The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Well, bad teams happen. Some days can be quite frustrating, but when you shine through a battleground, it’s so worth it! Specially when you are the one to do the thing that saves the team, it’s so awesome.

Sometimes, the team is so bad you can’t make a difference, but, as you get better, you see more opportunities of making a difference. Just remember to do the best you can, and, even if the team is bad, try to help with any strategy, no matter how crazy, if there’s people trying to organize the chaos. You never know when a crazy strat can win the day.

And don’t mind the losses. Even losing, you gain honor and sometimes Marks of Honor, and those are worth a lot.

Also, do the brawls when they are available. Some of the brawls are very fun, and not everyone is used to them so you often find enemy teams that are clueless about the different strategies there.

Oh, and don’t get the flag or attack a base alone unless you really know what you are doing. Sometimes you do better by defending than attacking, specially as a MM hunter.

I do PvP as both MM or Survival, depending on my mood. Both are awesome, and the gameplay and starts change completely depending on the spec. MM is powerful from range, but you need some meat shields to survive. And Survival is very versatile, more resilient and crazy fun do play in PvP.


Agreed. I only play MM on this toon, and we are essentially glass cannons. I don’t like the brawls personally, has they reward less honor and conquest. You should never do the objective alone unless there are no defenders if you dont see any, pop a flare by the obj.

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Brawls are very worth it. Not only they are often shorter but give the same rewards as a random BG, but they also give you extra rewards on the first win of the week.

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I haven’t seen the Mercenary guy since Legion. Is he still in the Dalaran (Legion) Sewers?

Yeah, I know. My team left our flag unguarded and zerged the middle and for several matches of WSG we lost the match in minutes due to our team just ignoring the flag mechanics. I just felt like I should do SOME sort of opposition after a while.

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On the horde he is at the pvp center. Have no clue about the alliance side.

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Merc mode is only available to Horde nowadays. It’s only on the faction that has long queues.

The merc NPC is in Dazar’alor. It’s probably in the PvP area of Kul Tiras when it’s available for Alliance (i.e.: never).

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Really? Oof. Guess you are out of luck then. He is always at our pvp base.

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Well, I guess that explains it. :slightly_frowning_face: I appreciate both of your help in this. I might work up the courage later and try again.

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I gave up on pvp after losing 4 battlegrounds in a row during a battleground week, Alliance players simply never do objectives it’s frustrating, especially as a healer because there’s nothing you can by your own.
Maybe i should give a chance but not during the bonus week filled with noobs.

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That’s the price we pay for short queues.

For me, queues on Alliance usually last for one or two minutes. A little more on epic BGs.
Queues on Horde usually last for over eight minutes, and often I can wait 15 or more minutes before I’m called to a BG.

BG week is not for the faint of heart. A plethora of noobs join queues in that week.

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Mine goes from 3-18 minutes.

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I feel for the alliance man. Just the other day I had like a 15 winstreak


#2 that supermodel version. :black_heart:


How to play Battlegrounds, by a Alliance player:
Warsong Gulch: Fight in the middle, outnumber the Horde because one or two of them are picking the flags, get rekt anyway.
Arathi Basin: Fight in the Blacksmith and force fights on the Farm while losing everything else.
Eye of the Storm: Make sure you lose both flags and objectives even outnumbering the opponent in one of them.
Twin Peaks: Same as Warsong Gulch.
Battle for Gilneas: Fight in the Waterworks while making sure you lose both the Lighthouse and the Mine, or raid the Mine without anyone in the Lighthouse.
Temple of Kotmogu: Never pick buffs, buffs are for cowards!
Silvershard Mines: Fight only for two carts, you cannot spend a player to control the third!
Deepwind Gorge: Fight in the middle as if the rest of the map don’t exists, taking and protecting objectives don’t increase the DPS numbers!
Seething Shore: United we stand!

For all of them, no healers!


Typically for me I have bad luck on Battle for Gilneas. Unless I’m encouraging my team to harass one of your bases has soon has a fight ends on the other it feels like we always lose.

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I love how this topic is so open to being just a nice get along with each other chat place to hang out! :sparkling_heart:

Sounds like you guys aren’t on the RP servers…

Alliance Guide to PvP on Wyrmrest Accord - Que. Stomp the Horde. Reque.

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They are no bound battleground realms anymore. I play with wyrmrest accord all the time, I win more than I lose now


Oh? I just assumed it’s the battlegroup. Everybody complains about losing as Alliance, but I rarely lose. Sometimes you run into premades, but that’s pvp.

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They might have some battle groups for arenas and rated BGs, but for dungeons and regular battlegrounds the battle group restriction was lifted.

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