The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Yeah, I was talking about it with my sister a while back. She was pretty disappointed with the female Kul’Tiran Human model (I personally don’t find it to be that bad) but she really wanted to create a KT Druid but hated the model and wished she had the option for the regular human model you see all over Kul’tiras.

I dunno if she’s made up her mind. She’s pretty busy with her job and I doubt she’s done the second round of campaign quests.


It was really disappointing for me. I had already planned out what they’d look like and what mogs I’d wear.



I’ve always been critical of the standard “steroid junkie” human male model, but they actually work for these concepts. :frowning:



I forget what set those shoulders/gloves/boots the druid comes from, but its pretty sweet. (I want to say Antorus?)

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Yea the druid set is Antorus Normal. The Shaman set is mostly tier 4 with some crafted bfa pants instead of the kilt and a few accessories to pull it together (shirt/shield)


Nice! They work really well!


Sadly I’ll never get to use them except in the unlikely event Blizzard adds a body type selection option.

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I know I’m looking forward to rolling a Zandalari Paladin myself, Kul Tirans though, probably not.


…Tell her to make a Worgen?

It’s literally regular female human model out of combat. There’s next to zero time where you’d be in a humanoid form in combat anyway.

If they had all the time regular model humans for Druid and Shaman, they’d be the first in the game to appear as every single class for players.

I think regular humans have plenty of options.

Yeah, I suggested that to her, but she doesn’t like the Worgen female model model either (and also doesn’t like how it makes constant “sniffing” noises.)

Keep in mind this isn’t ME, this is MY SISTER.


I can’t relate.

My sister was a little edgelord back when we started WoW, and made an Undead priest with the straps over the eyes while I was romping as a Nelf hunter coming off WC3.

Well, maybe you can relate in the fact that your sister is a separate entity from you and has different tastes and desires?


But if you think about it, almost all Alliance Allied Races are going to be unpopular, if the leaks become true:

Void Elf Controversial Nightborne Controversial
Lightforged Draenei Unpopular Highmountain Tauren Unpopular
Dark Iron Dwarf Successful Mag’har Orc Successful
Kul’tirans Unpopular Zandalari Troll Successful
Mechagnomes Unpopular Vulpera Successful
Redeemed Undead Unpopular ??? ???

The faction balance regarding Allied Races is going to be worse than Core Races, but what we can expect from a Horde biased Development Team after all?!

World Warcraft 2 developed by these guys would mean Alliance’s death, this is something I’m certain.


I’m not certain if a faction bias really exists, but i don’t mind if the devs like more the Horde than the Alliance as long as they do something like attending attending our requests


To be fair I think you should categorize Void Elves and Nightborne as Controversial/Successful.

Despite their flaws, they are popular.


Are you misunderstanding everything I type as some hostile call out?

I meant I can’t relate to having a sister concerned with being a pretty human vs a rougher Kul’tiran because my sister chose a monstrous Horde race from the start.

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(Removed) Nico addressed this

I dunno man. She’s got a Troll shaman and a Forsaken Death Knight as some of her oldest (active) Horde characters.

She just doesn’t like Worgen and was disappointed with female Kul’Tirans. I really don’t understand why it’s so difficult for you to understand.

And I am not my sister.

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Ok, like, am I speaking in tongues? I never implied you were your sister, either time I replied. Are you ok?

I’m just extremely tired of this conversation.

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I agree. The current planned line up for Alliance races is awful. Which will probably be compounded when they announce that last Horde race.

I imagine only Ogre’s would have limited player interest. They’ve got a lot of potential races that would be hugely successful - San’layn and Dark Rangers anyways.