The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Most people play Horde because they think the Alliance is boring and they cannot put themselves to play it because it’s too perfect and good for them, especially Undead and Blood Elf players. It’s waaay more common to see Alliance mains playing Horde alts than Horde mains playing Alliance alts.
You may be underestimating how popular and convincing the Horde thematic is.

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Hardly. Outside of Allegiances, there is nothing major; they (HElves and BElves) have very similar cultures and values.

The only reason why some of the High Elf communities had a different culture was because they were poor outcasts that chose to establish their own communities outside of Stormwind. If they had a choice, they would reside in Palace-Cities or enclaves with fanciful stuff, kind of like the Silver Covenant.

Sorry but you’ve made all of this.

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The Allegiance alone proves how different their culture and values are. Or do you think there is very little difference between Horde and Alliance, too?

As said by a Blood Elf in canon, High Elves chose their integrity; Blood Elves chose their well-being.


There’s something else I’m curious about. I’ve Read many posts stating that. Blizzard would make so much money, on faction transfers, race changes etc… If so were to release High Elves. Yet whenever someone brings up that their popularity might be a problem. It changes to, Do you really think players are going to abandon their friends, guild, grind to unlock them? So I’m curious as to which it is, because I myself don’t think it can be both.

You’re lumping,comparing and contrasting two different factions of the exact same race of Elves to the Alliance and Horde at large? No, it doesn’t work like that.

The High Elves and Blood Elves, in spite of their allegiances can be and are nearly identical to each other in all aspects in spite of being part of two different major factions.

Nothing that different customization options couldn’t fix.

And, as said many many many times over this thread, if you need some magical evolution or other excuse to take them slightly more apart, it’s all feasible in lore.

Void elves were just blood elves five minutes before their recruitment.


They’re not the same race - this is acknowledged in game by literally everyone.

Race goes beyond the body, like it or not. Otherwise, Kul Tirans and Stormwind Humans would be the exact same thing.


I was going to comment on this statement you made earlier when I saw it:

In my medical program we’ve got a pretty important question we ask when we’re learning stuff -

“So what?”

Let’s say you’re right and people switch over to be the good guy elves…

So what? what’s the harm?


Real Lore Scholar there.

Remind me not to stay awhile and listen when it’s storytime in the camp.

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I like your new crown Wachassa.

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We’re not talking exclusively about Horde players changing to High Elves.

Whenever a new race comes out, plenty of people from both sides do race changes with already-leveled characters to the new hotness.

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No, they’re the exact same race. We have 20+ years of Blizzard lore establishing this. They are different factions, not different races.

Kul Tirans are the same race as Stormwind’s Humans, just as Tushui Pandaren are the same race as Huojin Pandaren. The game’s character creation screen and in-game character display presents everything there as ‘races’, but we can use our brains to determine what entities are truly separate races and which ones are factions of a race.

I love how people keep trying to minimize the difference between being Horde or Alliance affiliated.

It’s just a political difference right?

It’s a pretty big deal on Azeroth whether you are allied with the Horde or the Alliance.


I mean… if you want to be ignorant about cosmology and the way “Biological” differences work in WoW. Sure. They’re the same race.

But that means so are Night Elves, Nightborne and Void Elves.

Technically the Naga too.

Technically, Naga and Void Elves are kind of the same thing.

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I don’t see people talking about about faction transfers because you need a max level Alliance character with oproperate rep and to do the unlock quest.

It’s a lot to do for a character.

So it basically leaves already Alliance players (And the small amount who would be willing to do that) race changing and that doesn’t involve people abandoning their friends or guilds.

It’s equally true for already bi-factional players.


Because of Cosmology (WoW’s “Different Races”) High Elves and Blood Elves aren’t the same race right now.

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I mean, if you think history and culture are entirely meaningless, then I guess each faction still only has Core races.

Actually less than that, since Night Elves, Darkspear Trolls and Blood Elves are all pretty close, huh.

Maybe the Humans, Dwarves and Gnomes too. I mean, they’re all titanforged afflicted by the curse of flesh.


You see how it’s hypocritical to deny High Elves to be playable because they are the same biological race than the Void and Blood Elves? Kul’Tiran Humans are the same biological race than Stormwind Humans, Ma’ghar are the same biological race than regular Orcs, Dark Iron Dwarves, Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren, Void Elves. If those Allied Races didn’t met a “requirement” of being a different biological race from what we already have, why High Elves need?
Allied Races is a pretty name for sub-races, until the system was created there was no possibiity of sub-races like Dark Irons and Zandalari to be playable because they weren’t unique enough, now they don’t need to.

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I think you missed the part where Nightborne had thousands of years to evolve into something separate from Thalassian Elves and Highborne. You must have also missed the part where the Void Elves had their essence of being reshaped by the Void.

You must have also missed the part where the overwhelming majority of the Blood Elves are High Elves that renamed themselves. It’s only been a few years since the Blood Elves came into existence as a faction. There are no racial differences there and nowhere near enough time has passed for any differences to develop. No special events have occurred to significantly change the biology of High Elves of Blood Elves either.

Who’s ignorant?