The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

warfronts are boring and amping up the difficulty I feel will make them more boring. Especially after doing Stromgarde for the 100th time.

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Is there anything preventing Blood Elves from Mana Tapping again?

Heck, the withered were Mana Tapping (or something very similar at least) azure whelps in Suramar and afaik they never had a talk with Illidan.

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Not really. They just got a new fix.

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There’s a limit to how much a newbie can post.
Wrong Blizzard removed our ability to do this when the Sunwell was relit.

Well it’s my first post on this toon, because of the Newbie posting limit.

My Therapist told me to find something good about what was upsetting me. So If there’s going to be a Warfront. Then Quel’thalas and the Sunwell are going to be Destroyed, and we Blood Elves will have to be more like High Elves to survive.


Lore-wise, there is no reason for Blood Elves to no longer be able to Mana Tap. They just don’t need to.

If they lost the Sunwell, there’s nothing to stop them from going back to it.


So you are just taking the things that made the Alliance High Elves into the Blood Elves and the Horde? If you really like Blood Elves and how they are, you shouldn’t be asking for High Elf things into them, to be a “defender of the Sin’dorei” you are doing more harm than good to their characterization and history.


Just because you want to be able to say we suck magic from things doesn’t make it so

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to be quite honest I actually want warfronts to continue beyond BFA. We are going to get wrath 2.0 at some point and with the original wrath we know one of the major pieces of cut content was the planned conflict in crystalsong forest between the alliance and horde spearheaded by the silver covenant and sunreavers.

When we go back there I would love for it to be revisted with the end result being a warfront across the zone for resources. Dalaran as an alliance capital and hub at the eastern end and the nighthold (raised by the nightborne because they don’t like being one upped by “lesser” races) at the western end for the horde. A fortress for the factions below them with the fighting taking place in between over the good farmland, wood, and stone.


Lets put things into perspective here. Warfronts so far have basically been a big battle of “tug-of-war” between the two factions over a piece of land with little accomplished.

IF (and that is a big IF) there is a Silvermoon warfront it will most likely not involve the Sunwell. It will probably involve the southern Eversong woods or something or at worst possibly the gates of Silvermoon. And the ownership be tossed back and forth between Horde and Alliance like the previous warfronts.


Wanting the Blood Elves to be more like the High Elves from the Alliance is a signal that you are insecure about the Sin’dorei culture and ideals, you basically want to play a blue High Elf on the Horde, which doesn’t make sense.


Gameplay-wise, you can’t.

Story-wise, it was never stated that the Blood Elves lost the ability to mana tap.


ideally it would actually take place in the ghostlands with the horde/blood elf fortress being on the river separating the zones. The alliance base would be atop a recently conquered deatholme.


I have a feeling Blizzard won’t ever make High Elves Playable but the way I see it they made it so that

High Elves branch off to either Horde High Elves (BE) or Alliance “Active” High Elves (VE) (They even ported over most of their prior “unique” ally personality to them)

void elves personality and culture wise are blood elves.


I was thinking what would be reaching as much as possible without going “worst case scenario.”

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you Know she is telling the truth, there’s been many things removed in the physical game that still exist on Azeroth outside of the game.

If you all can have your Silvermoon Warfront. Then I can decide that Blizzard removed the Blood Elves Ability to tap mana.

Blood Elves cannot Mana Tap anymore Blizzard said this.

What we actually have are High Elves, part of the Alliance and named as such, not playable, Blood Elves, part of the Horde, Sin’dorei by name and culture, playable, Void Elves, part of the Alliance, former Sin’dorei that changed to the Alliance, playable, and San’layn, undead Sin’dorei that doesn’t have a clear allegiance, unplayable.
All of those are Thalassian Elves and i hope one day all of them are playable because they are different from each other and unique by their own merit.


“if your prediction comes true about the way the war progresses then I can dictate the lore of this race”

what? how does that work??


Sorry but I think you are wrong there. Void Elves are as different from Blood Elves. As Blood Elves are from High Elves.