The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

My odd way of thinking is acting up… I wonder if he is referring to a place or to a person.

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Thats the thing about these whispers… we can theorize what they can mean, but we can be mislead to think something else. We could be off completely. Who knows until the time comes?


I always assumed the lord of ravens was Medivh


Yeah, but Medivh has pretty much confirmed that “his time has passed” with the Karazhan dungeon in Legion. I’m pretty sure the title has been passed on to Khadgar.

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Yeah. The thing about whispers from the shadows is that it works as chaff. You can say something true along with a lot of untrue statements and there are no repercussions.


It would give the Blood Elves a chance to get their fangs back if they fend off an invasion or if they have to make hard choices again.

I see the Mag’har going after the Draenei because of what happened in the AU and the Void Elves going after Silvermoon for their banishment/wanting to liberate it from the Horde.

Win or lose for either it’s going to be an interesting story.

It would be a great reason to update both Draenei and Blood Elf zones and show their strengths.

The old gods tend to be completely honest if twisted by their own points of view. Yet you can’t know what they are talking about until after the fact.

Murozond tried to warn us.

We would not listen.

We did not know.

We where blind.

We saved Azeroth… It cost us everything…


I mean… also… Blizzards whole thing is doing stuff that sucks. It’s like original game of thrones.

Oh you like Arthas. Dead. Crazy death knight now.
You like Sylvanus? Dead.
You like Cenarius? Dead.
You think that dragon is cool? Dead.
You like Kerrigan? Queen of Blades. Also Raynor, you were hanging out with the bad guys.

The Night Elves are taking it pretty hard now with Darkshore and Teldrassil.

So shielding the Sin’dorei from stuff that sucks is pretty atypical for the original storytelling role.

Though they had a tough time in Warcraft III.


They could unlock those zones for flying and the workers repairing the two cities (since TBC no less) can finally get a day off work.

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I can see one scenario, where after Sylvanas turning the tide of this War wielding Xal’atath and N’zoth’s power, she will lay siege on Stormwind, but she’ll be missing from the bosses journal that we’ll be fighting. Instead of her, the last boss of “Stormwind’s Fall” is going to be Nathanos, and after we kill him one cinematic will roll out, where we find out that Sylvanas is near Isle of Quel’danas preparing to use the Sunwell to free N’zoth from his prison, pretty much like Arthas used it to ressurrect Kel’thuzad.

But, I think I’m reading too much in the leak side of the things :joy:


I don’t think Sylvanas has any interest in the Old Gods, but her own motivations could be used by the Old Gods in their favor.

I think Sylvanas’ actual master is Helya since the pact in Helheim. Blizzard made us kill Helya to throw us off that trail, but the Island Expeditions make it clear Helya’s not quite dead.

Also, Sylvanas’ powers over undeath seem to be getting stronger but kept hidden from players. In “Dark Mirror” it’s stated the val’kyr can’t create greater undead without a power source (such as the Lich King), unless they sacrifice some of their own power. But now not only Sylvanas is creating more dark rangers than ever, she also made Derek a greater undead.

Beyond that, the Horde has been showing a lot of death knights, specially as elite quest mobs in faction invasions. Where are these death knights coming from?

And let’s not forget the attempted alliance with Dreven and his san’layn.

Either Sylvanas is using azerite to empower her val’kyr, or she’s getting power from somewhere else (Helya?).

I wouldn’t be surprised if Helya was the one that killed Vol’jin and tricked him into placing Sylvanas in power. Then she contacted Sylvanas and revealed about Eyr, thus tempting Sylvanas into their pact.


Her power is probably being amplified by Xal’atath.

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She doesn’t have Xal’atath yet.
That is a future development.

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Oh gotcha. Too much datamined stuff for me to keep track of!

I wonder if Xal’atath will take over control of her like Ner’zhul did with Arthas?

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Paladin - Likely (Despite the only High Elf Paladins being level 80 trainer NPCs from Wrath, that haven’t been seen since)

Warlock - Highly Unlikely (Despite the only High Elf Warlock being a level 80 trainer NPC from Wrath, that hasn’t been seen since)

Gee, color me surprised that you think High Elves would get Paladins, a generally morally good class, and not Warlocks, a generally morally bad class, despite the exact precedent for both existing.


The (yes, yes, non-canon) RPG mentions how some High Elves have become paladins, “without the help of magic like Blood Elves”.

That, and Warlock really clashes with the High Elves’ refusal to compromise their integrity even for their “well-being”, let alone “moar power”. Y’know, one of their cultural thingalings that separates them from Blood Elves.


Oof. Starcraft 2 was the worst.

You like Kerrigan? ZERGED. Queen of Blades now.
Oh wait, now Raynor saves her, HUMAN (ish) again!
You know what, scratch that. PRIMAL ZERGED. Hah, you thought she was going to stay human huh.
Did I say human? I meant LIGHT XELNAGA GOD THING who gets happy ending with Raynor.
Everyone wins, right?

Monkey’s Paw man. Blizzard has either a giant one, or all of them. Be careful what you actually want them to touch.


Quoting an admittedly non-canon source for one and then providing what amounts to opinion for the other does little to change the reality here.

Warlocks and Paladins have identical representation in WoW thus far for High Elves (though it amounts to trainer NPCs).

You either acknowledge that Blizzard went elf-happy in Wrath and painted literally everything Blood Elf or High Elf, especially trainers, and write Paladin/Warlock trainers and their classes off, or you insist they both have equal representation and make the argument for both (to which I would say there are no citable examples of either outside this over a decade old Wrath content).

Else you are just cherry-picking what you would like for High Elves in Paladins, which is actually clashing with your whole “cultural difference from Blood Elves” notion as Blood Elf Paladins are a staple icon (being the race to bring them to the Horde) and distinctive class for them now (representing a third of their military).

Canon Blood Elf talks about how the Blood Elves chose their well-being, while High Elves chose their integrity. And I would be surprised if he alone holds that opinion…

Working with demons, employing Fel - those kinda don’t fit with a race that have a refusal to use a power they deemed unethical as part of their story, does it?

On the matter of High Elf Paladins
Blood Knights are a staple icon of the Blood Elves. Blood Knights are a specific kind of Paladin. High Elf Paladins wouldn’t be Blood Knights. In-game the player class functions the same, yes. But lore-wise they are different things.


High Elf Paladins wouldn’t be anything, because they don’t exist. Or if you claim they do, then Warlocks do as well.

They come packaged if you are citing NPC presence within the game as evidence.

They don’t exist at all if you do not. Again, this is cherry-picking. Dressed up cherry-picking, but all the same.

I’m not saying High Elf Warlocks don’t exist.

I’m saying High Elf Warlocks shouldn’t be playable because it doesn’t fit with the High Elf fantasy.

Paladin does.