The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

High Elves have been separated from Blood Elves by decades.

Void Elves were Blood Elves until 2 minutes into their introduction scenario, which was virtually yesterday.

They might differ physically, and they obviously lack the Blood Elves’ ties to the Light now, but beyond that, there should be next to no difference between Void and Blood Elves.


You talk about a Warfront that might or might not happen. Blizzard said that Blood Elves lost the ability to mana tap when the Sunwell was relit. This wasn’t a data mined leak like the supposed Warfront, it was Blizzard saying guess what Blood Elves can no longer Mana Tap. I’m sure in the non canon RPG we are capable of much that doesn’t exist in the game. In the Game however we would not be able to Mana Tap.

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It depends on how you look at it, even if they were still Sin’dorei, they were no longer Sindorei of Silvermoon/Quel’thalas. They had been exiled from Silvermoon because of their use of Void Magic which had proven to be a danger. So I see it as them being a bunch of exiles with no race, society, or political beliefs to call their own.
One of the big things that differ Blood and High Elves other than political affiliations is how they view magic. Blood Elves and Void Elves, Just like Blood Elves and High Elves have different views on how to deal with magic.

exactly. They are still that vain nobility of silvermoon. They also still have that pragmatic attitude that made the blood elves what they are.


Whether or not something is available as a clickable ability has almost no bearing at all on whether or not it’s possible. As an example, we know that all Death Knights can resurrect corpses into undeath, narratively – but this power is reserved entirely for Unholy DK’s as a gameplay mechanic.

I’d be a bit more cautious with your attempts at trolling, because you’re likely garnering quite the :white_flag: count.


If your claiming Blizzard said that you’ll have to site your source.

Speculating on future content and discussing current and previous content is different.

You’re free to speculate on the future however you want.

But the current and the past you need evidence for.


[quote=“Izzabelle-draka, post:13881, topic:18812”]Blood Elves and Void Elves, Just like Blood Elves and High Elves have different views on how to deal with magic.

I’m not so sure about that. Both Blood and Void Elves are very much… power-hungry, for lack of a better term. The issue was that the power the Void Elves sought was a threat to the power the majority of Blood Elves depended on.

“We embrace power, we do not fear it.”


She’s not trolling. Just misguided and emotionally invested.

This isn’t a Fyrebusche situation or anything. I don’t think she’s being purposefully obtuse. Just a young person that likes Blood Elves.

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It’s trolling. We’ve probably all built up a tolerance for this more light-hearted trolling, because of the Fyrebusche’s and Starlagosa’s of General Discussion, but that doesn’t prevent it from being what it is. :confused:

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Blizzard removed the Blood Elves ability to mana tap when the Sunwell was relit. That isn’t trolling that is the truth. So go ahead and false flag me.

I don’t see where there’s much of a difference there. Other than, hey if we call it speculating we can talk about taking things from Blood Elves all we want…

I still say Blizzard removed the ability for Blood Elf players to mana tap so I see it as no longer existing for them to use.

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It always seems really strange to me that speculation can be taken so badly.

Also speaking of citations:

Do those scripts still work?

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I suppose since I can’t play as a goblin rogue on the Alliance, that means Renzik doesn’t exist.


Just ran it, in-game, only gave me:

Battle for Stromgarde: Donate supplies to the war effort as the impending battle over Arathi Highlands nears.
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Considering that she is my daughter, she’s young, and has a plethora of emotional issues. I can tell you that she honestly believes that Mana Tap is gone. She Doesn’t want Silvermoon or Blood Elves to change. Yet she has convinced herself that all of us want them to change. So she is trying to find a way without completely breaking down to make this acceptable to her.

So I apologize on her behalf, because I know she isn’t going to.


Just for the sake of accuracy the number of High Elf Npc’s that are present in Stormwind at any given time varies through out the time of day and day of the week, same as it does in WotLK Dalaran. That being said there are more than 3 in total , it’s just only 3 primary named Npcs stay visible at all times.

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Each one is different from each other and i agree with that, but not on the same aspects. Lets see:

Void Elves/Blood Elves

Differences: Political, Thematical, Visual.
Similaritites: Racial, Cultural, Philosophical

High Elves/Blood Elves:

Differences: Political, Thematical, Cultural, Philosofical
Similarities: Racial, Visual

High Elves/Void Elves

Differences: Thematical, Cultural, Visual, Philosofical
Similarities: Political, Racial

They are all different from each other, this is the deal, it’s nice we are avoiding extremes like “Blood Elves are literally High Elves” and “Void Elves are just Blood Elves” and i hope other people understand this, we don’t need to detract the Void Elves to support the High Elves, High Elves are already different and unique enough to be a stand alone Allied Race by their own merit.
As a conclusion, High Elves are not like Blood Elves and Void Elves, thus why they should met the requirements to be a unique Allied Race.


Yeah. Cognitive dissonance sucks. I feel her.

I actually don’t like playing the battle for Darkshore on my Sin’dorei Paladin. Bums me out… and the War of Thorns sucked on my Paladin too. Ugh.


You’re correct. Not sure why these dogpilers are calling you a troll.

“The racial’s removal also ties directly into the lore, as with the revival of the [Sunwell] there is no longer any need for blood elves to risk getting their arcane “fix” from any other source than the well.”

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I’m fine with that, i’m doing my best to support the High Elves to be as unrelated to Quel’thalas as possible, but i would like to ask for her to return the favor and and don’t suggest Blizzard to steal the Alliance High Elves we are passionate about and give them to the Horde.


Not needing to do something =/= being unable to do something