The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

if theres 1 theres probably more. which makes them even more indistinguishable from blood elves. and if flavor NPCs are going to be the anecdotal evidence you cant choose 1 and not ther other

Except there is only a SINGLE warlock example, and there are nearly half a dozen Paladin examples- setup during and after Wrath.


Disagree all you want. It’s the actual Lore.

Everything you wrote was your headcannon and is factually incorrect.

Considering how ignorant you are about the Lore it’s not surprising you believe they need to be distinguished from Blood Elves.

You’re obviously not an expert on the issue. So your opinion is as valuable as any Layperson’s opinion.

Good for you. That’s nice. Cool story bro.

You know it’s funny. Because the only thing you could do would be to actually learn the Lore, but then you’d be incapable of holding this opinion. So you can’t.


No. You just made the argument that High Elf Paladins would infringe on Blood Elf Paladins.

But if you want to push the Warlock issue for a single High Elven Warlock, in which it isn’t clear that he’s not just some kind of portal mage, then fine?

So what? You want Quel’dorei to have playable Warlocks?


You all need to agree that either they exist, and thus there is lore precedent, or that they don’t and write them off. I’m right back to my original point on this line of conversation which is that you’re cherry-picking Paladin despite equal lore precedent for Warlock (even if both are weak cases in my opinion).

this would blur the lines between faction identity TOO much! something blizzard cited as a main reason as never seriously considering high elves as an AR and going with void elves instead

Yeah, a portal mage is going to teach Warlock players Warlock spells. Please tell me you’re jesting. Is this how the Pros are writing Nolric off?

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Your difficulty distinguishing between High Elves and Blood Elves is your issue. Not anybody else’s.

Be careful in Dalaran. An Indistinguishable Elf might feed you to a Shark or Alligator and you’ll be so confused about why.


I think YOU are the one that is cherry picking by focusing on this SINGLE Warlock npc that has yet to be repeated and ignoring all the other examples of the other type.


You do realize we include half elves under high elves right? For the most part the have integrated into alliance high elf society and a major point that we have to differentiate high elves from blood elves is to make the high elves have various options for mixed human-elf ancestry. There is precedent for it and it doesn’t mean they are not high elves. It just means that is what a modern high elf is.


I literally address all your “nearly half dozen” (nice way to inflate the number 5) examples above. Did you even read this chain of replies?

A Half elf.
A generic NPC in the Order Hall.
A Class Trainer.
An NPC not stated or referenced to be a Paladin.
And a literal joke.

Yeah, nice list guys.

So your argument is that because there is a convenient trainer in Dalaran that it’s proof that Quel’dorei culture utilizes Warlocks.

As opposed to the plethora of evidence of Quel’dorei Paladins?

I like this rhetorical plan here that requires us to have no agency.

You’re right. How convincing. Your words have made me incapable of seeing nuance.

A convenient trainer isn’t indicative of a Warlock culture for the Quel’dorei. But if it was, So what?

Blizzard can make that call. No skin off our backs if they want to add that class or not.


The whole point is that you don’t need to be special to be a paladin. If there are generic high elf paladins, than high elves can have access to paladins. It’s simple logic.

It was a huge break on the lore because they enslaved a Light-being and forced the Light to serve them rather than the opposite. THAT’s the huge break on the lore. Until TBC, you needed to have faith to use the Light. The blood elves were able to do so without any faith.

High elves were Light-worshipers way before the fall of the Sunwell, and have been living close to humans after. There’s no reason for them to not be paladins in the classic way.

Night elf paladins are long overdue. I feel a paladin fits a melee version Priest of the Moon way better than the standard priest class does.

But there’s no trade there. Night elf paladins do not make high elf paladins impossible.


“Except when it’s something we don’t want, like Warlocks.”

Ok, friend.

“I don’t want to feel less special” Kind of comment.
The only Lydon i like more is the Dev roleplayer Lydon.


Who wants to feel less special? That is probably the driving force and narrative of this game.

Yeah. Inflate. Half-dozen = 6. I said nearly half-dozen. Less than 6

OH how poor my math is.


Did you campaign against Zandalari getting Paladins? Or did that not make Blood Knights less special?

I mean, it’s a Paladin… on the Horde… that’s like, 50% of Blood Elf identity, isn’t it?


False equivilency. I’m talking about Thalassian paladins, dear. Please try to keep up, or you know, just try.

And we’ve see High Elf Paladins for a long time now. So you can’t claim Blood Elves have the only Thalassian paladins.