The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Still, the Sunwell’s power is constantly fed by Azeroth’s ley lines.

As powerful as Alleria is, I find it absurd that she may be as powerful as the Sunwell itself.


With how Xal’atath talks about Alleria, she might be some big piece in the Void Lord’s grand scheme or whatever. Maybe that wasn’t her, but some greater power using her as a connection to the material realm or something.

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Void Elves aren’t even that sinister at all. (Maybe the Island Expedition Group)

The closest they’ve been is making constructs out of dinosaurs for psychological Warfare.

Worgen got to be sinister one time in Legion by going behind Anduin’s back at least.

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Umbric is Waddles the Pig.

It all makes sense now.


void elves work better as a class and if they insisted on a void race what would have been perfect is the k’thir we encounter in stormsong valley. Perhaps they are all not totally insane and they join the alliance giving them a void race that doubles as something very close to mind flayers from DnD.


You can still do corruption and insanity without a sentient malevolence is my point. Like think of it like drugs in Mandy, it WILL screw you up if you go off the deep end.

I like the idea that the void presents all possibilities as truths, but I’d like that to be a result of the void connecting endless possibilities rather than someone showing you that. It can definitely still turn you insane, it can defintelly corrupt you as any power does, but I do believe there’s a large space for the void to be this unfathomable emptiness that connects everything and everything is possible without having a sentience that seeks to manipulate.

The insanity of looking at an eldritch horror is caused by their visage, not purposefully, you could say.


Unfortunately, WoW’s eldritch horrors are very malevolent. Not one creature from the Void has ever demonstrated anything but villany.

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Seems like you guys are having fun today :joy:

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I think Void Elves aren’t only stealling the opportunity of a race based on K’thir.

But also this awesome race, that we’ve meet back in Burning Crusade. THESE GUYS LOOKS SICK!!!

I really hope Ethereals become a Core Race, not Allied, some day. Even knowing they’re a bit of a challenge for the Art Team because of their faces, or I should say lack of faces? :sweat_smile:


The way their cover their “faces” could be enough customization. Bandages, no bandages, veils, masks…


They even have a racial mount ready to be made



I’m in favor of masks that actually have a kind of reverse meaning to them. Like a smiling mask might be indicative that the wearer is in mourning for their home world, an angry mask might indicate a pacifist, a sad mask might belong to someone who enjoys their new existence, a blank mask might represent infinite creative opportunity, etc…

I’d also be open to hairstyles that look like energy.


I need this in my life! :heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Neon hairstyles, infinite possibilities. :grinning:


Ethereals should only be added when San’layn are.

So we can have Zombies and Vampires vs Werewolves and Mummies.


In this case, yes because you don’t lose the ability to enjoy Blood Elves via being able to play one, though you support denying other players with different preferences the same enjoyment, which is where your statement is fundamentally irreconcilable to the reality of the matter.


When/if when High elves get added, what horde race should be added? For me it be cool if Ogres or forest trolls to fit in that warcraft 2 vibe. But I can also see the Vampire elves being added at the same time as well


Forest Trolls match Warhammer more a Amani are still annoyed with the Horde and hate Elves namely the High Elves and Blood Elves and only work with them now due to the Zandalari being a seperate from the Horde but closely allied thus this leaves the Revantusk Tribe who are allies of the Horde and clearly remember them if you speak with the Speakers in Zuldazar who are at odds with the Wildhammers! :stuck_out_tongue: so better match up.

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I think both ogres and san’layn will be available long before high elves…

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While Ogres seems the obvious choice due to age and fan requests, I would imagine San’layn being the choice that gives more parity since its currently highly requested and keeps the number of races using the Thalassian model even on both factions.


I barely read anything in this thread but I’ll leave my feedback anyway.

So when the void elves were announced I was thrilled, they looked really cool and when they launched I hushed to make 3 as soon as possible. But then I realized that the existence of the void elves is a strong sign that we wouldn’t see high elves on the alliance. Everytime I play one now it just makes my stomach turn.

I even considered making a Belf but it becomes obvious pretty fast that they are not High Elves. They may have the genetics, but not the culture, the values, etc… High elves would never agree to fight under current silvanas banner.

So far I have not seen any coherent argument against them, specially when we have 2 very similar races of dranae, 2 genetically identical human races that are differentiated only by how fat playable models are.

The easiest and cleanest way to fix this would be to to make void elves have more customization, allowing them to look more like Aleria.

But my ideal scenario would be their addition in a major story arc. However I have no idea how could you justify their absence until now. It is funny how the biggest problem I could find is their unjustified absence.