The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

And that’s the thing. It’s like they pulled these races out of their butts. (I guess they did.)

“Oh it’s so hard to think of good Alliance Allied races”. Like we didn’t have two already lore established ones, that existed from the races they pulled from already. It’s like the writers don’t know their own lore.


Lightforged could have been just new skins for draenei, much like blood elves got golden eyes and orcs got a new posture.

It should have been broken and high elves, simple as that.


This exactly. Lightforged should’ve been a customization option for draenei. We didn’t get a whole new “Nightwarrior Nightelf” race. Lightforged offer no new race/class combos. They’re just a more limited draenei.

High Elves and Broken should’ve been the allied races for alliance from the start and I’ll forever be salty they weren’t.


thanks I was just confused because of this

When you go to the page the first thing you read is Not to be confused with Fel crystal or Mana crystal.

The First thing you read when you open the page is Not to be confused with Burning Crystal or Mana crystal.
So It left me consused as to, are they the same thing, or are they not the same thing.

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Void Elves are cool, what more?
Void Elves didn’t even have a comparison with the Nightborne, which got a amazing story line, zone and city. In terms of development, not even a comparison, in terms of coolness? Maybe, but Void Elves got no exclusive thematic, it’s Void thematic, it existed prior to them, it’s not unique to them. It’s nice to have a playable race with the Thalassian model in the Alliance, but then it was mostly effortless to do so, and it also cut off the model argument against High Elves.


While I would say that Paladins don’t make nor break High Elves -they simply aren’t iconic- and the idea of High Elf Warlocks is interesting in concept -How to command demons without falling into the fel could be seen as a parallel to Alleria’s reasoning to weild the void- It’s just true there are more High Elven Paladin NPC’s than Warlocks.

There are more High Elf Paladin NPC’s than High Elf Priest NPC’s actually, does that mean Priests wouldn’t be playable either? Hence why the argument feels disingenous.

Mind you, I am saying this as someone that personally, would be okay with High Elves not having paladins as I am in favor of making them more different to Blood Elves.

High Elf Paladins feel potentially very conditional: if we base of groups like the Silver Covenant, they are practically non existent so not having Paladins would feel perfectly in line as not something commonplace. Of course, this is not a “The lore says High Elf Can’t be paladins”, but that they are simply not an integral part of this group, so it can go either way, depending simply on what variety give them.

Yet, if we think of a group like the Highvale, or the Silver Hand which appears to have broken off again post Legion, those are explicitly Light worshiping High Elves, and Paladin would be expected.

Paladin’s don make or break High Elves, it really just comes of to personal preference. Personally I’m just neutral about it; if we don’t have them cool, if we have them though, I would rather hope they were framed as Highvale to give them a more unique flavor as a racial group -and of course they player can choose to be a more regular “Church of the Holy Light” Paladin type. But yes, Highvale feel like a very good opportunity to give High Elves a more unique worshiping of the light. Paladins mixed with Ranger aesthetics? Yes please.


Even while I legit don’t like the NB male model (and NB on themselves ae plagued by clipping and lacking choices) the background given to them during Legion was amazing, and that alone makes them a lot more fleshed out that “we hang out in a rock” Void Elves. Suramar might not be playable, but it’s still a huge amazing capital for Nightborne.

(Also that the Horde got two fully fledged and established cultures from Legion and the Alliance got two bunches of exiles with no holdings is SOMETHING, although I have to admit Maghar and Dark Iron feel like a reversal of that)


Alliance got nice models, but not new, Horde got a city and a full developed Broken Isles civilization.
Models can be fixed easily, storylines not so much.


But then, Highvale banished magic so no Mages maybe? I’m more of recruiting all High Elves into a more cohesive group instead of picking one of their components, all those groups would still exist, the Rangers will still live at their lodges and hunt in their forests, the Mages will still live and study in Dalaran, the Paladins will still be doing their… thing, but the player character will be the one who came from one of those places and heed the call to serve the Alliance and take a long adventure from 20 to 120


Tell that to the Worgen, and Goblin players who waited how long for updated models. I’m not even sure if the Models are ingame yet because it’s been a while since I played.

Yeah, I can’t help but agree with you there. But I know there are quite a few people that really want High elf paladins.

Ultimately, its up to Blizzard on that decision.

Oh, and speaking of priests, I stumbled across another while going over the NPC’s in the game- Priestess Alorah. She is EASILY missable due to only appearing for about a minute and then despawning for an hour or so for an event involving the Twin Val’kir on the Argent Tournament grounds.


New models and animations are made all the time, for bosses, doodads, structures. They are most exclusive pure art work without much links to the other parts of development, and Blizzard probably put their artists to work on things they deem necessary, maybe just a few people are working on the Goblin and Worgen models, it’s not supposed to take so long to adjust them, it’s not the same as a full model, then i have no idea why it’s taking so much time.

Yeah. It tricked me too. But then later on it says they’re probably fel crystals. I had to do a bit of searching. Not a very well written page for those broken crystals.


The simple answer is Blizzard changed it around a few times and didn’t keep it all consistent.

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Exactly. I’m not saying that Playable High Elves would be either Silver Covenant or Highvale, but that both groups have distinct backgrounds that focus in different things. And indeed, by having them working in tandem, we would not only have a more complete class kit, but a background with more potential and depth.

Reunification is like the biggest potential for High Elves given their disparate groups, so it makes sense from a narrative point. But even if they decide for a more Silver Covenant approach, there can still be Highvale (and other elves) that choose to join the Silver Covenant bringing in their on background.


Yeah. I mean obviously Blood Elf players still aren’t into it. But I’m not a huge fan of the retcon, especially since Burning Crusade was their redemption story.

“We were redeemed and killed that bastard Kael’thas. But like… it wasn’t that bad though.”

The Story is supposed to read - Our Prince tricked us into demon magic. But then we killed him and his demon and are being purified by our Sunwell.

and now it’s like, “We didn’t absorb Fel. But if we did, that would have been the reason why we killed him.”

I’ll meet you guys halfway…

We go for Silver Covenant Elves now…

and then when we get them…

We go for Highvale Elves. Lots of earth tones, no mages, warlocks, etc. but Shamans and Druids.

I don’t really see much daylight between the Silver Covenant and Allerian Hold Elves… and probably shouldn’t. Their leaders are sisters.

Edit: I’m joking about this, mostly, before the other thread has a collective anuerysm.

Thank you, Now I have a question about Blood Elves, the use of Blood Magic, and Blood Crystals for you.

That points out that Blood Crystals aren’t powered using Blood Magic, and that the whole Red coloring is an aesthetic.

Despite their name, the blood elven blood mages are not users of blood magic,

Other than Blood Mages Drazail, and Lynnore in the Blasted lands, What proof is there that Blood Elves use Blood Magic in Large Numbers. Other than seeing them Syphoning from Blood Crystals. Which we now know are Mana Crystals with a red Aesthetic because that stuff really matters to the Sin’doreI

In Warcraft III Blood Mages were the new “Hero” units added to the Frozen Throne expansion and were tied to Blood elves. Other than that, I don’t know much about them other than Kael’thas was one.

They appear to be favored by Blood elves and former Blood elves according to the wiki

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Seems lke refined Mana Crystals.

Increases the Blood Elf need for arcane energy.

Sunreaver Magi say that they’re blue in their natural state.

Says they’re related to the manaforge

Which takes energy directly from the twisting nether.

But not sure. Looks like they’re the white sugar of Mana Crystals but I don’t know that the lore has been fully described on them yet.

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