The Unofficial High Elf Discussion Megathread

Don’t worry, Blizzard will find new ways of wasting void elves.

They are a glorified plot device.


The literal and complete opposite. No one is asking for an a** pull like void Elves. That’s exactly what happens when the lore writers have one of their, “wouldn’t this moment be cool?!” And then proceed to write or rewrite the lore as needed to justify it. They have said themselves this is what they do in that twitch stream they did. I don’t have a time stamp but it’s when they were talking about Rezan saving Talanji. No argument from me on that, and when High Elves become playable I will be race changing ASAP.

What people, or most people at least I have see a few wild ideas to be fair, want is an expansion on existing lore. Explore the stories waiting to be told based on the existing and very well founded lore.

Problem is when you don’t like the implications of the lore you need to hand wave it away.


I know you guys are just speculating, but if there’s two things we probably aren’t going to see are: another Warfront (seriously, waste of time and resources) and Azuremyst and Quel’thalas being touched. Honestly i don’t think the war will continue in the same pace after this patch, we are going to Nazjatar and probably to the Old God city in patches 8.2 and 8.3, the theme of the expansion is shifting quickly and this was intended, in the last expansion focused on that we also stopped the war between the two factions because there cannot be no winner.
Anyway after this expansion we are going to get our High Elves, no worries, Quel’thalas Warfront don’t have anything to do with High Elves.


Warfronts coincide with a change in PvP armor models, and that only happens in odd numbered seasons.


I actually believe they will eventually remodel Quel’thalas.

I hope for a Warfront there because it justifies it.


You’re right a Silvermoon Warfront would work wonders on making Blood Elves more like High Elves. Why hadn’t I thought of this, why differentiate Blood Elves and High Elves when you can make us more alike. Here I thought you all wanted to break away from the whole Blood Elves are High Elves monicker. But look at you trying to make us High Elves again thank you.


If you love and care so much about the Blood Elves why you want to be a High Elf again? Throw all that development and characterization to be called High Elf? No, you are a Sin’dorei, those details are very important.


don’t troll. and don’t be a traitor to your people. The very idea of being like a high elf should make you feel sick.


If you want to play a High Elf the Alliance is waitin… oh wait, it’s not possible to play a High Elf.


I’m not Trolling, a Warfront would make us more like High Elves. I was asked to see the good in this Warfront, being more like a High Elf is one of them.

I don’t get why you oppose High Elves as an playable race when you want the Sin’dorei to be more like… High Elves. Being a Sin’dorei is not being a Horde High Elf, you should’ve know that.


I’m against Playable Alliance High Elves, Horde High Elves don’t seem that bad. We would still be Blood Elves, we would just be more like the High Elves we once were.


blood elves ARE high elves. like, literally the same race. only difference is green eyes and a tiny magic addiction (which they’ve pretty-much gotten over at this point what with the gold eyes and all). heck, you wanna look like a high elf? just roll a dk, same colour eyes.

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but we want to play the actual High Elves that are in the game right now.


and what you are saying is treason to your nation and your people so you should probably stop.

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You have to ignore everything that happened since the beginning of World of Warcraft to imagine that this isn’t a bad idea.


Read the OP before jumping into conclusions. Being fair you are not the first to say this.


as much as i’d play a high elf, they don’t seem loyal enough to the alliance for them to join up with’em. i mean, how many years have they been with the alliance, but not enough to send troops?

Read the OP


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