The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Malicia is my bae since Vanilla.

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They need to add necromancers to this game…

like… if they’re too similar to Warlocks just give Warlocks another spec. haha.


This was pretty much what people thought about Kul’tirans being Paladins. They’re human, they’re Alliance, of course it makes sense, right? :man_shrugging:

I’m fine ending this chain of topic. I get what you guys want (holy powered good guy), and what you don’t want (fel powered bad guy). It’s just funny.

Okay so I don’t mean to be difficult. But the Allerian Hold Elves left before the Third war If my lore is correct. As Such they wouldn’t have been on Azeroth for the Third war, and the Sunwells destruction. Not having been around how would they even know about Fel or Mana tapping unless Kael’thas or Illidan taught it to them. Also I believe Mana and fel are two entirely different things. Blood Elves mana tap, they do not fel tap. Unless you mean felbloods which case they Fel Guzzled the lime slime. From what I’ve been reading, the disconnect between High Elves and Blood Elves was not because they chose to use fel to power their Kingdom. It was because they chose to Mana tap.

When Death Knight was announced I thought it would be cool to let Unholy play like Necromancers and wear cloth.

I guess Blizz still can’t do cool stuff like treat specs within a class as a separate thing.

Arcane Mana crystals are blue dear.

That green one with the demon face on it is most likely a Fel Crystal.

Here is an arcane crystal from Warcraft III

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They need to so we can do Shadow Hunters and Spell Breakers, etc.

I want cooler specializations.

It doesn’t make a ton of sense to make a heroic class Shadow Hunter. They’re still pretty huntery.


Blood Elves were taught by Illidan to drain magic from demons, and other mana bearing creatures.

Kael, Rommath, and his elite kept the demon, fel, unsightly stuff away from the general populace (us plebs, the players), and only taught us the bare minimum in mana tap.

Kael’s elite, Felblood Elves, Dawnguard, Sunfury, etc, would be seen indulging in all manner of tapping of Fel, Blood Crystals, Netherstorm’s energies, etc.

We as players never tapped Fel magics.

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Shadow Hunter, Spellbreaker, Warden, Dark Ranger, Runemaster, Tinker, Necromancer.

Give all pls.

Haha. Speak for yourself. I played a Blood Elf Paladin and Mana tap was our ranged corner pull.

I tapped Fel magic every dungeon.




Blademaster. Yes.

“Hero Classes” were such a mistake and misnomer, though.

I remember DKs on the forums in Wrath going on about how they were justified in being OP becauae they should be more powerful because they were a Hero Class and not a regular one.

Yeah. But that’s also just Death Knight players.

In Vanilla it was the Hunters and the retribution Paladins who you had to watch out for wiping your dungeon. But then they all rolled DK’s.

I think Demon Hunters coming out squashed that. Or maybe just time did. Hard to tell.

This. I don’t care about high elves, I wouldn’t be sad if blood elves or void elves vanished. That said, the biggest excuse (and it’s an excuse now that we have allied races) given for high elves not being playable was “There aren’t enough.” but then they go make a rare version of an already rare race.

Honestly I don’t understand why the devs went with Lightforged and Void Elves at all. My only guess is they wanted to give us an allied race introduced in Legion. Otherwise, Broken Draenei and High elves would have made far more sense. In fact, I’ll forever be salty we didn’t get broken Draenei.


Would Illidan, or Kael’thas, thought to show the Allerian Hold High Elves how to Mana/Fel tap?

I always wondered about Illidan in Outland, regarding the Alliance Expedition out there.

Imagine you’re trapped through the Dark Portal for years and then poof, Illidan as a half-Night Elf, half demon warps in from seemingly nowhere and starts going to work.

Must have been weird.
“Excuse me, Night elf demon thing, can you do that again so I can get the hell off this barren orange rock?”

The Alliance expedition was probably fending off Magtheridon’s armies when Illidan appeared and fought Magtheridon without aknowledging the Alliance there.

Once things calmed, it was Illidan the one leading the fel orc and demon armies and, like Akama, the Alliance realised Outland just was again ruled by an evil master.

Also, Kael’thas was probably hateful towards the Alliance, it didn’t matter to him that this was another group that had lost contact with Azeroth for decades. He went to Farahlon and destroyed Kirin’var.

Around five years later, the Dark Portal reopened and the Horde and Alliance came to reinforce the expedition.


The old Mana crystals were blue because they were filled with Arcane energy.

Mana tap takes the mana from creatures. If it’s a mana wyrm, then that would be arcane energy.

If it’s a Priest or Paladin you’re mana tapping you’re probably grabbing holy or shadow magic.

If it’s a Warlock it’s most likely Fel Mana.

so manatapping demons should reward you with fel mana.
Not the best way to deal with your arcane addiction.

Keep in mind the pro-high-elf argument isn’t that mana tapping is going to be fel energy. It’s that you shouldn’t mana tap.

I’d say the real evidence Quel’dorei don’t do that would be their lack of wretched.

Answers from Ask the Dev’s Round 3:

But Allerian Hold Rangers don’t have green eyes - and are said to have resisted the lure of Fel Magic

" Amid the ruins of Tuurem are a number of vessels containing raw, magical energy. We are fortunate that the Broken who have overrun the city are ignorant to the resource in their midst, but we cannot assume they will remain so forever.

With those vessels and their power in hand, the scattered survivors of my people can resist the lure of demonic magic. Every quel’dorei we can save from our prince’s folly is one more that can help us regain our lost glory. Bring me these vessels, <class>."


Broken Draenei would make way more sense for the Argussian Reach faction than Void Elves do. Being fair Void Elves were a late decision and there was no Void Elf faction to rep because they simply were pulled out of nowhere.


I somewhat agree, but then Alliance would have gotten LF Dranei, and Broken Draenei.

Not exactly an interesting spread for their first two Allied races, compared to Highmountain and Nightborne.

I feel Void Elf was both a later iteration of what was originally High Elves, and a response to bring something of the level of “Nightborne cool” to the Alliance.

I think they succeeded, but they not only mabe playable Void Elves awesome, they made playable Nightborne awful from lack of work compared to their NPC presentations in Legion.