The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

“I understand that you want a large, cheesy pizza with sausage on it. That’s a pepperoni pizza. Um, sorry? Papa John’s is waiting for you.”


Why is it that every mainlander immediately jumps to the conclusion that High Elves are the same thing as Blood Elves? Sure, they are the exact same species of Thalassian Elf, have similar skin colours and the same biological composition, but–

Oh… yeah… yeah, I see it now!


And that stops me from asking for them to make the pizza I want how?

More like ordered meatlovers, saw them making it, asked them to change it to what I really wanted, got yelled at by people who where enjoying their pepperoni pizza at another table that it was too similar to their pizza, got told by the chef that it’s pretty much pizza, then had no choice but to eat it because they make me pay for it upfront and I just want some freaken pizza.

I then try to talk to the chef about making the pizza I ask for but the pepperoni lovers are still gripping while asking for sausage pizza and various breadsticks.

I get my usual sandwich yet still want the option for the Pizza I want.


+1 for doing it in character.

I’n off to to, ironically, go get some sit down pizza. Later


If I was trying to still get your money, not scare you off my game/franchise, and simultaneously not give you High Elves, I can’t think of how I would word it differently than they did.

Notice the suspicous lack of the words “High Elf” in any of that lovely PR. Surprised you can even take Ion’s words seriously anymore given your distaste for his “gaffes”.

“Super interesting.”

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The old, “Ion is a liar, unless he says what I want him to say.” line.

I’m looking forward to blizzcon.

Like I said, the Allied Race as a tool for the Alliance is broken until they add High Elves. Otherwise they’ll just keep pissing their fanbase off more and more.


Which is exactly applicable to you with regards to his strike down of High Elves for Void Elves.

It’s almost like you ignored that and only heard “in the near term” and translated it as “We’ll get them eventually!”.

Just as silly.

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What was that Stormwind Human?


Says the guy that grew his gut and claimed: “New race!”.


You know for a fact I’ve never dismissed what Ion has said about High Elves.

I have always just pointed to the rest of his sentence that you didn’t like.

Or, you know, mentioned that I’d advocate even if he gave me a hard no.

So no. That’s a Lydon thing. You’ve always done that. It’s PR unless it’s what you want to hear.


I mean, the closing thought on a subject is often the most important part.

If you where to use the same mindset as a counter it would be that him saying why was just PR to hype up Void Elves. (Which actually makes more sense in context)


Not saying that you both are, (edit) but I’m just saying: don’t assume that the decision to make Kul Tirans playable resonates well with me merely because I’m playing as one.

You are a Human, from Kul’tiras not Stormwind, a Human nonetheless, same biological thing, still got your Allied Race spot.


There is more difference between Kul Tirans and Stormwind Humans than between Void and Blood Elves, tbh.


Again, just because I’m playing as one doesn’t mean I agree with Blizzard’s decision to put them in.

Why? Why would they have to abandon their guild. Who said they would stop playing their Belf/Velf, not playing it as much would hurt if success is banked on time played. I think you underestimate a persons desire to play the pretty race on the good side. People can say, no your wrong, being the good guy isn’t that important. However Blizzard had to give the Horde players a choice, either to support Silvanas, or support Saurfang because so many Player were upset about actually being the bad guys, and not the misunderstood good guys. So Yes I think to play the pleasingly aesthetic Elf on the good guy side. Would be the goal of most new players, and those who don’t want to be the bad guy.

… and, actually, this too.

HElves like blue, BElves like red. That’s about it.

Edit: my bad. I read that as High Elves and Blood Elves. Void Elves are at least a sub-race of Thalassian Elves.

It’s fair, they have a different culture, i agree with the decision of making them playable for that reason, similarly High Elves have a different culture, thematic, recent lore, values and allegiances than the Blood Elves.


Okay, I’m not sure I understand the point you’re trying to make anymore.

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