The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I mean, they haven’t really been absent. The Silver Covenant has, but so has Dalaran. Considering both groups were at the forefront of fighting the Legion, their absence makes sense. We’ve still seen High Elves aiding the Alliance. The Stromgarde War Front, Archmage Yvera, Seraphi Frostfencer, etc…


All we really need is for Vereesa to show up with the Silver Covenant (with new hairstyles/idle stance etc) to help shore up the Alliance forces since they’ve had so many casualties. That alone sets the stage for High Elves as an allied race.


It’s stupid that Dalaran just stands aside while the Horde committed atrocities at Teldrassil and sylvanas is becoming more and more like the Lich King.


I wish Blizzard explained what the many neutral parties are doing and thinking about the war. Kirin Tor, Cenarion Circle, Earthen Circle, Ebon Blade, Argent Crusade and so on…


I just wish they’d follow through on some of the questlines they’ve come up with regarding those groups.

Looks at the plaguelands
Looks at quest text
Looks at the plaguelands again

Where’s my cleansed and purified Plaguelands Argent Crusade/Silver Hand micronation already?


To be fair I imagine the Kirin Tor’s resources were pretty exhausted being the vanguard against the Burning Legion.

The answers are: Doing nothing. The planet is dying. It needs healing first and foremost.

Thinking nothing. Planet is dying. It needs healing first and foremost.


And Malfurions fellow druids in the Cenarion circle helped burn down Teldrassil. Dalaran shouldn’t be allowed to be neutral in the war. The horde should be raiding their vaults for artifacts to use against the alliance.


I really wish Legion did a better job of demonstrating or explaining how the bulk of the Horde and the Alliance were both kind of in weakened states and too busy defending themselves to lend any real aid - hence the class orders taking charge and creating the Armies of Legionfall etc.

I mean you hear about about it in snippets and some quest text alluded to it, but still.

Kinda makes me wish the pre-launch event had run for all of Legion. It would have helped show that narrative, rather than tell it.


Cenarion Circle and Earthern Ring are in Silithus to help healing the wound, there are NPCs there. The other factions we have no idea.

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It’s implied Sylvanas sent the neutral-leaning Horde druids and shamans to Silithus so they’d be busy figuring out how to heal the world.

And that’s the problem: it’s only implied. I’d like to actually see these factions’ actions and thoughts during the war.

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See, that doubly annoys me, because they actually redid Silithus as a zone, so they could have shown us that by putting a few Horde NPCs in a camp with some throwaway dialogue or the like.

Though tbh given the amount of effort that went into remaking the Silithus zone, how little content is actually available there is really annoying. Why bother at all if you’re not going to utilize it - Sargeras’ sword could easily be sticking out of the ocean, or the mountain ranges, or the Goblin resort that was mostly cut content from Cataclysm.

Instead they replaced a pretty empty zone with…another, even emptier version of that zone. Except with a giant sword prop in the middle of it.

It just seemed like a waste of dev resources to me. There was a missed opportunity to actually invigorate a dead and often ignored zone with real, and even relevant content.


absent as a playable race

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I was checking data from Realmpop.

At level 120, they have found 1,427 kul tiran characters, and 5,246 zandalari.

Most popular kul tiran classes are druids (41.4%), warriors (16.5%) and shamans (13.3%)
Most popular zandalari classes are druids (37%), paladins (16.6%) and shamans (10.8%)

Huge disparity, and it tends to grow further.


I had to zoom in to the max and even then I had trouble finding the sliver for Kul Tirans on realmpop -_-


Yeah, select only Alliance, then Druid, then only level 20. Click on the kul tirans, deselect class and faction to show all and move the level sliders.

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Hasn’t even been a full week. Let’s see where things stand after a year.


Kul’tirans were always only go to appeal to a small amount of players. Some people want different body styles represented that are more realistic and will be happy about it.

But for everybody else with body dysmorphia they’re going to want to play Sin’dorei or Ren’dorei.

Zandalari are cool trolls with good posture. So, they’re just going to take off.


As well as another alternate race for Horde paladins.


The nolvety of human Shamans/Druids will only take them so far…

And to that, it doesn’t help that nearly every damn Tidesage is Stormwind-sized


If Kul Tirans just had the option to choose the “beer guts and binge eaters” model or the standard Human model, in the same way orcs can choose the hunched model or the straight-backed model, I’d race change my Shaman to Kul Tiran and level a Kul Tiran druid.

But as they are? No. I just can’t enjoy playing a character that I don’t find aesthetically appealing.