The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

ohhhh… did’nt know about the mages… also, i figured suramar was an elf thing, rather than a horde/alliance thing.

never said there are’nt high elves, just said they did’nt send troops… though Callistus informed me about the mages. had no clue.

I have no idea how you came to this conclusion, i imagine you never played Alliance before. I play this game for 2 years and i’m aware of the High Elf presence in the Alliance even in older expansions.


well, i play alliance, but not that often. i know there’s some in northrend and outland, plus like… 3, in all of stormwind, but if they were fully committed to the alliance, we’d see them patrolling the streets, like the lightforged and void-elves.

Not enough of them for that.

They play specialist roles like Void Elves do. Portal mages, etc. Though, they do have battalions to deploy, such as in Isle of Thunder and Suramar.

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What Nation? You mean the one that was destroyed? Can’t commit treason against something that no longer exists.

I wouldn’t say that “there isn’t enough of them,” I’d say that most of them outside the Silver Covenant are too scattered to get involved, and the Silver Covenant (by far the largest group) is very much tied to Dalaran and Vereeesa.

They help whenever they can, but they’re often tied down to their duty.


Burning Crusade
https:/ /

Wrath of the Lich King
https:/ /

https:/ /

Mists of Pandaria
https:/ /

https:/ /

In Legion they were very important in the Hunter Class Hall campaign with Vareesa and her High Elves being one of the three main forces, the other two being Shandris Feathermoon and her Sentinels and Halduron Brightwing and his Farstriders.
We already listed Suramar, but not Argus were Vareesa and Alleria had a key role.

(cannot ever post links in my entire life because of a one day suspension i took two months ago, what a fair system)


Hey, Mowachassa? You know you don’t have to break up your links right? All you have to do is put brackets around them (the </> button) and it won’t create links.

For example instead of posting
https:/ /

You can post

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…i got nothin. there’s clearly enough high elves they should be playable, but since blizz has a problem with them looking too close to blood-elves (which does’nt make sense, since nightborne and pandaren are a thing) we don’t have’em. what blizz did’nt realize though, is lack of playable high elves, makes them seem like reverse fair-weather friends, only there when the going gets tough. i dunno… makes’em seem not very loyal to me.

oh! also, the reason i mention nightborne is i keep confusing them for night-elves when i’m in bgs… they look so similar from a distance.


Everyone knows that the Murlocs are the true enemy, They are going to take over Silvermoon City, and Quel’thalas. Then wage war upon the world. I saw it while having an arcwine vision.

mrrrrrgglll grrrrgggllll mrrrggg

Apparently it doesn’t work anymore, it would be just easier if i could just post links, i’m not trying to do anything bad with them, the trust system is fine but those limitations are ridiculous.


I can’t help but feel like quite the opposite (Just click on Vereesa for her quotes!) but I’ve played almost exclusively Alliance, so I guess we just have a different perspective on things. But hey, that’s your opinion, and I can’t change that.


They don’t have to look like Blood Elves, it’s clear that races are visually changed when they became playable, with the High Elves it would be no different, they don’t have to look exactly like they do in game, we discussed a lot of visual traits including different hair styles, tattoos and markings, facial hair, jewelry, skin tones that could make into customization options for them. The High Elves in game have about 5 different faces and some skin tone or another and no underwear, think Blizzard would release them as it is?


i dunno, have you seen male goblin faces? xD
but seriously, i know they could look different and all that jazz, but i don’t think blizz realizes that. if they did, we would’ve had’em by now.

The Goblins are another example, they used to look way different before becoming playable. The ones we had now are models from 2010 when they became a playable race in the Horde, and they are in fact outdated for the current graphics (thankfully they are receiving a rework), so i agree with that, but they were worst.

I would post two images here to comparison but i cannot.

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i know, goblins used to share the dwarf skeleton and stuff. sidenote, i’m ecstatic they’re gonna update the goblins.

sorry if that’s off topic, i’m just excited.

We are not certain about Blizzard plans for the next Allied Races, they just acknowledged that High Elves are a popular demand but if they are working or them or not we have no idea, they are just hiding their plans as usual, only to reveal them in a appropriate situation like a Blizzcon.
I’m inclined to believe they might release High Elves because they are popular and releasing them would make many players happy and satisfied, they do those popular additions to animate and encourage players after bad periods, like WoD was, and BfA is being.


How would a warfront make Blood Elves more like High Elves? I don’t see the correlation.


There are many Murlocs in Quel’thalas, their presence is growing while Silvermoon attention is directed at outside issues, they better take care with them or otherwise they might get Darkspeared.