The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

If History and Culture are Meaningless WoW’s current playable races are:



Oh, right. Gilneans are all still humans, too. They just have this weird disease. I mean, humans don’t become another race when they catch the flu, do they?


First try on Opulence and i got it.
A crown for the queen of RNG, i think i should main a Outlaw Rogue.


The Nightborne didn’t “Evolve”

Nothing in Warcraft “Evolves” except chaos spawn.

Some of the Nightborne currently are the same Nightborne that existed when they put the wall up. They didn’t “Evolve” because that’s not how evolution works and WoW doesn’t have evolution anyways.

WoW uses cosmology. So creatures, very specifically Elves, but everything else too, evolves from their exposure to types of magic.

The Nightborne “Evolved” because they were exposed to the nightwells magic for a long time.

Well, the Ren’dorei changed in an afternoon. The Felblood Elves and even Demon Hunters change rapidly as well.

It’s just about the type of juice you’ve got.


If Nightborne are a different race because of exposure to magic
and if Night Elves are a different race because of exposure to magic
and Void Elves are a different race because of exposure to magic
and Naga are a difference race because of exposure to magic
and FelBlood Elves are a different race because of exposure to magic…

Then Green Eyed, Fel exposed Highborne Elves and Blue eyed arcane exposed Highborne Elves are actually different races.

And to answer your question as long as you believe in “evolution” as it pertains to WoW you will always be incorrect about any statement you make regarding races.

Might want to brush up on your cosmology.


You missed the part where the Blood Elves were reshaped by the Fel and further on by the Light.
Void Elves are not the same to Blood Elves because they were changed by the Void.
By a similar logic being in a ambient irradiated by the Fel should change you physically, thus why Blood Elves have glowing Fel green eyes and reddish skin undertones.
Fast forward some years and tapping into the Sunwell give you glowing gold eyes and hypothetically even Lightforge you.


The whole point of ARs is to have different cultural versions of the same core races. High Elves are a different culture than Blood Elves, Void Elves, Nightborne, or Night Elves. One that prides itself on loyalty to friends and resisting corrupting magics.


To the horde player base quite a bit if enough switched over. Given the out cry when Horde players thought they were the bad guys, there would be many, jumping the bad boy boat, and swimming for the good shore. Blizzard would have to weigh whether the release of High Elves would damage the Blood Elf and horde, Population. Does it matter to me? Not really. Would it matter to me if I was a game director or designer? Yes I believe it would. Because I would actually have to take all points of view into consideration. Such as, how will adding this race effect the player base as a whole. Will the money being made from this Allied race, be enough to make up for the money being lost from the other Allied Races.

Now don’t think for a moment that I’m against High Elves, because I really want High Elves to be playable. Still I will ask myself why haven’t they been made playable yet, what is Blizzard afraid of. These are the answers that I’ve arrived at right or wrong. I blame it on the store that stopped carrying the thing that everyone loved. It taught me about metrics and measures, so now I see it in many things. Also I’m strangly craving pizza.

The horde currently outnumber the Alliance though.

So is this a negative thing?


Every race added negatively impacts all other races. Time spent playing a new race is time not spent playing another one.

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Yeah. It’s true. That argument works against every single Allied Race.

Following it means Blizzard could never implement another Allied Race.

Not that I’m against Izzy.

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At max level yes, in total characters created Alliance hold the crown. Also Alliance would be getting most of the new players. As about 70% about, prefer the pretty aesthetic on the good side.

Blizzard dedicates most of its time to the latest expansion and the next one. Max-level players are the ones to whom content is made for.

And max level is required to unlock allied races in the first place.

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I don’t know where you pulled this wonky idea about evolution not existing in WoW. Your technicalities with terms are weightless. Changes occuring from exposure to magic over time is still evolution in even the basest sense of the word.

Terrible rationale.

The Blood Elves were not reshaped by their exposure to fel energy anywhere near to the extent (edit) that the Nightborne, Void Elves, Fel Elves or Orcs were. Thalassian Elves’ eyes change very easily and radiate with the energies that they are using to sustain themselves or are exposed to. Fel energy is extremely powerful and it usurps any other form of magic that the mortal races are commonly exposed to – we know this. The Blood Elves’ eyes had begun to turn green by merely being within close proximity to the constructs in their city that were powered by fel energy.

Other than having their eyes turn green and radiate fel energy, there were no lasting changes made to the Blood Elves as a result of their exposure because the exposure was minor. They were not siphoning fel energy or using it to sustain their being. If they were, all of the Blood Elves would have become Fel Elves. The Fel Elves were required to directly siphon the energy from quite a few demons before they actually exhibited noticeable physical changes.

Let’s try not to forget that the Blood Elves’ eyes now emanate light, which is something that should have been implemented after 2.4.3. We know that the fel exposure did not cause any transformative changes other than having the Blood Elves’ eyes emanate a green glow because Blood Elves are still the exact same race as High Elves. Nothing from their past exposure lingers and no physical changes occured. How do we know this? Blizzard, the fabricators of the lore, STILL drill it into us that the Blood Elves and High Elves are the exact same race. They’ve even said this in numerous, relatively recent Q&As.

Might want to brush up on… everything.

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This was said earlier but you are underestimating how popular and compelling the Horde is to their players, the Alliance is basically a different game and most of them cannot put themselves to play it either because they think it’s boring or because they don’t like the lore or the races.
The Horde is composed by players that love the idea of playing this faction of monsters that everyone want to see dead, to be the underdogs, and those who had a history of redemption.
Not all players who play Horde are Blood Elves that only care about how the character model look, actually a lot Blood Elf players care a lot about being Horde.
Traditional Horde fans (Orcs, Trolls, Tauren), do you think all they care is to be the good guys? They like this idea of Honor and this tribal feeling of the faction, this is a complete different world to the Alliance, they like those races and their cultures and tales, they like to kill filthy Alliance that persecute them all the time.
Undead players, they have the stereotype of being the players that just wanted to play evil side all the time, no way they would play Alliance to be the good guys.
Blood Elf players, supposedly some people say High Elves would damage their population, i highly doubt that, there are more things involved than just playing a pretty character.
Goblins like: Money. Don’t like: Gnomes, and the Alliance.

I’m not going deep into all the things involving gameplay, friends and guilds, but people are not going to abandon all the sudden a more favored environment for late game activities to play the “good” side.

It was a big text but i believe things are going to remain as they are now mostly, but i think Horde players simply dislike the Alliance too much to ever consider playing it, if racial populations are going to be affected, probably they would be on the Alliance side mostly.

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That’s WoW’s lore buddy.

Sorry. You can say false or ask me to brush up on something. But you’re arguing against the lore of the game.

Nice headcanon you’ve got there though.

Took you awhile to write that.


Flag the troll and move on people, no need to feed another one.


Not at all.

You’ve demonstrated that you are unable to grasp the differences between factions and races when it comes to their existence in the lore and translation / implementation into the game, nor do you seem to understand the differences between the varying degrees of transformation that various races and factions have experienced.

I can’t help you when you’re going against Blizzard’s lore, yet mistakenly believe that your opinions resonate with it.

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Yeah. Cite me one example of Evolution that isn’t magically induced in WoW that isn’t related to an old god / shadow monster.

Nightborne don’t count. Your not understanding how they changed doesn’t make it evolution.


I think Horde never would have gotten the Blood Elves if the Traditional Horde fans were high enough in number to carry the faction. Also yes considering the biggest outcry was from those races when Blizzard made them actually seem like the bad guys.

It’s still evolution. It’s evolution by magic. If you can’t understand that evolution is the unrefined / raw term for explaining changes and transformations of any kind, then you’re going to continue battling on with your pointless term technicalities.

All that matters is that Blizzard has considered the High Elves and Blood Elves the exact same race for 20+ years. Nothing you say will change that at this time.