The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

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Yeah, where would anyone get the idea that you’d want a Warfront where High Elves take Silvermoon. I’m sure it’s not the kind of thing I’d find in the OP of your own megathread or anything.


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And that is exactly my point. You are picking a class you want, and discarding one you don’t, despite equal lore precedent in game for both.

It’s simply your opinion, and not what the lore evidence available suggests.

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There is evidence for Zandalari Warlocks, and yet they are not playable. Why? Because they don’t fit with the ones you can play. Just because there is one doesn’t make it the rule, just an exception.


Yet in this case, you are all supporting the inclusion of High Elves of the Silver Covenant, the group you want to be made playable.

Both the Paladin and Warlock trainers in question belong to this group, so your example doesn’t apply here.

There is one of each. We aren’t asking the High elves of the Silver Covenant specifically, we include it because it’s the most likely one to join. I honestly don’t expect paladins, but I think warlocks are even more unlikely

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Most Pro High Elfers expect, or want Paladins. Most also don’t want Warlocks. My entire point is there is lore precedent for both, or for none (if you write off trainer NPCs as a gameplay function).

It’s not one or the other, really. If you’re going to rely on game precedent to support your case, that means the entire game precedent, not just what you like here or there.

No you didn’t.

It’s speculation not a request. We are tailoring our request to potential future developments.

There is exactly 1 High Elf warlock type NPC.

There are more than 1 examples of High Elf Paladins. Including unnamed NPCs and the Half Elf Arator.

Some Blood Elf Paladins used to be High Elf Paladins so it wasn’t a new development for Blood Elves. (There where High Elves in the Silver Hand)

And they are just listed as Likely as opposed to Highly Likely. Basically better then neutral.

Warlocks are shunned by all groups within the Alliance especially right after the 3erd War so they would have been compelled to go to Silvermoon between then and WoW.

Cut the childish emotes.


Boy, someone is testy.

I do love how you quote the part about the speculation, and then leave out the part quoted where it talks about how your OP wants that speculation to go (i.e. a request) which would be Veressa and friends reclaiming Silvermoon, which was exactly what we were talking about.

Oh, so now we’re counting literal generic nobodies from neutral factions (I’m assuming you’re talking about the Silver Hand guards in Legion) and from members of other races now? Neat. Thanks for clearing that up.

Exceedingly rare case for a class in an exceedingly rare race. Mehlar Dawnblade comes to mind and no other notable names, and he’s now a Blood Elf. Doesn’t really support the case for a player High Elf Paladin when one of the few notated to exist is now a Blood Knight, certainly not one from the Silver Covenant.

Apologies, friend. I wasn’t aware what you’re arbitrary Drede-code levels actually meant.

Thats the nature of Warlocks. One still stood among the ranks of the Silver Covenant though. I’m sure you’d all wish you could delete him, but Nolric is still chillin’ :cold_face:.

:loudspeaker: Also, what do you have against emotes?

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Well maybe you should take a breather.

“If it does happen this is how I would like it to go”

Pretty self explanatory.

Like I said. It’s slightly better than 1.

Apparently “Likely” has some sort of cryptic meaning that only I understand.

Thank you for telling me what I think. Apparently I didn’t know.


To be fair, warlocks are shunned in the horde has well. They are a “necessary” evil.

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But not by Blood Elves.

They needed someone to help control all that Fel Power they where using.


I’m not too sure about that anymore, they only took in fel to keep themselves alive, but after the sun well got fixed they shouldn’t want fel anywhere near silvermoon. I mean they banned all void magical practice, so why would they still want fel around. The only part of the horde that actually supports it is Forsaken, because any power is good power.

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Fel isn’t the polar opposite of Light. It’s not the same as Void.

And with incursions we’ve seen that the Blood Elves still have Fel Crystals around.

In fact I see no negatives for using Fel with the Sunwell able to purify it…


In BFA they still do? Huh. I didn’t think light really purified them when a majority of the elves still have green eyes.


Yeah… Starcraft Heart of the Swarm was such a brutal headfake…

Especially that ending CG… where Raynor was like… ok with it?
I wasn’t ok with it! I spent a whole, epic, amazing game fixing it.

But yeah. At least it ends happy. I loved Starcraft 2. But it was heart wrenching for years.

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This isn’t a troll post, but why didn’t you guys like Alliance Blood/Void Elves? I know that it lacks one class but if you do the Alliance Campaign it seems like both Void and High elves have the same goals and Characteristics.

From the rift also it seems like Void Elves come from both Blood and High.

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Only a couple of people in this discussion don’t like Void Elves actually.

But I’ve been attached to the Quel’dorei as a group since Warcraft 2. The Blood Elves are very different from the Quel’dorei and the Quel’dorei culture has been preserved in groups like the Silver Covenant.

I like the Void Elves. But they’re a bunch of Blood Elves that got in too deep with Shadow magic. They’re a different group.


I guess on Horde side imagine you want to play San’Layn really hard and they’re like, “Hey we added Dark Rangers.”

Sick. But, not San’layn.


This question is akin to asking why Orcs want Maghar Orcs… or Dwarfs wanted Dark Iron Dwarfs.

Aesthetics and Lore matter a lot to many people, and for these people the Void Elves are not what they are looking for.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Void Elves as a concept, but their implementation has been rather horrid, their origins sketchy, and their on-going contributions have been rather forced with Umbric just being a glorified taxi service.

High Elves were the organic choice.


Sorry, but there’s not just one high elf paladin NPC…