Mechagnomes would legit trigger me so hard my face would implode.

But seeing as Goblins/Gnomes have yet to have an AR, this is very likely what is going to happen, with some Mekkatorque side quest involving his “rehabilitation” or something and the Vulpera having a “you are already Horde anyway” quest.

At this point I’ve given up on a good Alliance AR during BFA.

I would be pleasantly surprised and positively ecstatic if we get Redeemed Undead


Exactly, on an aesthetically basic level, Night Elves and Nightborne are tall pruple elves, the relation is evident from our perspective AND from in-universe. culturally they are different, which translates to different aesthetics and the biggest difference, posture, is behavioral.

So that’s the thing, High Elves could be given the same treatment that Nightborne were given to be aesthetically different. Biology doesn’t make NB different enough to be an AR on their own, they simply were made to look aesthetically different and people are using biology as the justification for that.


Yeah, and we don’t even need a magical transformation for that.


I’ve been saying that for some time now.

All High Elves need to be differentiated from Blood Elves is:

  • Unique Hairstyles and perhaps copy some hairstyles from Humans that Blood Elves don’t have and the non-tentacle hairstyles/facial hair from Void Elves.
  • No glowing eyes. We already see High Elf npcs like this
  • Unique idle stance. Just like the Nightborne, High Elves could have a different idle stance. This alone has a dramatic impact on character silhouette.

None of those changes require biological or magical excuses.


Hides CD player with Sailor Moon music transformation music on it


I had to…


I was about to post the same video, lol.


BWAH HA HA! I have the video where that came from in my favorites! :rofl: