The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Man. People really don’t like Sin’dorei draining magic.


I will ask her to do that. I cannot make any promises. It will be hard because as long as she believes members that want playable Alliance High Elves, are discussing or speculating about what she thinks, is them wanting to take things from Blood Elves. She will want to take things from the High Elves.

On the bright side she has been officially grounded from posting on, or reading the forums for the next week. So she will not be asking for much of anything.

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Clinic coming up after spring break. I’m about to ground myself.

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I can’t blame her for being passionate. I mean, most of us are in here. I just hope she can be understanding.


Of course we still drain Mana, this quest wouldn’t still be in the game if we didn’t.

[3] Thirst Unending - If there is only one lesson you deign to remember from your time on Sunstrider Isle, let it be this - control your thirst for magic. It is a thirst unending, - what you absorb must be controlled and released via Arcane Torrent. Failure is to become one of the Wretched… hopelessly addicted and insane.

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Speaking of racial abilities, what racials would high elves get?

Thank you,

Once she has had a few days to calm down, she usually becomes more understanding. She doesn’t know how to deal with people. Except for maybe a few people she’s terrified of everyone else. Plus we are both horrific at Social interactions.

Still back on subject I do hope that if not in this expansion then in the next Playable Alliance High Elves are released.

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This post of yours is a social interaction and you did just fine :slight_smile:

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I know what that’s like. I’m pretty bad at social situations myself, although being at a computer and surrounding myself with people with similar interests helps a lot. Out in public, I’m a complete mess. XD

Honestly, I haven’t a clue. I imagine probably some magical resistances or something basic, but outside of that, I can’t think of anything… noteworthy.

I think they should get one that would allow them to get a bonus to reputations, and to honor. When the rest of Quel’thalas left the Alliance after the second war. They remained, They went against king, and country, to honor the pledge of friendship and loyalty. That has to count for something.

Diplomacy? like what humans have?

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Hmm. What about something like “Valorous” that grants additional or a chance to earn additional currencies like honor, time walk badges etc.


Yes something like that, But the High Elves would get a Bonus to the Honor they earn as well.

That sounds really good as well, I like your way of thinking.

Has for an abilities, the books claimed that elves were more agile than humans and faster than horses, so how about a racial “blur?”

It’s perfectly understandable for me, i’m also terrible at social interactions since i was a kid, but over time in the forums as i discussed more i got better at understanding and being understandable, though i still have a lot to learn.

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I’m all for a passive racial that increases Cast Range for all spells.

Would that just be ranged spells (Fireball, arcane shot, etc.) or all including melee spells?

I think those are good concepts:

The second image with the San’layn is pretty good, and I think fits the High Elf lore, but I think the Keen Eye should be increased to 5 yards and only for ranged abilities, and also should add 1% damage to all ranged abilities, since the Barrier is a little bit lackluster :sweat_smile:


I imagined something like this for an active racial:

Meditation: High Elves spent years learning to cope with their magical addictions though meditation. Activating this ability recovers X amount of “resource” over Y seconds. During this time, the High Elf takes X% less damage.

Essentially I went for something similar to Arcane Torrent in the sense that resources are recovered but over time instead of instant gratification. And instead of sucking the buffs off of someone, I figured it would make sense that focusing your mind through meditation could help you be slightly less distracted by incoming attacks (the X% less damage taken for the duration of the resource over time).

For passive racials:

Efficient Alacrity: Increases Haste by 1% - Taking inspiration from the Blood Elf racial Arcane Acuity (which gives 1% crit), I figured that being more efficient (getting things done faster) made sense since efficiency with what little magic was available during the lean times was probably necessary for the High Elves.

Conservation: Resource costs for skills and spells reduced by X%. (I would imagine this would be a small number like 1% or 2%). Dealing with their addiction has taught High Elves to be more efficient in everything they do.

Strongwilled: Reduces the duration of Stun, Charm, and Fear effects by 10%. Years of training in meditation and focusing one’s mind has made High Elves slightly more resilient to things that affect the mind.

These are just some ideas I came up with.


I don’t know about that increased energy regeneration chief… I hate dealing with rogues has it is…

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