The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

shandaril is a troll. It is clearly evident with their comments. Don’t entertain them. Don’t speak nor reply to them. they will move on in time once they realize that they can’t get their fix here.

So, you want to join the Alliance.


Aparently she expects the blood elves to surrender and join the Alliance. That’s the only possible explanation.


The faction war is going to be resolved, Wachassa. There may notbe new warfronts, but that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be new battles and war stories.

I don’t know where the Old God plot will go. It could carry into future expansions, or even merge with the war.

BTW, do you know the perfect place where both the war and Old God plots could converge into a climax? Quel’thalas, with its vulnerable Sunwell and these new void elves that can corrupt it… hmmm…


I think something in the lines of that will happen, but not this expansion.
In fact i believe the Void is not going to be the bad side regarding the Sunwell and it’s Naaru-empowered waters… Light Crusade is coming.

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people, people! what is this :smile:

the silvermoon datamining turned out to be the blood elf heritage quest. not a warfront. what a joke

the alliance have been trying to get us back in the alliance forever. why would they attack quel’thalas :smile:

and the high elves are glad their people are in control of the sunwell. they dont want humans in charge. wow this is one of the most shocking false narratives to come out yet

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tbf, they gave our model to the alliance, and it turned out people still prefer the horde and the beautiful blood elves


So, the datamining from 8.0 turned out to be a questline fom 7.3.5?

You are so confused you just broke causality.

(Now I noticed you said “heritage armor quest”, yet linked Alleria and the Sunwell. You don’t even know what you are talking about)


the quest and its cinematic were added in 8.1 and clearly took a while to develop. it was speculation it could be a warfront it turned out it wasnt


i wonder if alleria would have stayed in Quel’Thalas if she wasnt a void being now. she and lorthemar seem very chummy

Here’s a gift for your contribution with false information



Considering she’s a staunch supporter of the Alliance and he’s a loyal member of the Horde, things were bound to go south eventually. Remember what he said aobut her boy-king.


You know, a thread on the Story Forums led to another interesting concept that might help High Elves stand out from Blood Elves. It was talking about An’she and why An’she isn’t as relevant as Musha (Elune). Like, we’ve seen Elune actually perform miracles and provide divine intervention.

Perhaps having the High Elves embrace the worship of a Sun Deity as part of their system of faith would be an interesting direction to take them, one which might not necessarily put them at odds with the Night Elves. If Elune and Belore (elven for Sun) would be characterized as siblings, I think the two groups could develop stronger relationships through a shared spirituality, and it might also help the Night Elves blend into the Alliance a bit further, without actually having to sacrifice anything in the process.


I wouldn’t really count Warfronts out yet.

Heroic Warfronts are going to happen. So I think they may become a pretty important/recurring feature.


I feel Heroic WF is a waste of resources. Blizzard should make the standard ones more interesting and less repetitive, not harder and non-queuable.


Hopefully you can questions for heroics… mythic would make sense to have you pre-made. It’ll be nice once you can lose. Warfront.

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AFAIK, heroic WF is for 10-man premades.

I think you can make the normal ones more enjoyable and risky without adding another difficulty.

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No, I’m a soon to be Horde High Elf, If the Warfront you all want so badly happens. I feel like I’m being trolled myself, so I won’t try and stop how you choose to see me.

No I would be a Horde High Elf, okay actually I would still be a Blood Elf, I would just be much more like a High Elf than I am now.

Blood Elves no longer possess the ability to drain magic from anything, that was taken from them. When they Destroy the Sunwell to prevent it from being Corrupted. They will have to turn to meditation, tattoos, and the ambient magic that radiates from powerful artifacts. Just like Alliance High Elves. They would also start to lose both their green and gold eyes as they would return to blue because arcane magic seems to Trump most. The bright glow would fade eventually as well. No one could say you have gold eyes because the Sunwell is Holy, because no Sunwell. You can’t use the you suck fel energy so your eyes are green, because we cannot do that anymore. Having to leave Quel’thalas will put us away from all the ambient fel magic, which means our skin tones will become lighter. These things will make us more like High Elves.

Not that I think either Vereesa or Velen, would be happy with the idea of Alleria void Tainting the Sunwell. Unless they plan on making Alleria into Silvanas 2.0. I mean all High Elves will suffer just as much from the Sunwell being Tainted as Blood Elves will. I’m also sure Velen after retrieving the Noble Naaru’s spark and using it to relight the Sunwell. Will be just right on board with having it corrupted.

Um… I am not sure where you’re getting the idea that the Sunwell would be destroyed if we got a warfront. I mean i get that people were musing about corrupting the Sunwell earlier but that has nothing to do with a warfront, nor would a warfront actually affect Silvermoon city or the Isle of Quel’danas. The Sunwell isn’t going anywhere.

At best, a warfront in the Blood Elf zones would finally get Blizz to update the zones and the city itself so they can be flyable and not just 2d smoke and mirror props in a lot of places. If anything I would have expected Horde players to want a warfront outside Silvermoon because of the zone update potential.


…What? There’s just so much wrong here it hurts.

You used your first post on the forums to post… this?


That makes no sense. It’s like asking for a Horde Ironforge dwarf or a Horde kul tiran. High elves are first and foremost a political group that’s partly defined by their allegiance to the Alliance or, at least, rejection of the Horde.

Yes, they can. It’s a skill, they just don’t have any need to use it anymore.