The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Strawberry Gnomes? New berry friends for the already playable Blueberry Elves?
I may suggest Blackberry Dwarves and Raspberry Humans to be their new berry friends, for the Berryliance!


Guys. Shut up. They say they read this. Don’t give them any ideas.

is the guy that posted a giant list of horrible alliance races vs good horde races to begin with though


Berryberry Draenei


My heart sank when they showed that concept art of the Junk Gnomes. That we’re going to “waste” an allied race option on that is just too depressing to me.

I get that some people like to play gnomes but… ugh. So far the only allied race the Alliance has gotten that I actually like is the Void Elves, and that’s saying something considering all the problems they have.

I’m ambivalent on the Dark Iron. I don’t have an real problems with them. They fulfill a long held request, have a fair number of customization options, they have good racials, and they look “cool”. Dwarves aren’t my thing but I don’t feel that the Dark Iron were a “waste”.

Kul Tirans were a logical addition, but “fat” being the only option for their appearance makes them a non-starter for me to play. The racials being meh unless you tank was another real downer. To me they ended up being a “waste” because of implementation.

Lightforged were a “waste” imo. They have so little in the way of customization they could have easily been just additional options for standard Draenei, and I’ve always had a problem with how drastically different the males were in proportion to the females. The whole “top heavy” look just doesn’t appeal to me and I find their racials less than appealing tbh.



Horde: San’layn
Alliance: Frankenberry Draenei.

Horde: Vulpera
Alliance: Booberry Elves (Indistinguishable from Void Elves.)

Horde: Ogres
Alliance: Yummy Mummy Ethereals.

Horde: Dark Rangers
Alliance: Fruit Brute Worgen

Horde: Saberon
Alliance: Boo Berry Gnomes

Horde: Mogu
Alliance: Fruit Brute Gnomes

Horde: Wildhammer Dwarves
Alliance: Count Chocula Humans


I get that some people like to play gnomes but… ugh. So far the only allied race the Alliance has gotten that I actually like is the Void Elves, and that’s saying something considering all the problems they have.

I agree. I just wish they could add more “skinny” races. Honestly, I think that if they’d had a skinny KT variant I’d be much more interested. I’m glad they have allied races in general, and the care in the Kul Tirans and the Zandi both is obvious, but I just wish we had more options that were a bit less thick :stuck_out_tongue:

And Velves are close, but I wish we could at least be real blue ones, as teased in this image: (Note the hands in particular- no current skin for Velves has that color).

Just my 2c.


I had to do it :joy::



Real question: is there any enduring Alliance race request thread besides this one?


Sethrak, I guess.

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Oh, yeah, for some reason I forgot them.


It’s a big missed opportunity to give draenei something cool to unlock, too. Imagine getting to go through the trials on your normal draenei and end up unlocking the Lightforged customization options afterward.

Then the actual allied race could have been krokul instead.


With the “hidden chest” option coming soon, the Lightforged stock has risen. Show those awesome tattoos.


I wanna see all the awesome barbarian and ronin/wandering warrior transmogs we will get with that option. Best news from the Q&A!


Shirtless. Kultiran. Warriors. True tanks.


Think of all the hidden chests + pirate shirts combos we will get!


Now if we could just hide gloves and bracers…

Oh well, maybe next expansion? They seem to be limited to giving us no more than one new slot to hide each game version. :stuck_out_tongue:


Broken maybe? I can’t see there being a playerbase out there for Broken. people don’t play Male Draenei. Not sure why they’d want to play even more messed up Male Draenei.

One of our Pro-High-Elf advocates wants Saberon for Alliance.

Also Wildhammer Dwarves but that sounds like a lock.

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I’d absolutely play a broken, but I think you’re right in thinking they’d be a very niche addition.


Don’t lose hope. BfA alpha had hidden gloves datamined. I expect those to be available eventually.


The minute I can hide my gloves is where I go full Blood DK insanity mode.