The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Hey man. If you really want Quel’dorei Warlocks then petition for them. We’ll back you up.

Childish troll Lydon is back, presented with a list of in game evidence of Paladins he tries to diminish each example.

But that summoner in Dalaran. There is some hard evidence for you.

This discussion obviously isn’t a discussion at this point. I don’t think anybody needs to pay attention to your further points on this issue.

Hope to see rational Lydon soon. I like that guy.


Only for as long as you’ve seen High Elf Warlocks. :thinking:

There it is.

Full on defeated Troll Lydon.

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I have been rather curious for a while now if when everyone talks about Fel Crystals in Silvermoon if they are talking about these. Because these are not Fel Crystals, they are burning crystals.

I don’t need to try to diminish the list. One isn’t a High Elf. One probably isn’t even a Paladin. Three haven’t been seen or used in a decade. It’s a weak list.

Hey Throm, throw another high elf on the barbie, this one might get gud.

Blood Crystals are a thing as well that you see the Sin’dorei using.

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“I don’t need to try to diminish the list” immediately tries to Diminish the List.

You forgot to mention the Shield Bearer while diminishing the list.


I feel like you are just opposing Helfers for the sake of opposing Helfers.
High Elf supporters want High Elf Paladins? Go against High Elf Paladins
High Elf supporters don’t want High Elf Warlocks? Support High Elf Warlocks, even though this mean that you are practically supporting a class option to a Allied Race that you are against in the first place.

Warlocks are not fitting both thematically and lore-wise for the High Elves as Paladins are, that’s it, this is why we go against the first and defend the second.


Oh no, I included generic Silver Hand NPC. You’re speed-reading.

It’s sad because he knows the Lore.

So if he’s honest with himself he’s not going to believe anything he’s written.


Burning Crystals can use different energies. They are just power batteries. During the TBC period, they were fueled with fel, simple as that. Because Blizzard never updated the visuals from Silvermoon, we still see the fel-green evil-eyed version of the crystals.

During the What’s in the Box? quest, Rommath says: “This Korune device is similar to the fel crystals we once used to enslave demonic energies.”

Also, this TBC era video talks about how they used demonic power in the lack of the Sunwell to maintain Silvermoon.


That was my overall point. I personally don’t want High Elves to get either.

But if we’re looking to game lore as evidence, as we do, where there’s thusly precedent for Warlocks and Paladins, both NPCs, both in the Silver Covenant, it’s nothing but hypocrisy and cherry-picking to say Paladins work but Warlocks do not.

“Paladins work, look at this trainer NPC in the Silver Covenant!”

“Warlocks don’t work, ignore this Silver Covenant trainer NPC, pfft…probablly not even a Warlock.”

This kind of crap really sets me off. Either use the in game evidence, or write it off as game mechanics.

Sure, if you completely disregard the lore and themes of High Elves. Whatever suits your position.


I am LITERALLY doing the opposite of disregarding the lore. Man you guys are obtuse today.

You know those Allerian Hold Elves that were scavenging Draenei Mana Droughts and refused to mana tap demons are just itching for a chance to command some Fel energy.


So Delas Moonfang existing means the Night Elven culture is a Paladin culture?

In order for your conclusion here to make sense you need the Argent Tournament grounds Paladins, the Paladin Class Hall and Arathor the redeemer to not exist.


Nolric is just a bro like that. He also clearly knew to mix PvP and PvE tiers for the 2pc/2pc.

they have yet to establish their own lore and themes since leaving quel’thalas 24 years ago. even blizzard gave up trying to make them distinct from being another flavor of blood elf. thats why they had to make a new narrative with void elves

indeed. the only thing thats been established in the last dozen posts or so; is only flavor NPCs that suit our narrative count

It’s not cherry picking because there are different situations for both classes
In game evidence: you have a filler Warlock Trainer and in the other case you have both named and generic Paladin High Elf NPCs, including one important character “But he’s a Half Elf” Half Elves are part of the High Elven society as a whole.
Lore: High Elves wielded the Light just as other Alliance Races way before the Third War, while Warlocks existed only within the Orcs until World of Warcraft, no evidence that High Elves used to summon Demons or use Fel before.
Thematic: One of the most important selling points and differences between the High Elves and the Blood Elves were the fact that the Quel’dorei avoided using Fel and other dark energies to help them survive (read i’m not saying that Blood Elves sucked Fel), prioritizing their dignity over their well being, it’s part of their history and thematic, it’s not being hypocritical to oppose Warlocks when they clash against the race identity.