The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

The second one is really well done, the only thing lacking are Paladins.


Just spells with a Range indicator, from Steady Shot to even Blade of Justice.

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5 yards is a lot for close range spells like blade of justice, but a 10% increase balance things more. Marksmanship Hunter Mastery uses percentage too.

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I like reducing costs and granting resources for racials, the Alliance needs a pure DPS racial to compete with the Troll Berserking.


Fel Refusal: Reduces Chaos damage taken by 1%

Very much a flavor lore-based racial. “High Elves always refused to use dark destructive energies such as Fel to survive, preferring to maintaining their dignity over their well being.”


Yeah, make sense, maybe it should only increase the distance for ranged abilities. I’m not sure if increasing melee range even for 2 yards makes much sense. I mean it’s not like they have longer arms…

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That would work if it applied to abilities of any range. So melee classes that have some 5 yard range attacks would still get a bonus on those abilities.

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Yeah, this can work. I personally think that Keen Eye is one of the best racial concepts made for High Elves.

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As someone who has had problems myself it is perfectly understandable.

One thing I would like to point out is the we are not suggesting a Silvermoon Warfront it’s just something a lot of people believe is going to happen regardless and are planning around it.

I would also like to point out that it is likely a planned part of Void Elf development as most hints of it are relating to Void Elves.

It was Datamined around the same time as the Gnome Islands that turned out to be real. (Despite people mocking the idea since it was mined.)

Alleria and Umbric both mention freeing Silvermoon from the Horde.

Lor’themar mentions having to deal with the Void Elves at some point.

Il’gynoth whispers “It’s surface blazes bright. Masking shadows below.” which is likely about the Sunwell.

And Light vs Void being a larger focus with Blood Elves and Void Elves each representing one of the two.


24 years to be exact :+1:


I should point out that most, if not all, of Il’gynoth’s quotes seem related to BfA’s conclusion.

Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator.

Seems to not be related to BfA.

To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars.

The circle of stars seem to be explored in the Crucible of Storms
Also, it was hinted at in some BfA events (like the mass of void quest you get in Island Expeditions).

The king of diamonds has been made a pawn.

Magni either being Azeroth’s servant or being manipulated by N’Zoth.

The lord of ravens will turn the key.

No idea. Wh omay be the lord of ravens?

The boy-king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you.

We now know of at least one lie already told.

Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it.

Jaina? Sylvanas?

Five keys to open our way. Five torches to light our path.

People speculated it would be related to the Pillars of Creation in Legion, but they ended up not leading anywhere. So, what are the five keys? Five characters?

At the hour of her third death, she will usher in our coming.

Alleria or Sylvanas.

From the earth, he draws strength. Our earth. Our strength.

No idea.

Its surface blazes bright, masking shadows below.

Seems to be talking about the Sunwell.


The lord of ravens may be Khadgar. He often turns into a raven whenever he travels.

This might have something to do with Azerite, but I could be misinterpreting it.

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People speculated that in Legion, but Khadgar has been out of the picture since then. Nowadays I think it’s another character.

That’s a pretty good interpretation.

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Its my best guess at this point. Who knows what may happen between now and the end of BFA?

I think its likely, the question is, who in particular is the “he” that is drawing strength from Azerite? A lot of people are at the moment. Who is benefiting the most? Gallywix? An old god?

…Anduin? Another lie?

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Personally I wouldn’t tell her, but I’m looking forward to a Warfront, something to update the Blood Elf starting zones finally. I think it would be good for the Sin’dorei.

I’m certain they plan on something involving Quel’Thalas, although I’m not sure what. I have to agree with my daughter that I actually cannot see Vereesa or Velen wanting to wage war on Quel’Thalas. I also cannot see Alleria putting Vereesa or the other High Elves in Danger. What I’m hoping is that the High Elves are introduced during the warfront, not as the ones attacking Quel’thalas, but as the ones who are going to save it. I know that the Sun Reavers and the Silver Covanent hate each other. However I don’t think Vereesa or Alleria hate all Blood Elves.

Plus the Horde are going to need all the help they can get. When Garrosh 3.0 revenge of the Lich Queen, tries to take Quel’thalas for her Void overlords.



I don’t think it’s coincidence that the naga are rising now. And there was that servant of N’Zoth that tried to take the Heart of Azeroth from us when we empower the artifact for the third time (after reaching Revered).

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Clearly Azeroth. I think at some point the old gods will end up tampering it and we will be the unwitting pawns, infusing her with old god juice.

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I think it’s Sylvanas. Lot of people speculated it was Jaina (because of Theramore), but I never bought that, and BfA is slowly “healing” Jaina’s heart.

Sylvanas, however, is nothing but resentment, fear and hatred.

I don’t think Azeroth will be corrupted.


It makes me wonder if Medivh might return?


I don’t want to make this all about Old God speculation but I will respond with my thoughts on what you said.

Didn’t N’zoth create the curse of the flesh?

This is def something yet to be revealed.

I would guess the first.

Medivh or Khadgar are the most likely ones.

Khadgar already used the pillars to help save the world at the end of Legion so it may already be done.

Could be either.

It may also be Azeroth cus… Heart of Azeroth.

The pillars are the keys. They have been used.

The torches are the World Trees. 4 have been permanently destroyed and 1 remains.

It’s Xal’atath. She was killed once when the old gods betrayed her then again when we syphoned off of Sargeras’s sword.

We’ve seen images of Sylvanas holding it.

Likely Magni or Thrall.

Likely Magni in relation to the Heart of Azeroth drawing strength from the earth.

That or the Well of Eternity.

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Playing both the Blood elf and Draenei starting zones is like stepping ten years into the past. If it weren’t for the model updates, you’d swear you were back in Burning Crusade!

I don’t think they hate them at all. Vereesa and the Silver Covenant was quite willing to work with them back in Cataclysm when Halduron asked for aid with the Amani, and Alleria simply wanted to bring the Blood elves back into the Alliance before things went sour at the Sunwell.

Vereesa has probably changed a bit due to the death of her husband Rhonin, but she was willing to work along side them again in Suramar.