The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

I can’t say I like Void Elves, at least not as they are currently. They’re devoid of any depth, history, or characters. They’re not even a proper race, just a crack squad of one-trick ponies - they use the Void - N’Zoth only knows why, when every other type of power is safer, and the Void offers very little that the other don’t - and that’s it.

But, what better race in the Alliance to make a mentally unstable Shadow Priest who hears her voices in her head than the mentally unstable Shadow-using elves?

Did the scenario even explain what about the Void attracted Umbric? At least Alleria had her reasons, since demons feared the Void. But what made him think it worth pursuing despite all the risks to himself and others?


Its been a while since I’ve played it myself, but I can imagine you can find a video of it online.

From what I can remember, Umbric and his followers were following in Alleria’s footsteps and were exiled for it. While exiled they find a mysterious box of power, and when they unlock it they get exposed to void energies and an Etherial comes and tries to claim them as his own. Alleria and the player drive off the void forces, but not before it’s done an irreversible transformation to Umbric and his followers turning them into “Void Elves.” Alleria vows to teach them to harness their new powers and to control their whispers.

Like I said it’s been a while that’s what I remember and took away from it.

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In a nutshell? He was a Blood Elf. He was looking for power, any power, that would help protect Quel’Thalas and make the Blood Elves stronger. What he didn’t know was that the traitor, Dar’khan Drathir had discovered the power of the Void and used it previously when he betrayed Quel’Thalas. That, coupled with the Sunwell’s new state as a font of Light as well as Arcane magic, made the Void a particularly dangerous power for the Blood Elves.

TL;DR - He was a Blood Elf doing what Blood Elves do.


Do you keep missing the fact that Void Elves are “as close” as we can get to play High Elves with things such as they are?

I mean personally, there’s a reason why I’m wearing this hood, which obscures the face, but still allows me pointy ears.


So, “it’s power”

As meaningless as I expected.


It’s just so unfathomable to have people, that admittedly make good points from time to time, say that “there isn’t as much real animosity here” when we ALL did The Purge of Dalaran and the Isle of Thunder, like seriously.

At best Vereesa thinks that Blood Elves can be redeemed as of “Three Sisters” and that at best can be seen as condescending, because she ultimately thinks that them being on the Horde is utterly wrong.


One of the things that really frustrate me about void elves is being unable to feel empathy for them. They were hoisted by their own petard, they lack any interesting characters (or any characters at all), we have no idea about their plot direction… They are just… there.


I mostly like Magister Umbric because he’s voiced by Dee Bradley Baker.

The dude is in EVERYTHING. :smiley:


It saddens me that all I can say about Void Elves is “They have potential!” and we are already 1 year and counting in.

I’m sure they will get some development soon, let’s just wait for 8.3!

I have enjoyed Umbric and the VE’s in the Incursions, but it saddens me there is little context beyond “They are part of the Alliance now!” At least the Silver Covenant has had a personal bone to grind with BE’s and the Horde most of the time, but I hope it is still not too late for Void Elves, I do think they can still turn it around.

TBH I’d love to see what Voided Thalassian Aesthetics can actually become -isn’t it fun that Void Elves are STILL the only Allier Race without a unique aesthetic kit like at all? They just have a banner! THAT’S IT!!


I think it’s never too late, but I worry about how late it will be before they get fleshed out. It took several expansions for the draenei and the worgen before Blizzard decided to give them some protagonism. And, in the case of worgen, it’s still very little.

In the case of void elves, we may have years of waiting ahead. And they may shine in the one big void patch and then be forgotten for many more years.


We have Night Elves for that.



Not sure how they’ll pull that off. Void Elves already have voices in their head and it’s hard to keep control as is, getting more of them should only lead to uglier results.

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The thing about the Sunwell is that light cannot exist without dark. That implies that the Sunwell would always have an extreme dark “at its bottom” regardless of any outside interference.

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Best case scenario the resolution of N’zoth’s conflict leads to a point where Void Elves can use the Void on a less sentient form, maybe? Like I feel the issue RN with the Void is that is is actively trying to corrupt you instead of the corruption being caused by giving in to power and being corrupted because of it.

Fel is highly corruptible, but not sentient, Demon Hunters have learned to harness it; I’d like VE’s to reach a similar point where they can use the void if not in a safer manner, not being manipulated by entities of the void, ya know?

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The Sunwell being vulnerable to void magic makes no sense for me. Since Light and Void are opposites, any void power that is less powerful than the freaking Sunwell should be annihilated by it.

Unless she has more power than it, Alleria should feel pain or even be burned by getting too close.

Void beings should avoid the Sunwell like the plague.

It feels like the Sunwell being extra vulnerable to the Void is just an excuse made up on the spot to have a group of exiled blood elves available.


Which is hard to do when the corruption and insanity are a big part of the Void’s… identity, I guess, as a cosmic power. Take that and away, and what’s left? Purple arcane?

Well, she did absorb a corrupted Naaru, and the Sunwell is being mantained by a Naaru’s spark. Maybe it L’ura was more powerful than M’uru.


Alleria absorbed the power of a Dark Naaru.

The Sunwell was sparked with the power of a Naaru.

Technically she may be equivalent.

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"High-Void Elf Integration Option #4

High Elves cut off their ties to the Sunwell and start tapping into Alleria to sustain themselves, becoming afflicted by shadow just as Blood Elves got their golden eyes."

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I think Turalyon might object to other guys tapping his wife :sunglasses:


I think the idea that Alleria having the power of a Dark Naaru making her equal to the Spark from M’uru fails to address one teeny tiny detail…

The Sunwell was a font of INFINITE Arcane Magic before being a font of Light and Arcane Magic. I don’t know how the Light and Arcane mix in terms of the Sunwell, whether the Light is augmented and stronger for it or if it’s actively altering the arcane within the well somehow, but the Sunwell is a monumental source of two different powers, and Alleria devoured a single source of monumental power.

She shouldn’t be stronger than the Sunwell. In fact, she probably should have become a Wretched when she devoured the Dark Naaru. I can only assume that the fate of becoming one of the Wretched occurs when taking in too much arcane magic specifically.