The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I should mention real quick that I’m gonna consider the Spores that turn whatever came before Ogres into Ogres as magically induced.

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Yeah. Alright. Enough feeding the troll.

My pointless technicalities are the Lore by the way.


You have a right to be incorrect.

So you never played Wrath of the Lich King, obviously.

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and you no longer have any credibility. :black_heart: Keep trolling.

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As I said, you are free to continue upholding your right to have an invalid opinion!

Well the troll is bumping the thread at least. That is their purpose here, nothing more.


Still, the outcry happened because they care about the Horde first and foremost and other Horde players that call them “muh honor people” are on the Sylvanas train.
So counting on the people that care about lore of the game and play the faction for thematic reasons, you have no one interested into rolling Alliance. They might create a alt or two, but faction change their mains and abandon their friends, guilds and raid progressions, no way.


Not a graceful loser this one. But it’s fine. My job is done. When you’ve reached the point where they’re discounting the lore as a technicality it’s over. The amount of confirmation bias you need to believe anything he writes now basically excludes everybody but the most rabid anti-high-elf posters. Who we’re not going to reach anyways.


Why is it that for Blood Elves and High Elves to be different their has to be some form of physical or magical evolution ? Why can’t they be different through ideological, political, and spiritual evolution . Those three things alone make for two entirely different groups of Elves. Stuff like that doesn’t take thousands of years, it only takes a few.


Very true. If someone wants to use disingenuous arguments, there is no point in trying to debate them.


They can be. The Pandaren make it obvious that even just a political divide, not even a cultural one is enough for a race to be playable on both sides.

But, if people are going to argue that High Elves and Blood Elves are “biologically” the same then I’m going to correct them because as far as physiology in WoW is considered its not true.

They might only be as separated as a Wolf and a Husky, but they’re still separate.

They could become physiologically the same again. But, technically that’s probably true of every single elvish race.


Void Elves and Blood Elves prove how you can have the same race playable on both sides.
Same in biological terms, of course Blood Elves and Void Elves are not identical.


Oh I agree with you, having absorbed mana the way that Blood Elves did, and the years they spent absorbing ambient fel. Would have caused at least some form of physiological and biological change in them. Ones that the Alliance High Elves do not suffer from.


They might have similar genes at the base level, but fel has a way of mutating life. Even if the BEs have cleansed the Sunwell and moved away from fel usage since then, the effects would already be set in stone: essentially making Blood Elves mutant High Elves and genetically distinct.


So, regarding this, i invite you people to always go in topics regarding future Allied Races and what would you like to play to show our interest, the discussion is better to be maintained here, but in those threads we should always show our desires about High Elves without fear, our request is legit and fair, but please avoid discussing in them, we don’t want to derail other threads.


I present you the motivations of the people seeking Blue Eyes for Blood Elves.


I’m assuming you’re talking about High Elves? As an Allied Race, new players wouldn’t be able to roll them until unlocked.

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What pronounced differences has it caused though? IIRC, Blood Elves sustained themselves with arcane energy as the High Elves did, only using demonic energy in Silvermoon to power those green crystals among other things. Aside from their eyes changing, it doesn’t look like anything else happened.

Initially, I was pro High Elf, but I have since changed my mind after seeing what Blizzard has released. Too many elves, if you ask me.

Well. It’s not even that…

“Genes” or even “DNA” may not be something that people in WoW have. It’s not really discussed.

So like, Gnomeregan has high levels of radiation right? High Levels of radiation would shred your DNA. It wouldn’t turn you into a leper gnome and it wouldn’t turn you into a sludge.

But beyond that, there are no “Genes”

Elves are all descended from Dark Trolls.

Tauren were shaped by the well of eternity, just like dark trolls.

High Mountain Tauren didn’t evolve to have moose antlers. Cenarius gave them moose antlers.

Ogres come from giant rock like native beings called “Breakers” who were softened up by fungal spores.

Humans are Vrykul’s affected by the curse of flesh.

The only “Evolution” you can find in WoW are creatures like Mantids. and they’re a spawn of the old gods… and the old gods are void/shadow magic and that’s the magic of chaos. so it makes sense that they change…

and that’s why Void Elves can have tentacles, because they’re hit with chaos magic.

So genes, DNA, chromosomes etc don’t matter in WoW.

It’s, are you affected by Light (order), Arcane, Nature, Fel or Shadow Magic (Chaos) and what did that do to you?

The Titan-forged creatures, Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, etc. were all creatures of the Light and thus were orderly, and thus were made out of metal, but then they get hit with a curse that makes them less orderly.

Though. Now that I’m thinking about it… it does oddly have selective breeding. Because Garona Half-Orcen exists and Half Elves exist.

Though, so far Half Elves have just looked like Elves and Garona’s just looked like an Orc… so… we’ll see.