The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Monthly reminder that High Elf is the only nonplayable representation in Island Expedition teams, which aim to mimic factional PvP.


Oh, I think I misinterpreted what you said. I’m sorry!


Didn’t know they added sephiroth into wow. Makes sense since cloud and aerith is in Dalaran


Yeah, if you look at his “combat” version, he’s like a mix between an Ice Mage and a Paladin.

I haven’t played much Final Fantasy 7, so I don’t know how accurate that is.


And a mimic to a PvE Dungeon Team with a High Elf on it.


The only thing I really remember was his solar system devastation attack, where he threw a comet that pierced a bunch a planet’s before it was thrown at you.

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You made coke come out of my nose this was so funny … You forgot to add team is comprised of players from different countries who don’t all speak the same language (buts that is an entirely different rant… )

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Oh wow! I completely forgot about her! I need to add her to my list. It’s almost complete- just need to finish off the stragglers and duplicates.


You are making a list, nice!

Zenobia is kinda a joke, but is a big Easter Egg for playable High Elves, she was mimicking a player character here!

Anyway, does anyone that did the Legion Illidan questline payed attention to see if there’s a High Elf among the adventurers you fight in the Black Temple quest?


At least this is not EU. I imagine language is a mess there.

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Yeah, it all started when I started getting annoyed at a certain someone who claimed that there were less than a dozen high elves in existance. So I quickly made a list of all the NAMED high elves in the Silver Covenant (39) and posted that list to try and shut her up.

THEN this certain someone decided to use that number (39) as the NEW total number of High elves in existence- which made me snap to say the least.

Over the past few weeks I’ve been going all over Azeroth counting both named and unnamed High elf NPC’s in the game- working with the primary locations and notable hangouts. As I said, I’m trying to avoid counting the same ones twice (several Silver Covenant and Dalaran Mages appear in multiple locations like the Isle of Thunder for example.)

Its been going pretty slow since my motivation for most things has been pretty low. But my list so far is pretty impressive.

Really? I assumed they were Blood elves. I was kinda busy fighting for my life to pay much attention to most of the NPC’s there (aside from the ones calling “dibs” on the Warglaives and doing silly stuff XD)


I was actually making the question here haha, but there are actually Thalassians there then? Hmm, as i can remember all of the others are from the Alliance aren’t they? So if all the “player characters” are Alliance and there are Thalassians among them and we know Blood Elves are not in the Alliance, so this mean they are supposed to be High Elves? Another easter egg?
I need a break.


That someone is a forum troll whom should have been given a permanent forum ban months ago. Sad the function is no longer available it would seem. Honestly I wished they would just give me back my ignore function, which would at least allow me to not see their utter stupidity, but back on topic I love the list you are working on.


Oh, I’m sorry. I think my reading and comprehension skills are off today! Yeah, I’m pretty positive that there are Thalassian elves there. At the VERY least, the recurring Blood elf hunter Johnny Awesome is there AFK. :rofl:

I’d have to do the quest again to check if there are any High elves. (I don’t think I’ve done it as my Paladin.) I honestly don’t know what happens if you “fail” the quest by dying as Illidan.


Ah it’s Johnny Awesome, they are Blood Elves then, kinda weird for them to be the only Horde characters there.

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Yeah, I really miss the ignore button too.

I’m pretty sure if I just spent the afternoon/evening working on it, I could have the list finished today. Sadly that’s not how my screwed up head likes to work. So It’ll be finished “soon.”

Actually, I just watched a video, and there are a couple of Horde “players.” I spotted a female Orc, a Tauren Druid, and a Blood Elf… Priest I think?

Here’s the video I found.

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“Cross faction raiding easter egg”


Just my opinion, but I would honestly accept a Shen’dralar that looks like Nozdormu’s High Elf model in place of SC High Elves.

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I sometimes feel like that’d be a great idea, since it’d basically be another Alliance model. Could even have the High Elves merge with Highborne to reclaim lost honor and forge a new destiny with more noble ambitions.


Sorry but Shen’dralar Highborne are a totally different kind of people, it’s a diametrical opposite, Void Elves are way closer to High Elves than Shen’dralar are, hopefully they get to be a Allied Race some day, but definitely not a replacement for High Elves at all, at least be from the Eastern Kingdoms!

Maybe if Farondis show up in Rise of Azshara and her defeat cures their curse and Highborne (both from Shen’dralar and Azsuna) became a legit Allied Race possibility, but a substitute for High Elves? Definitely not.