The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Delas Moonfang could set a precedent for Night Elf Paladins and not represent all of Night Elf culture, the same way the few Shen’dralar Highborne Night Elf guys let Night Elves be mages and not represent all of Night Elf culture.

I don’t see the comparison here. Not every class/race combo represents the entire faction, and certainly not the entire race.

Maybe that’s your disconnect here.


Did you… Just write… “Not every class/race combo represents the entire faction and certainly not the entire race.”

While… having the argument you have right now?

Like I said, you need the other examples of High Elven paladins to disappear for your argument to work.

Alright. That’s enough forum fun for one morning.


Disparage one named trainer as filler, support another named trainer as evidence, call it not cherry-picking.

Man, you’re a riot.

Cal, that wasn’t the question… Prick your ears, are those the Crystals that High Elf fans refer to as Fel Crystals. I know that Sin’dorei used fel, and Blood crystals. Heck some still use fel crystals in Outlands. We also know that some use Blood Crystals because of I.E’s. Still the question was are High Elf fans mistaking those specific non fel Crysals as being fel?

The difference being that one trainer is not the only example of their Class being open to their race, thanks to other NPCs, and the other trainer is literally the only example of that class in their race.

Granted my own opinion has been fairly straight forward. If Blizzard adds Warlocks to High Elves, that’s fine. I won’t play one, more power to those who will. If Blizzard doesn’t, just helps further set High Elves apart from Blood Elves, which is a good thing.


Hey, you guys are the ones, you especially, wanting “playable High Elves” to come from the Silver Covenant.

The Silver Covenant, includes a Paladin trainer, and a Warlock trainer. The Silver Covenant does not include, a Silver Hand Shieldbearer, Arator, an Argent Tourney NPC (who again isn’t specified as a Paladin), or any other Paladin precedent.

So yes, playable High Elves, if they are ever a thing, of the Silver Covenant, only have these trainer NPCs as evidence.

You’re scouring the entire game for every High Elf that is or might be a Paladin, and then insisting they all make sense for a playable faction of High Elves, when almost every Paladin on that list belongs to a different group.

Conflating the entire race with the playable faction. I get why you’re doing it, there’s so few High Elf NPCs around now we have to go back a decade, but it’s misrepresentation.

There’s one Warlock Trainer High Elf NPC
There’s more than one Paladin Trainer High Elf NPC.

Different situations
This is regarding just in-game evidence, should i say that responding only to one of my points is “cherry picking”?


How are they rejecting Kirin tor but y’all want them admitted to Kirin tor?

Just trying to understand the rules here.

You seem to be laboring under the delusion that the Silver Covenant cannot recruit High Elves from elsewhere, especially as a playable race.


Summoner Nolric and Rulen Lightsreap. One for one, trainer to trainer.

Champion Isimode is a tier vendor, and also a joke.

For me it doesn’t matter if those are or not fel crystals, at some point Blood Elves used them to help in their struggle and the radiation changed them physically, High Elves didn’t and it had a cost for them. They survived through different ways, difference enough for me.


Oh, so we’re moving goalposts and adding “could” to things again.

Well sure, Silver Covenant “could” recruit all the High Elves from across the game and put them in a neat box for you all. I agree, that “could” happen.

I forgot potential evidence can be evidence around here.

I hardly consider it to be moving goal posts when much of the request for High Elves hinges on the idea of the race uniting under a single banner, or every settlement and population center coming together.

It might be goal-post moving for this specific conversation, I’m not sure, I haven’t been paying much attention to it.


Why bother calling it the Silver Covenant if you’re just going to make up the faction of what you want anyway?

I’ve got no skin in this game Lydon.

If there’s a Warlock cult with the Silver Covenant, that’s fine by me. No skin off my back.

That doesn’t make the Warlock Culture significant to High Elves though.

Your argument just isn’t particularly logical. There have been High Elf Mage Priests in the Alliance since Warcraft 3.

So their having Paladins isn’t a surprise. The fact that there are a bunch of different examples of them makes it even more obvious.

Where it’s not directly apparent that the Warlock Trainer isn’t just there to be useful.


Again, my point wasn’t that the Warlock made sense. It’s out of character, culutre, etc.

My point was Paladins have equally little precedent (especially within the Silver Covenant specifically) and don’t make sense for High Elves, yet they’re considered a shoe-in around here.

Anybody remember Scholomance…

Check out what happens when an Elf gets juiced on Necromancy.


Of course I remember.

My girl Malicia’s still got it going on.

Bad girl High Elves are the best kind.

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I mean, logically it makes sense. Then the Silver Covenant Shield Bearer makes it pretty obvious. When it was already kind of obvious.

I don’t think there’s any merit to continuing this discussion with you. Your not believing in High Elf Paladins is just absurdly unreasonable honestly.

Your, 'they take away from Blood Elf Paladins" is how you actually feel about it… and they don’t. Because, “Blood Knights” aren’t normal Paladins.

Everything else is pretty disingenuous


Malicia is sick.